The rationale is explained in https://planet.kde.org/friedrich-kossebau-2023-06-28-include-also-moc-files-of-headers/ In case of KDEConnect, it impressively speeds up compilation. Before it took 390 seconds on a clean build and with this change it took 330 seconds. This is due to the mocs_compilation having to include the header files and thus all their headers. Due to the lots of small plugins we have, this means that the same headers must be compiled plenty of times. When we include the moc files directly in the C++ file, they are already available.
137 lines
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137 lines
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* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Albert Vaca <albertvaka@gmail.com>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
#include "batteryplugin.h"
#include <KLocalizedString>
#include <KPluginFactory>
#include <Solid/Battery>
#include <Solid/Device>
#include <Solid/Predicate>
#include <core/daemon.h>
#include "plugin_battery_debug.h"
K_PLUGIN_CLASS_WITH_JSON(BatteryPlugin, "kdeconnect_battery.json")
const auto batteryDevice = Solid::DeviceInterface::Type::Battery;
const auto primary = Solid::Battery::BatteryType::PrimaryBattery;
BatteryPlugin::BatteryPlugin(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args)
: KdeConnectPlugin(parent, args)
QList<Solid::Device> batteries = Solid::Device::listFromQuery(Solid::Predicate(batteryDevice, QStringLiteral("type"), primary));
if (batteries.isEmpty()) {
qCWarning(KDECONNECT_PLUGIN_BATTERY) << "No Primary Battery detected on this system. This may be a bug.";
QList<Solid::Device> allBatteries = Solid::Device::listFromType(batteryDevice);
qCWarning(KDECONNECT_PLUGIN_BATTERY) << "Total quantity of batteries found: " << allBatteries.size();
// Ok, there's at least one. Let's assume it will remain attached (for most laptops
// and desktops, this is a safe assumption).
const Solid::Battery *chosen = batteries.first().as<Solid::Battery>();
connect(chosen, &Solid::Battery::chargeStateChanged, this, &BatteryPlugin::slotChargeChanged);
connect(chosen, &Solid::Battery::chargePercentChanged, this, &BatteryPlugin::slotChargeChanged);
int BatteryPlugin::charge() const
return m_charge;
bool BatteryPlugin::isCharging() const
return m_isCharging;
void BatteryPlugin::connected()
// Explicitly send the current charge
void BatteryPlugin::slotChargeChanged()
// Note: the NetworkPacket sent at the end of this method can reflect MULTIPLE batteries.
// We average the total charge against the total number of batteries, which in practice
// seems to work out ok.
bool isAnyBatteryCharging = false;
int batteryQuantity = 0;
int cumulativeCharge = 0;
QList<Solid::Device> batteries = Solid::Device::listFromQuery(Solid::Predicate(batteryDevice, QStringLiteral("type"), primary));
for (auto device : batteries) {
const Solid::Battery *battery = device.as<Solid::Battery>();
// Don't look at batteries that can be easily detached
if (battery->isPowerSupply()) {
cumulativeCharge += battery->chargePercent();
if (battery->chargeState() == Solid::Battery::ChargeState::Charging) {
isAnyBatteryCharging = true;
if (batteryQuantity == 0) {
qCWarning(KDECONNECT_PLUGIN_BATTERY) << "Primary Battery seems to have been removed. Suspending packets until it is reconnected.";
// Load a new Battery object to represent the first device in the list
Solid::Battery *chosen = batteries.first().as<Solid::Battery>();
// Prepare an outgoing network packet
NetworkPacket status(PACKET_TYPE_BATTERY, {{}});
status.set(QStringLiteral("isCharging"), isAnyBatteryCharging);
const int charge = cumulativeCharge / batteryQuantity;
status.set(QStringLiteral("currentCharge"), charge);
// FIXME: In future, we should consider sending an array of battery objects
status.set(QStringLiteral("batteryQuantity"), batteryQuantity);
// We consider the primary battery to be low if it's below 15%
if (charge <= 15 && chosen->chargeState() == Solid::Battery::ChargeState::Discharging) {
status.set(QStringLiteral("thresholdEvent"), (int)ThresholdBatteryLow);
} else {
status.set(QStringLiteral("thresholdEvent"), (int)ThresholdNone);
bool BatteryPlugin::receivePacket(const NetworkPacket &np)
if (PACKET_TYPE_BATTERY != np.type()) {
return false;
m_isCharging = np.get<bool>(QStringLiteral("isCharging"), false);
m_charge = np.get<int>(QStringLiteral("currentCharge"), -1);
const int thresholdEvent = np.get<int>(QStringLiteral("thresholdEvent"), (int)ThresholdNone);
Q_EMIT refreshed(m_isCharging, m_charge);
if (thresholdEvent == ThresholdBatteryLow && !m_isCharging) {
i18nc("device name: low battery", "%1: Low Battery", device()->name()),
i18n("Battery at %1%", m_charge),
return true;
QString BatteryPlugin::dbusPath() const
return QStringLiteral("/modules/kdeconnect/devices/") + device()->id() + QStringLiteral("/battery");
#include "batteryplugin.moc"
#include "moc_batteryplugin.cpp"