Aleix Pol bfd698af36 Fix issues detected by clazy
Don't use for(:) on Qt containers. It detaches without need.
2016-06-20 19:22:29 +02:00

360 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright 2015 Holger Kaelberer <holger.k@elberer.de>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version
* accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved
* by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy
* defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <QSocketNotifier>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QTest>
#include <QTemporaryFile>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include "core/daemon.h"
#include "core/device.h"
#include "core/kdeconnectplugin.h"
#include "kdeconnect-version.h"
#include "plugins/sendnotifications/sendnotificationsplugin.h"
#include "plugins/sendnotifications/notificationslistener.h"
#include "plugins/sendnotifications/notifyingapplication.h"
// Tweaked NotificationsPlugin for testing
class TestNotificationsPlugin : public SendNotificationsPlugin
explicit TestNotificationsPlugin(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args)
: SendNotificationsPlugin(parent, args)
~TestNotificationsPlugin() override = default;
// allow to access notificationsListener for testing:
NotificationsListener* getNotificationsListener() const
return notificationsListener;
void setNotificationsListener(NotificationsListener* value)
notificationsListener = value;
// Tweaked Device for testing:
class TestDevice: public Device
int sentPackages;
NetworkPackage *lastPackage;
explicit TestDevice(QObject* parent, const QString& id)
: Device (parent, id)
, sentPackages(0)
, lastPackage(nullptr)
~TestDevice() override
delete lastPackage;
int getSentPackages() const
return sentPackages;
const NetworkPackage* getLastPackage() const
return lastPackage;
public Q_SLOTS:
bool sendPackage(NetworkPackage& np) override
// copy package manually to allow for inspection (can't use copy-constructor)
delete lastPackage;
lastPackage = new NetworkPackage(np.type());
for (QVariantMap::ConstIterator iter = np.body().constBegin();
iter != np.body().constEnd(); iter++)
lastPackage->set(iter.key(), iter.value());
lastPackage->setPayload(np.payload(), np.payloadSize());
return true;
// Tweaked NotificationsListener for testing:
class TestedNotificationsListener: public NotificationsListener
explicit TestedNotificationsListener(KdeConnectPlugin* aPlugin)
: NotificationsListener(aPlugin)
~TestedNotificationsListener() override
QHash<QString, NotifyingApplication>& getApplications()
return applications;
void setApplications(const QHash<QString, NotifyingApplication>& value)
applications = value;
class TestNotificationListener : public QObject
: plugin(nullptr)
private Q_SLOTS:
void testNotify();
TestNotificationsPlugin* plugin;
void TestNotificationListener::testNotify()
// set things up:
QString dId("testid");
TestDevice *d = new TestDevice(nullptr, dId);
int proxiedNotifications = 0;
QCOMPARE(proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
plugin = new TestNotificationsPlugin(this,
QVariantList({ QVariant::fromValue<Device*>(d),
delete plugin->getNotificationsListener();
// inject our tweaked NotificationsListener:
TestedNotificationsListener* listener = new TestedNotificationsListener(plugin);
QCOMPARE(listener, plugin->getNotificationsListener());
// make sure config is default:
plugin->config()->set("generalPersistent", false);
plugin->config()->set("generalIncludeBody", true);
plugin->config()->set("generalUrgency", 0);
QCOMPARE(plugin->config()->get<bool>("generalPersistent"), false);
QCOMPARE(plugin->config()->get<bool>("generalIncludeBody"), true);
QCOMPARE(plugin->config()->get<bool>("generalUrgency"), false);
// applications are modified directly:
QCOMPARE(listener->getApplications().count(), 0);
// Go !!!
uint replacesId = 99;
uint retId;
QString appName("some-appName");
QString body("some-body");
QString icon("some-icon");
QString summary("some-summary");
// regular Notify call that is synchronized ...
retId = listener->Notify(appName, replacesId, icon, summary, body, {}, {{}}, 0);
// ... should return replacesId,
QCOMPARE(retId, replacesId);
// ... have triggered sending a package
QCOMPARE(++proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
// ... with our properties,
QCOMPARE(d->getLastPackage()->get<uint>("id"), replacesId);
QCOMPARE(d->getLastPackage()->get<QString>("appName"), appName);
QCOMPARE(d->getLastPackage()->get<QString>("ticker"), summary + ": " + body);
QCOMPARE(d->getLastPackage()->get<bool>("isClearable"), true);
QCOMPARE(d->getLastPackage()->hasPayload(), false);
// ... and create a new application internally that is initialized correctly:
QCOMPARE(listener->getApplications().count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(listener->getApplications()[appName].name, appName);
QCOMPARE(listener->getApplications()[appName].name, appName);
QCOMPARE(listener->getApplications()[appName].icon, icon);
// another one, with other timeout and urgency values:
QString appName2("some-appName2");
QString body2("some-body2");
QString icon2("some-icon2");
QString summary2("some-summary2");
retId = listener->Notify(appName2, replacesId+1, icon2, summary2, body2, {}, {{"urgency", 2}}, 10);
QCOMPARE(retId, replacesId+1);
QCOMPARE(++proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
QCOMPARE(d->getLastPackage()->get<uint>("id"), replacesId+1);
QCOMPARE(d->getLastPackage()->get<QString>("appName"), appName2);
QCOMPARE(d->getLastPackage()->get<QString>("ticker"), summary2 + ": " + body2);
QCOMPARE(d->getLastPackage()->get<bool>("isClearable"), false); // timeout != 0
QCOMPARE(d->getLastPackage()->hasPayload(), false);
QCOMPARE(listener->getApplications().count(), 2);
// if persistent-only is set, timeouts > 0 are not synced:
plugin->config()->set("generalPersistent", true);
retId = listener->Notify(appName, replacesId, icon, summary, body, {}, {{}}, 1);
QCOMPARE(retId, 0U);
QCOMPARE(proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
retId = listener->Notify(appName2, replacesId, icon2, summary2, body2, {}, {{}}, 3);
QCOMPARE(retId, 0U);
QCOMPARE(proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
// but timeout == 0 is
retId = listener->Notify(appName, replacesId, icon, summary, body, {}, {{}}, 0);
QCOMPARE(retId, replacesId);
QCOMPARE(++proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
plugin->config()->set("generalPersistent", false);
// if min-urgency is set, lower urgency levels are not synced:
plugin->config()->set("generalUrgency", 1);
retId = listener->Notify(appName, replacesId, icon, summary, body, {}, {{"urgency", 0}}, 0);
QCOMPARE(retId, 0U);
QCOMPARE(proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
// equal urgency is
retId = listener->Notify(appName, replacesId, icon, summary, body, {}, {{"urgency", 1}}, 0);
QCOMPARE(retId, replacesId);
QCOMPARE(++proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
// higher urgency as well
retId = listener->Notify(appName, replacesId, icon, summary, body, {}, {{"urgency", 2}}, 0);
QCOMPARE(retId, replacesId);
QCOMPARE(++proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
plugin->config()->set("generalUrgency", 0);
// notifications for a deactivated application are not synced:
listener->getApplications()[appName].active = false;
retId = listener->Notify(appName, replacesId, icon, summary, body, {}, {{"urgency", 0}}, 0);
QCOMPARE(retId, 0U);
QCOMPARE(proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
// others are still:
retId = listener->Notify(appName2, replacesId+1, icon2, summary2, body2, {}, {{}}, 0);
QCOMPARE(retId, replacesId+1);
QCOMPARE(++proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
// back to normal:
listener->getApplications()[appName].active = true;
retId = listener->Notify(appName, replacesId, icon, summary, body, {}, {{}}, 0);
QCOMPARE(retId, replacesId);
QCOMPARE(++proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
// notifications with blacklisted subjects are not synced:
retId = listener->Notify(appName, replacesId, icon, "summary black1", body, {}, {{}}, 0);
QCOMPARE(retId, 0U);
QCOMPARE(proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
retId = listener->Notify(appName, replacesId, icon, "summary foobar", body, {}, {{}}, 0);
QCOMPARE(retId, 0U);
QCOMPARE(proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
// other subjects are synced:
retId = listener->Notify(appName, replacesId, icon, "summary foo", body, {}, {{}}, 0);
QCOMPARE(retId, replacesId);
QCOMPARE(++proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
retId = listener->Notify(appName, replacesId, icon, "summary black3", body, {}, {{}}, 0);
QCOMPARE(retId, replacesId);
QCOMPARE(++proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
// also body is checked by blacklist if requested:
plugin->config()->set("generalIncludeBody", true);
retId = listener->Notify(appName, replacesId, icon, summary, "body black1", {}, {{}}, 0);
QCOMPARE(retId, 0U);
QCOMPARE(proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
retId = listener->Notify(appName, replacesId, icon, summary, "body foobaz", {}, {{}}, 0);
QCOMPARE(retId, 0U);
QCOMPARE(proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
// body does not matter if inclusion was not requested:
plugin->config()->set("generalIncludeBody", false);
retId = listener->Notify(appName, replacesId, icon, summary, "body black1", {}, {{}}, 0);
QCOMPARE(retId, replacesId);
QCOMPARE(++proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
// without body, also ticker value is different:
QCOMPARE(d->getLastPackage()->get<QString>("ticker"), summary);
retId = listener->Notify(appName, replacesId, icon, summary, "body foobaz", {}, {{}}, 0);
QCOMPARE(retId, replacesId);
QCOMPARE(++proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
// back to normal:
plugin->config()->set("generalIncludeBody", true);
retId = listener->Notify(appName, replacesId, icon, summary, body, {}, {{}}, 0);
QCOMPARE(retId, replacesId);
QCOMPARE(++proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
retId = listener->Notify(appName2, replacesId, icon2, summary2, body2, {}, {{}}, 0);
QCOMPARE(retId, replacesId);
QCOMPARE(++proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
// icon synchronization:
int count = 0;
foreach (const auto& iconName, KIconLoader::global()->queryIcons(-KIconLoader::SizeEnormous, KIconLoader::Application)) {
if (!iconName.endsWith(".png"))
if (count++ > 3) // max 3 iterations
// existing icons are sync-ed if requested
plugin->config()->set("generalSynchronizeIcons", true);
QFileInfo fi(iconName);
//qDebug() << "XXX" << iconName << fi.baseName() << fi.size();
retId = listener->Notify(appName, replacesId, fi.baseName(), summary, body, {}, {{}}, 0);
QCOMPARE(retId, replacesId);
QCOMPARE(++proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
QCOMPARE(d->getLastPackage()->payloadSize(), fi.size());
// otherwise no payload:
plugin->config()->set("generalSynchronizeIcons", false);
retId = listener->Notify(appName, replacesId, fi.baseName(), summary, body, {}, {{}}, 0);
QCOMPARE(retId, replacesId);
QCOMPARE(++proxiedNotifications, d->getSentPackages());
QCOMPARE(d->getLastPackage()->payloadSize(), 0);
#include "testnotificationlistener.moc"