Alexander Lohnau 2e67f95017 Add explicit moc includes to cpp files
The rationale is explained in https://planet.kde.org/friedrich-kossebau-2023-06-28-include-also-moc-files-of-headers/

In case of KDEConnect, it impressively speeds up compilation. Before it
took 390 seconds on a clean build and with this change it took 330 seconds.
This is due to the mocs_compilation having to include the header files
and thus all their headers. Due to the lots of small plugins we have,
this means that the same headers must be compiled plenty of times.
When we include the moc files directly in the C++ file, they are already
2023-07-30 07:27:45 +00:00

232 lines
9.4 KiB

* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Simon Redman <simon@ergotech.com>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
#include "conversationsdbusinterface.h"
#include "interfaces/conversationmessage.h"
#include "interfaces/dbusinterfaces.h"
#include "requestconversationworker.h"
#include <QDBusConnection>
#include <core/device.h>
#include <core/kdeconnectplugin.h>
#include "kdeconnect_conversations_debug.h"
QMap<QString, ConversationsDbusInterface *> ConversationsDbusInterface::liveConversationInterfaces;
ConversationsDbusInterface::ConversationsDbusInterface(KdeConnectPlugin *plugin)
: QDBusAbstractAdaptor(const_cast<Device *>(plugin->device()))
, m_device(plugin->device()->id())
, m_lastId(0)
, m_smsInterface(m_device)
// Check for an existing interface for the same device
// If there is already an interface for this device, we can safely delete is since we have just replaced it
const auto &oldInterfaceItr = ConversationsDbusInterface::liveConversationInterfaces.find(m_device);
if (oldInterfaceItr != ConversationsDbusInterface::liveConversationInterfaces.end()) {
ConversationsDbusInterface *oldInterface = oldInterfaceItr.value();
ConversationsDbusInterface::liveConversationInterfaces[m_device] = this;
// Wake all threads which were waiting for a reply from this interface
// This might result in some noise on dbus, but it's better than leaking a bunch of resources!
// Erase this interface from the list of known interfaces
const auto myIterator = ConversationsDbusInterface::liveConversationInterfaces.find(m_device);
QVariantList ConversationsDbusInterface::activeConversations()
QList<QVariant> toReturn;
for (auto it = m_conversations.cbegin(); it != m_conversations.cend(); ++it) {
const auto &conversation = it.value().values();
if (conversation.isEmpty()) {
// This should really never happen because we create a conversation at the same time
// as adding a message, but better safe than sorry
qCWarning(KDECONNECT_CONVERSATIONS) << "Conversation with ID" << it.key() << "is unexpectedly empty";
const QVariant &message = QVariant::fromValue<ConversationMessage>(*conversation.crbegin());
return toReturn;
void ConversationsDbusInterface::requestConversation(const qint64 &conversationID, int start, int end)
if (start < 0 || end < 0) {
qCWarning(KDECONNECT_CONVERSATIONS) << "requestConversation"
<< "Start and end must be >= 0";
if (end - start < 0) {
qCWarning(KDECONNECT_CONVERSATIONS) << "requestConversation"
<< "Start must be before end";
RequestConversationWorker *worker = new RequestConversationWorker(conversationID, start, end, this);
connect(worker, &RequestConversationWorker::conversationMessageRead, this, &ConversationsDbusInterface::conversationUpdated, Qt::QueuedConnection);
void ConversationsDbusInterface::requestAttachmentFile(const qint64 &partID, const QString &uniqueIdentifier)
m_smsInterface.getAttachment(partID, uniqueIdentifier);
void ConversationsDbusInterface::addMessages(const QList<ConversationMessage> &messages)
QSet<qint64> updatedConversationIDs;
for (const auto &message : messages) {
const qint32 &threadId = message.threadID();
// We might discover that there are no new messages in this conversation, thus calling it
// "updated" might turn out to be a bit misleading
// However, we need to report it as updated regardless, for the case where we have already
// cached every message of the conversation but we have received a request for more, otherwise
// we will never respond to that request
if (m_known_messages[threadId].contains(message.uID())) {
// This message has already been processed. Don't do anything.
// Store the Message in the list corresponding to its thread
bool newConversation = !m_conversations.contains(threadId);
const auto &threadPosition = m_conversations[threadId].insert(message.date(), message);
// If this message was inserted at the end of the list, it is the latest message in the conversation
bool latestMessage = threadPosition == m_conversations[threadId].end() - 1;
// Tell the world about what just happened
if (newConversation) {
Q_EMIT conversationCreated(QDBusVariant(QVariant::fromValue(message)));
} else if (latestMessage) {
Q_EMIT conversationUpdated(QDBusVariant(QVariant::fromValue(message)));
// It feels bad to go through the set of updated conversations again,
// but also there are not many times that updatedConversationIDs will be more than one
for (qint64 conversationID : updatedConversationIDs) {
quint64 numMessages = m_known_messages[conversationID].size();
Q_EMIT conversationLoaded(conversationID, numMessages);
// Remove the waiting flag for all conversations which we just processed
void ConversationsDbusInterface::removeMessage(const QString &internalId)
// TODO: Delete the specified message from our internal structures
QList<ConversationMessage> ConversationsDbusInterface::getConversation(const qint64 &conversationID) const
return m_conversations.value(conversationID).values();
void ConversationsDbusInterface::updateConversation(const qint64 &conversationID)
if (conversationsWaitingForMessages.contains(conversationID)) {
// This conversation is already being waited on, don't allow more than one thread to wait at a time
qCDebug(KDECONNECT_CONVERSATIONS) << "Not allowing two threads to wait for conversationID" << conversationID;
qCDebug(KDECONNECT_CONVERSATIONS) << "Requesting conversation with ID" << conversationID << "from remote";
// Request a window of messages
qint64 rangeStartTimestamp;
qint64 numberToRequest;
if (m_conversations.contains(conversationID) && m_conversations[conversationID].count() > 0) {
rangeStartTimestamp = m_conversations[conversationID].first().date(); // Request starting from the oldest-available message
numberToRequest = m_conversations[conversationID].count(); // Request an increasing number of messages by requesting more equal to the amount we have
} else {
rangeStartTimestamp = -1; // Value < 0 indicates to return the newest messages
numberToRequest = MIN_NUMBER_TO_REQUEST; // Start off with a small batch
if (numberToRequest < MIN_NUMBER_TO_REQUEST) {
numberToRequest = MIN_NUMBER_TO_REQUEST;
m_smsInterface.requestConversation(conversationID, rangeStartTimestamp, numberToRequest);
while (conversationsWaitingForMessages.contains(conversationID)) {
void ConversationsDbusInterface::replyToConversation(const qint64 &conversationID, const QString &message, const QVariantList &attachmentUrls)
const auto messagesList = m_conversations[conversationID];
if (messagesList.isEmpty()) {
qCWarning(KDECONNECT_CONVERSATIONS) << "Got a conversationID for a conversation with no messages!";
const QList<ConversationAddress> &addressList = messagesList.first().addresses();
QVariantList addresses;
for (const auto &address : addressList) {
addresses << QVariant::fromValue(address);
m_smsInterface.sendSms(addresses, message, attachmentUrls, messagesList.first().subID());
void ConversationsDbusInterface::sendWithoutConversation(const QVariantList &addresses, const QString &message, const QVariantList &attachmentUrls)
m_smsInterface.sendSms(addresses, message, attachmentUrls);
void ConversationsDbusInterface::requestAllConversationThreads()
// Prepare the list of conversations by requesting the first in every thread
QString ConversationsDbusInterface::newId()
return QString::number(++m_lastId);
void ConversationsDbusInterface::attachmentDownloaded(const QString &filePath, const QString &fileName)
Q_EMIT attachmentReceived(filePath, fileName);
#include "moc_conversationsdbusinterface.cpp"