Simon Redman a5a0c16b61 Match contacts with many phone numbers
Also adds testing for some back-end of the SMS app
2019-05-30 19:18:32 +00:00

289 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2018 Aleix Pol Gonzalez <aleixpol@kde.org>
* Copyright (C) 2018 Simon Redman <simon@ergotech.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version
* accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved
* by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy
* defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "conversationlistmodel.h"
#include <QString>
#include <QLoggingCategory>
#include "interfaces/conversationmessage.h"
#include "interfaces/dbusinterfaces.h"
ConversationListModel::ConversationListModel(QObject* parent)
: QStandardItemModel(parent)
, m_conversationsInterface(nullptr)
//qCDebug(KDECONNECT_SMS_CONVERSATIONS_LIST_MODEL) << "Constructing" << this;
auto roles = roleNames();
roles.insert(FromMeRole, "fromMe");
roles.insert(AddressRole, "address");
roles.insert(PersonUriRole, "personUri");
roles.insert(ConversationIdRole, "conversationId");
roles.insert(DateRole, "date");
void ConversationListModel::setDeviceId(const QString& deviceId)
if (deviceId == m_deviceId) {
if (deviceId.isEmpty()) {
qCDebug(KDECONNECT_SMS_CONVERSATIONS_LIST_MODEL) << "setDeviceId" << deviceId << "of" << this;
if (m_conversationsInterface) {
disconnect(m_conversationsInterface, SIGNAL(conversationCreated(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(handleCreatedConversation(QVariantMap)));
disconnect(m_conversationsInterface, SIGNAL(conversationUpdated(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(handleConversationUpdated(QVariantMap)));
delete m_conversationsInterface;
m_conversationsInterface = nullptr;
m_deviceId = deviceId;
Q_EMIT deviceIdChanged();
// This method still gets called *with a valid deviceID* when the device is not connected while the component is setting up
// Detect that case and don't do anything.
DeviceDbusInterface device(deviceId);
if (!(device.isValid() && device.isReachable())) {
m_conversationsInterface = new DeviceConversationsDbusInterface(deviceId, this);
connect(m_conversationsInterface, SIGNAL(conversationCreated(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(handleCreatedConversation(QVariantMap)));
connect(m_conversationsInterface, SIGNAL(conversationUpdated(QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(handleConversationUpdated(QVariantMap)));
void ConversationListModel::prepareConversationsList()
if (!m_conversationsInterface->isValid()) {
qCWarning(KDECONNECT_SMS_CONVERSATIONS_LIST_MODEL) << "Tried to prepareConversationsList with an invalid interface!";
QDBusPendingReply<QVariantList> validThreadIDsReply = m_conversationsInterface->activeConversations();
setWhenAvailable(validThreadIDsReply, [this](const QVariantList& convs) {
clear(); // If we clear before we receive the reply, there might be a (several second) visual gap!
for (const QVariant& headMessage : convs) {
QDBusArgument data = headMessage.value<QDBusArgument>();
QVariantMap message;
data >> message;
}, this);
void ConversationListModel::handleCreatedConversation(const QVariantMap& msg)
void ConversationListModel::handleConversationUpdated(const QVariantMap& msg)
void ConversationListModel::printDBusError(const QDBusError& error)
QStandardItem * ConversationListModel::conversationForThreadId(qint32 threadId)
for(int i=0, c=rowCount(); i<c; ++i) {
auto it = item(i, 0);
if (it->data(ConversationIdRole) == threadId)
return it;
return nullptr;
void ConversationListModel::createRowFromMessage(const QVariantMap& msg)
const ConversationMessage message(msg);
if (message.type() == -1) {
// The Android side currently hacks in -1 if something weird comes up
// TODO: Remove this hack when MMS support is implemented
bool toadd = false;
QStandardItem* item = conversationForThreadId(message.threadID());
if (!item) {
toadd = true;
item = new QStandardItem();
QScopedPointer<KPeople::PersonData> personData(lookupPersonByAddress(message.address()));
if (personData) {
item->setData(personData->personUri(), PersonUriRole);
} else {
item->setData(QString(), PersonUriRole);
item->setData(message.threadID(), ConversationIdRole);
// Update the message if the data is newer
// This will be true if a conversation receives a new message, but false when the user
// does something to trigger past conversation history loading
bool oldDateExists;
qint64 oldDate = item->data(DateRole).toLongLong(&oldDateExists);
if (!oldDateExists || message.date() >= oldDate) {
// If there was no old data or incoming data is newer, update the record
item->setData(message.address(), AddressRole);
item->setData(message.type() == ConversationMessage::MessageTypeSent, FromMeRole);
item->setData(message.body(), Qt::ToolTipRole);
item->setData(message.date(), DateRole);
if (toadd)
KPeople::PersonData* ConversationListModel::lookupPersonByAddress(const QString& address)
const QString& canonicalAddress = canonicalizePhoneNumber(address);
int rowIndex = 0;
for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < m_people.rowCount(); rowIndex++) {
const QString& uri = m_people.get(rowIndex, KPeople::PersonsModel::PersonUriRole).toString();
KPeople::PersonData* person = new KPeople::PersonData(uri);
const QStringList& allEmails = person->allEmails();
for (const QString& email : allEmails) {
// Although we are nominally an SMS messaging app, it is possible to send messages to phone numbers using email -> sms bridges
if (address == email) {
return person;
// TODO: Either upgrade KPeople with an allPhoneNumbers method
const QVariantList allPhoneNumbers = person->contactCustomProperty(QStringLiteral("all-phoneNumber")).toList();
for (const QVariant& rawPhoneNumber : allPhoneNumbers) {
const QString& phoneNumber = canonicalizePhoneNumber(rawPhoneNumber.toString());
bool matchingPhoneNumber = isPhoneNumberMatchCanonicalized(canonicalAddress, phoneNumber);
if (matchingPhoneNumber) {
//qCDebug(KDECONNECT_SMS_CONVERSATIONS_LIST_MODEL) << "Matched" << address << "to" << person->name();
return person;
delete person;
return nullptr;
bool ConversationListModel::isPhoneNumberMatchCanonicalized(const QString& canonicalPhone1, const QString& canonicalPhone2)
// To decide if a phone number matches:
// 1. Are they similar lengths? If two numbers are very different, probably one is junk data and should be ignored
// 2. Is one a superset of the other? Phone number digits get more specific the further towards the end of the string,
// so if one phone number ends with the other, it is probably just a more-complete version of the same thing
const QString& longerNumber = canonicalPhone1.length() >= canonicalPhone2.length() ? canonicalPhone1 : canonicalPhone2;
const QString& shorterNumber = canonicalPhone1.length() < canonicalPhone2.length() ? canonicalPhone1 : canonicalPhone2;
const CountryCode& country = determineCountryCode(longerNumber);
const bool shorterNumberIsShortCode = isShortCode(shorterNumber, country);
const bool longerNumberIsShortCode = isShortCode(longerNumber, country);
if ((shorterNumberIsShortCode && !longerNumberIsShortCode) || (!shorterNumberIsShortCode && longerNumberIsShortCode)) {
// If only one of the numbers is a short code, they clearly do not match
return false;
bool matchingPhoneNumber = longerNumber.endsWith(shorterNumber);
return matchingPhoneNumber;
bool ConversationListModel::isPhoneNumberMatch(const QString& phone1, const QString& phone2)
const QString& canonicalPhone1 = canonicalizePhoneNumber(phone1);
const QString& canonicalPhone2 = canonicalizePhoneNumber(phone2);
return ConversationListModel::isPhoneNumberMatchCanonicalized(canonicalPhone1, canonicalPhone2);
bool ConversationListModel::isShortCode(const QString& phoneNumber, const ConversationListModel::CountryCode& country)
// Regardless of which country this number belongs to, a number of length less than 6 is a "short code"
if (phoneNumber.length() <= 6) {
return true;
if (country == CountryCode::Australia && phoneNumber.length() == 8 && phoneNumber.startsWith("19")) {
return true;
if (country == CountryCode::CzechRepublic && phoneNumber.length() <= 9) {
// This entry of the Wikipedia article is fairly poorly written, so it is not clear whether a
// short code with length 7 should start with a 9. Leave it like this for now, upgrade as
// we get more information
return true;
return false;
ConversationListModel::CountryCode ConversationListModel::determineCountryCode(const QString& canonicalNumber)
// This is going to fall apart if someone has not entered a country code into their contact book
// or if Android decides it can't be bothered to report the country code, but probably we will
// be fine anyway
if (canonicalNumber.startsWith("41")) {
return CountryCode::Australia;
if (canonicalNumber.startsWith("420")) {
return CountryCode::CzechRepublic;
// The only countries I care about for the current implementation are Australia and CzechRepublic
// If we need to deal with further countries, we should probably find a library
return CountryCode::Other;
QString ConversationListModel::canonicalizePhoneNumber(const QString& phoneNumber)
QString toReturn(phoneNumber);
toReturn = toReturn.remove(' ');
toReturn = toReturn.remove('-');
toReturn = toReturn.remove('(');
toReturn = toReturn.remove(')');
toReturn = toReturn.remove('+');
toReturn = toReturn.remove(QRegularExpression("^0*")); // Strip leading zeroes
return toReturn;