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synced 2025-03-28 02:50:48 +00:00
369 lines
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369 lines
13 KiB
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Error, Result};
use std::{
fs::{self, read_dir, OpenOptions},
io::{self, Read, Write},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
process::{Command, Stdio},
use crate::{
cargo_toml::{append_bins, bins_start_end_ind, BINS_BUFFER_CAPACITY},
collections::{hash_set_with_capacity, HashSet},
exercise::{RunnableExercise, OUTPUT_CAPACITY},
info_file::{ExerciseInfo, InfoFile},
const MAX_EXERCISE_NAME_LEN: usize = 32;
// Find a char that isn't allowed in the exercise's `name` or `dir`.
fn forbidden_char(input: &str) -> Option<char> {
input.chars().find(|c| !c.is_alphanumeric() && *c != '_')
// Check that the `Cargo.toml` file is up-to-date.
fn check_cargo_toml(
exercise_infos: &[ExerciseInfo],
cargo_toml_path: &str,
exercise_path_prefix: &[u8],
) -> Result<()> {
let current_cargo_toml = fs::read_to_string(cargo_toml_path)
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to read the file `{cargo_toml_path}`"))?;
let (bins_start_ind, bins_end_ind) = bins_start_end_ind(¤t_cargo_toml)?;
let old_bins = ¤t_cargo_toml.as_bytes()[bins_start_ind..bins_end_ind];
let mut new_bins = Vec::with_capacity(BINS_BUFFER_CAPACITY);
append_bins(&mut new_bins, exercise_infos, exercise_path_prefix);
if old_bins != new_bins {
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
bail!("The file `dev/Cargo.toml` is outdated. Run `cargo run -- dev update` to update it. Then run `cargo run -- dev check` again");
bail!("The file `Cargo.toml` is outdated. Run `rustlings dev update` to update it. Then run `rustlings dev check` again");
// Check the info of all exercises and return their paths in a set.
fn check_info_file_exercises(info_file: &InfoFile) -> Result<HashSet<PathBuf>> {
let mut names = hash_set_with_capacity(info_file.exercises.len());
let mut paths = hash_set_with_capacity(info_file.exercises.len());
let mut file_buf = String::with_capacity(1 << 14);
for exercise_info in &info_file.exercises {
let name = exercise_info.name.as_str();
if name.is_empty() {
bail!("Found an empty exercise name in `info.toml`");
if name.len() > MAX_EXERCISE_NAME_LEN {
bail!("The length of the exercise name `{name}` is bigger than the maximum {MAX_EXERCISE_NAME_LEN}");
if let Some(c) = forbidden_char(name) {
bail!("Char `{c}` in the exercise name `{name}` is not allowed");
if let Some(dir) = &exercise_info.dir {
if dir.is_empty() {
bail!("The exercise `{name}` has an empty dir name in `info.toml`");
if let Some(c) = forbidden_char(dir) {
bail!("Char `{c}` in the exercise dir `{dir}` is not allowed");
if exercise_info.hint.trim_ascii().is_empty() {
bail!("The exercise `{name}` has an empty hint. Please provide a hint or at least tell the user why a hint isn't needed for this exercise");
if !names.insert(name) {
bail!("The exercise name `{name}` is duplicated. Exercise names must all be unique");
let path = exercise_info.path();
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to open the file {path}"))?
.read_to_string(&mut file_buf)
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to read the file {path}"))?;
if !file_buf.contains("fn main()") {
bail!("The `main` function is missing in the file `{path}`.\nCreate at least an empty `main` function to avoid language server errors");
if !file_buf.contains("// TODO") {
bail!("Didn't find any `// TODO` comment in the file `{path}`.\nYou need to have at least one such comment to guide the user.");
let contains_tests = file_buf.contains("#[test]\n");
if exercise_info.test {
if !contains_tests {
bail!("The file `{path}` doesn't contain any tests. If you don't want to add tests to this exercise, set `test = false` for this exercise in the `info.toml` file");
} else if contains_tests {
bail!("The file `{path}` contains tests annotated with `#[test]` but the exercise `{name}` has `test = false` in the `info.toml` file");
// Check `dir` for unexpected files.
// Only Rust files in `allowed_rust_files` and `README.md` files are allowed.
// Only one level of directory nesting is allowed.
fn check_unexpected_files(dir: &str, allowed_rust_files: &HashSet<PathBuf>) -> Result<()> {
let unexpected_file = |path: &Path| {
anyhow!("Found the file `{}`. Only `README.md` and Rust files related to an exercise in `info.toml` are allowed in the `{dir}` directory", path.display())
for entry in read_dir(dir).with_context(|| format!("Failed to open the `{dir}` directory"))? {
let entry = entry.with_context(|| format!("Failed to read the `{dir}` directory"))?;
if entry.file_type().unwrap().is_file() {
let path = entry.path();
let file_name = path.file_name().unwrap();
if file_name == "README.md" {
if !allowed_rust_files.contains(&path) {
return Err(unexpected_file(&path));
let dir_path = entry.path();
for entry in read_dir(&dir_path)
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to open the directory {}", dir_path.display()))?
let entry = entry
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to read the directory {}", dir_path.display()))?;
let path = entry.path();
if !entry.file_type().unwrap().is_file() {
bail!("Found `{}` but expected only files. Only one level of exercise nesting is allowed", path.display());
let file_name = path.file_name().unwrap();
if file_name == "README.md" {
if !allowed_rust_files.contains(&path) {
return Err(unexpected_file(&path));
fn check_exercises_unsolved(
info_file: &'static InfoFile,
cmd_runner: &'static CmdRunner,
) -> Result<()> {
let mut stdout = io::stdout().lock();
stdout.write_all(b"Running all exercises to check that they aren't already solved...\n")?;
let handles = info_file
.filter_map(|exercise_info| {
if exercise_info.skip_check_unsolved {
return None;
.spawn(|| exercise_info.run_exercise(None, cmd_runner))
.map(|handle| (exercise_info.name.as_str(), handle)),
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
.context("Failed to spawn a thread to check if an exercise is already solved")?;
let n_handles = handles.len();
write!(stdout, "Progress: 0/{n_handles}")?;
let mut handle_num = 1;
for (exercise_name, handle) in handles {
let Ok(result) = handle.join() else {
bail!("Panic while trying to run the exericse {exercise_name}");
match result {
Ok(true) => {
bail!("The exercise {exercise_name} is already solved.\n{SKIP_CHECK_UNSOLVED_HINT}",)
Ok(false) => (),
Err(e) => return Err(e),
write!(stdout, "\rProgress: {handle_num}/{n_handles}")?;
handle_num += 1;
fn check_exercises(info_file: &'static InfoFile, cmd_runner: &'static CmdRunner) -> Result<()> {
match info_file.format_version.cmp(&CURRENT_FORMAT_VERSION) {
Ordering::Less => bail!("`format_version` < {CURRENT_FORMAT_VERSION} (supported version)\nPlease migrate to the latest format version"),
Ordering::Greater => bail!("`format_version` > {CURRENT_FORMAT_VERSION} (supported version)\nTry updating the Rustlings program"),
Ordering::Equal => (),
let handle = thread::Builder::new()
.spawn(move || check_exercises_unsolved(info_file, cmd_runner))
.context("Failed to spawn a thread to check if any exercise is already solved")?;
let info_file_paths = check_info_file_exercises(info_file)?;
check_unexpected_files("exercises", &info_file_paths)?;
enum SolutionCheck {
Success { sol_path: String },
RunFailure { output: Vec<u8> },
fn check_solutions(
require_solutions: bool,
info_file: &'static InfoFile,
cmd_runner: &'static CmdRunner,
) -> Result<()> {
let mut stdout = io::stdout().lock();
stdout.write_all(b"Running all solutions...\n")?;
let handles = info_file
.map(|exercise_info| {
thread::Builder::new().spawn(move || {
let sol_path = exercise_info.sol_path();
if !Path::new(&sol_path).exists() {
if require_solutions {
return SolutionCheck::Err(anyhow!(
"The solution of the exercise {} is missing",
return SolutionCheck::MissingOptional;
let mut output = Vec::with_capacity(OUTPUT_CAPACITY);
match exercise_info.run_solution(Some(&mut output), cmd_runner) {
Ok(true) => SolutionCheck::Success { sol_path },
Ok(false) => SolutionCheck::RunFailure { output },
Err(e) => SolutionCheck::Err(e),
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
.context("Failed to spawn a thread to check a solution")?;
let mut sol_paths = hash_set_with_capacity(info_file.exercises.len());
let mut fmt_cmd = Command::new("rustfmt");
let n_handles = handles.len();
write!(stdout, "Progress: 0/{n_handles}")?;
let mut handle_num = 1;
for (exercise_info, handle) in info_file.exercises.iter().zip(handles) {
let Ok(check_result) = handle.join() else {
"Panic while trying to run the solution of the exericse {}",
match check_result {
SolutionCheck::Success { sol_path } => {
SolutionCheck::MissingOptional => (),
SolutionCheck::RunFailure { output } => {
"Running the solution of the exercise {} failed with the error above",
SolutionCheck::Err(e) => return Err(e),
write!(stdout, "\rProgress: {handle_num}/{n_handles}")?;
handle_num += 1;
let handle = thread::Builder::new()
.spawn(move || check_unexpected_files("solutions", &sol_paths))
"Failed to spawn a thread to check for unexpected files in the solutions directory",
if !fmt_cmd
.context("Failed to run `rustfmt` on all solution files")?
bail!("Some solutions aren't formatted. Run `rustfmt` on them");
pub fn check(require_solutions: bool) -> Result<()> {
let info_file = InfoFile::parse()?;
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
// A hack to make `cargo run -- dev check` work when developing Rustlings.
check_cargo_toml(&info_file.exercises, "dev/Cargo.toml", b"../")?;
} else {
check_cargo_toml(&info_file.exercises, "Cargo.toml", b"")?;
// Leaking is fine since they are used until the end of the program.
let cmd_runner = Box::leak(Box::new(CmdRunner::build()?));
let info_file = Box::leak(Box::new(info_file));
check_exercises(info_file, cmd_runner)?;
check_solutions(require_solutions, info_file, cmd_runner)?;
println!("Everything looks fine!");
const SKIP_CHECK_UNSOLVED_HINT: &str = "If this is an introduction exercise that is intended to be already solved, add `skip_check_unsolved = true` to the exercise's metadata in the `info.toml` file";