import os def create_file(path, content=""): with open(path, 'w') as file: file.write(content) def create_cpp_project_structure(project_name): # Define the folder structure folders = [ f"{project_name}/include/{project_name}", f"{project_name}/src", f"{project_name}/tests", f"{project_name}/third_party", f"{project_name}/build", f"{project_name}/docs" ] # Create the folders for folder in folders: os.makedirs(folder, exist_ok=True) # Define the content for CMakeLists.txt cmake_content = f"""cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10) project({project_name} VERSION 1.0) # Specify C++ standard set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED True) # Add include directory include_directories(include) # Add executable add_executable({project_name} src/main.cpp src/example.cpp) # Add library (if you have one) add_library(example src/example.cpp) target_include_directories(example PUBLIC include) # Link library to executable target_link_libraries({project_name} example) # Add tests enable_testing() add_subdirectory(tests) """ # Define the content for tests/CMakeLists.txt tests_cmake_content = """add_executable(runTests test_example.cpp) target_link_libraries(runTests gtest gtest_main) add_test(NAME ExampleTest COMMAND runTests) """ # Define the content for main.cpp main_cpp_content = """#include int main() { std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl; return 0; } """ # Define the content for example.h example_h_content = f"""#ifndef {project_name.upper()}_EXAMPLE_H #define {project_name.upper()}_EXAMPLE_H void exampleFunction(); #endif // {project_name.upper()}_EXAMPLE_H """ # Define the content for example.cpp example_cpp_content = f"""#include "{project_name}/example.h" #include void exampleFunction() {{ std::cout << "This is an example function." << std::endl; }} """ # Define the content for test_example.cpp test_example_content = """#include TEST(ExampleTest, BasicAssertions) { // Expect two strings to be equal. EXPECT_EQ("hello", "hello"); // Expect equality. EXPECT_EQ(7 * 6, 42); } """ # Define the content for readme_content = f"""# {project_name} This is the {project_name} project. """ # Create files with the defined content create_file(f"{project_name}/CMakeLists.txt", cmake_content) create_file(f"{project_name}/tests/CMakeLists.txt", tests_cmake_content) create_file(f"{project_name}/src/main.cpp", main_cpp_content) create_file(f"{project_name}/include/{project_name}/example.h", example_h_content) create_file(f"{project_name}/src/example.cpp", example_cpp_content) create_file(f"{project_name}/tests/test_example.cpp", test_example_content) create_file(f"{project_name}/", readme_content) print(f"C++ project '{project_name}' structure generated successfully.") # Prompt the user for a project name project_name = input("Enter the project name: ") create_cpp_project_structure(project_name)