#!/bin/bash echo "Content-type: text/html" echo "" # Log the raw POST data for debugging read POST_DATA # Parse the form data TOKEN="" PASSWORD="" CONFIRM_PASSWORD="" IFS='&' # Split fields by "&" for param in $POST_DATA; do IFS='=' read -r key value <<< "$param" key=$(urldecode "$key") value=$(urldecode "$value") case $key in token) TOKEN="$value" ;; password) PASSWORD="$value" ;; confirm_password) CONFIRM_PASSWORD="$value" ;; esac done # Check if passwords match if [ "$PASSWORD" != "$CONFIRM_PASSWORD" ]; then cat <<EOF <html> <head><title>Password Reset Failed</title></head> <body> <h1>Passwords do not match!</h1> <a href="/login/reset_password.cgi?token=$TOKEN">Try again</a> </body> </html> EOF exit 1 fi # Hash the password PASSWORD_HASH=$(echo -n "$PASSWORD" | sha256sum | awk '{print $1}') # Update the user's password and remove the reset token DB_PATH="/var/lib/monotreme/data/monotreme.db" sqlite3 $DB_PATH "UPDATE users SET password_hash='$PASSWORD_HASH', reset_token=NULL, reset_expires=NULL WHERE reset_token='$TOKEN';" # Confirmation cat <<EOF <html> <head><title>Password Reset Successful</title></head> <body> <h1>Your password has been reset!</h1> <a href="/login/">Go to login page</a> </body> </html> EOF