Add newlines to OS Upgrade questions.
Move PCNet interrupt #defines.
Improve E1000 PCI device loading.
Add comments in E1000 driver to sketch out dev process.
Fix unused var warning in OSUpgrade.
Add Who() output to main generated HTML index file.
Rename all 'inst' to 'instruction'.
Change NetLog behaviour, remove window tiling.
Change network stack to throw if no applicable driver can be loaded.
Update line counts.
Make HTML doc generation force index files to make links from subdirectories.
Added Sixto-Clementine Vulgate Bible to Misc/.
Fix User window height, patch font chars.
Remove some unneeded IDE functions.
Clean up Mount2().
Alter window border chars in Std Font, patch Aux Font.
Alter window scroll bar drawing routine.
Make System Task window smaller by default.
Implement default args for Ed and PopUpEd.
Add color to '[X]' and 'MENU' in window border top, remove both from System task and remove 'MENU' from AutoComplete task.
Fix illegal forward reference compiler error in DiskAddDev.CC.
Change 32BitDemo.CC to use a #define for the square draw delay.
Fixed Span game bottom mass location and cost report.
Fix CastleFrankenstein slowdown on bare-metal when turning.
Fix TreeCheckers move radius.
Implement palette swapping for some games.
Abstract PCI functions out from PCIBIOS.CC into their own file, add calls to PCIBIOS from PCI functions.
Fix AHCI BIOS handoff bug.
Raise version number.
Fix AHCI port and command waits hanging entire OS by using Yield.
Fix DVD boot hardcoded AHCI port number, correctly search ports for ATAPI drive.
Fix compiler unused variable warnings in Mount2.
Fix ARP not updating cached entries on ARPCachePut calls.
Fix DNS not updating cached entries on DNSCachePut calls.
Clean up repeated gross syntax in DHCPOfferParse.
Fix Host() and DNSRep IPV4 kludge, use proper switch case block based on result address family type.
Change CNetQueueEntry member variable length to packet_length.
Remove Debug statements when sockets use AF_INET6 or AF_UNSPEC, change to NetErr.
Change UDP message queues to be allocated and initialized when UDPSocket is called, instead of when binding.
Standardize filenames in Tests/ folder.
Remove old test files.
Remove outdated TODO comments.