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170 lines
8.2 KiB
170 lines
8.2 KiB
"$schema": "../kdeconnect.schema.json",
"KPlugin": {
"Authors": [
"Email": "aleixpol@kde.org",
"Name": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[ar]": "ألكس بول",
"Name[az]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[bg]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[ca@valencia]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[ca]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[cs]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[da]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[de]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[el]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[en_GB]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[eo]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[es]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[et]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[eu]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[fi]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[fr]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[gl]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[he]": "אלש פול",
"Name[hi]": "एलेक्स पोल",
"Name[hu]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[ia]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[id]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[ie]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[is]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[it]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[ja]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[ka]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[ko]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[lt]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[lv]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[nl]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[nn]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[pa]": "ਐਲਿਕਸ ਪੋਲ",
"Name[pl]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[pt]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[pt_BR]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[ro]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[ru]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[sk]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[sl]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[sr@ijekavian]": "Алекс Пол Гонзалез",
"Name[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "Aleks Pol Gonzalez",
"Name[sr@latin]": "Aleks Pol Gonzalez",
"Name[sr]": "Алекс Пол Гонзалез",
"Name[sv]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[tr]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[uk]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[x-test]": "xxAleix Polxx",
"Name[zh_CN]": "Aleix Pol",
"Name[zh_TW]": "Aleix Pol"
"Description": "Control Remote systems",
"Description[ar]": "تحكّم بالأنظمة البعيدة",
"Description[az]": "Uzaq sistemləri idarə etmək",
"Description[bg]": "Контрол на отдалечени системи",
"Description[ca@valencia]": "Sistemes de control remot",
"Description[ca]": "Sistemes de control remot",
"Description[cs]": "Ovládejte vzdálené systémy",
"Description[da]": "Kontrollér eksterne systemer",
"Description[de]": "Entfernte Systeme steuern",
"Description[el]": "Έλεγχος ανταπόκρισης απομακρυσμένων συστημάτων",
"Description[en_GB]": "Control Remote systems",
"Description[eo]": "Regi Forajn sistemojn",
"Description[es]": "Controlar sistemas remotos",
"Description[et]": "Kaugjuhtimissüsteemid",
"Description[eu]": "Kontrolatu urruneko sistemak",
"Description[fi]": "Ohjaa järjestelmiä etänä",
"Description[fr]": "Contrôlez les systèmes distants",
"Description[gl]": "Controla sistemas remotos.",
"Description[he]": "שליטה במערכות מרוחקות",
"Description[hi]": "रिमोट सिस्टम को नियंत्रित करें",
"Description[hu]": "Távoli rendszerek vezérlése",
"Description[ia]": "Systema de Controlo Remote",
"Description[id]": "Kendali sistem jarak jauh",
"Description[is]": "Stjórna fjartengdum kerfum",
"Description[it]": "Controlla i sistemi remoti",
"Description[ja]": "システムをリモート操作",
"Description[ka]": "დაშორებული სისტემების კონტროლი",
"Description[ko]": "원격 시스템 제어",
"Description[lt]": "Valdyti nuotolines sistemas",
"Description[lv]": "Kontrolēt attālinātās sistēmas",
"Description[nl]": "Systemen op afstand bedienen",
"Description[nn]": "Fjernkontroller system",
"Description[pa]": "ਕੰਟਰੋਲ ਰਿਮੋਟ ਸਿਸਟਮ",
"Description[pl]": "Steruje innym urządzeniem z tego urządzenia",
"Description[pt]": "Comandar sistemas à distância",
"Description[pt_BR]": "Controle remoto de sistemas",
"Description[ro]": "Controlează sisteme de la distanță",
"Description[ru]": "Управление подключёнными системами",
"Description[sk]": "Ovládanie vzdialených systémov",
"Description[sl]": "Nadzoruj oddaljene sisteme",
"Description[sr@ijekavian]": "Контролише удаљене системе",
"Description[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "Kontroliše udaljene sisteme",
"Description[sr@latin]": "Kontroliše udaljene sisteme",
"Description[sr]": "Контролише удаљене системе",
"Description[sv]": "Styr externt system",
"Description[ta]": "தொலை சாதனங்களை கட்டுப்படுத்த விடும்",
"Description[tr]": "Uzak sistemleri denetle",
"Description[uk]": "Системи віддаленого керування",
"Description[x-test]": "xxControl Remote systemsxx",
"Description[zh_CN]": "控制远程系统",
"Description[zh_TW]": "控制遠端系統",
"EnabledByDefault": true,
"Icon": "edit-select",
"License": "GPL",
"Name": "RemoteControl",
"Name[ar]": "التّحكّم عن بعد",
"Name[az]": "Məsafədən İdarə",
"Name[bg]": "Отдалечен контрол",
"Name[ca@valencia]": "Control remot",
"Name[ca]": "Control remot",
"Name[cs]": "Dálkové ovládání",
"Name[da]": "FjernBetjening",
"Name[de]": "Fernsteuerung",
"Name[el]": "RemoteControl",
"Name[en_GB]": "RemoteControl",
"Name[eo]": "Remote Control",
"Name[es]": "Control remoto",
"Name[et]": "Kaugjuhtimine",
"Name[eu]": "UrrunekoKontrola",
"Name[fi]": "Kauko-ohjain",
"Name[fr]": "Télécommande",
"Name[gl]": "Mando a distancia",
"Name[he]": "שלט רחוק",
"Name[hi]": "रिमोट कंट्रोल",
"Name[hu]": "Távirányítás",
"Name[ia]": "Controlo Remote",
"Name[id]": "Kendali Jarak Jauh",
"Name[is]": "RemoteControl",
"Name[it]": "Telecomando",
"Name[ja]": "リモートコントロール",
"Name[ka]": "დაშორებული მართვა",
"Name[ko]": "원격 제어",
"Name[lt]": "Nuotolinis valdymas",
"Name[lv]": "Attālinātā vadība",
"Name[nl]": "Afstandsbediening",
"Name[nn]": "Fjernkontroll",
"Name[pa]": "ਰਿਮੋਟ-ਕੰਟਰੋਲ",
"Name[pl]": "Sterowanie z tego urządzenia",
"Name[pt]": "Comando à Distância",
"Name[pt_BR]": "Controle remoto",
"Name[ro]": "Telecomandă",
"Name[ru]": "Удалённое управление",
"Name[sk]": "Diaľkové ovládanie",
"Name[sl]": "Oddaljen nadzor",
"Name[sr@ijekavian]": "Удаљене контроле",
"Name[sr@ijekavianlatin]": "Udaljene kontrole",
"Name[sr@latin]": "Udaljene kontrole",
"Name[sr]": "Удаљене контроле",
"Name[sv]": "Fjärrkontroll",
"Name[ta]": "தொலையியக்கி",
"Name[tr]": "UzaktanKumanda",
"Name[uk]": "RemoteControl",
"Name[x-test]": "xxRemoteControlxx",
"Name[zh_CN]": "远程控制",
"Name[zh_TW]": "遠端控制"
"X-KdeConnect-OutgoingPacketType": [
"X-KdeConnect-SupportedPacketType": []