Aleix Pol Gonzalez 5e151d185e Improved package dispatch to the different plugins
Before this patch, all plugins had to discard received packages that were
not for themselves. This could be a security problem (a plugin could sniff
other plugin's packages) and also adds some complexity and processing.

This patch makes the device instance aware of what services are required
by the different plugins and when a package is received the corresponding
plugins will get the package.

These services will be listed on the plugin's desktop file, so the user
can decide whether to enable a plugin.

Note that this only works for receiving, not sending.

REVIEW: 113210
2013-10-29 17:46:57 +01:00

421 lines
13 KiB

#include "device.h"
#include <KSharedConfig>
#include <KConfigGroup>
#include <KStandardDirs>
#include <KPluginSelector>
#include <KServiceTypeTrader>
#include <KNotification>
#include <KIcon>
#include <QDBusConnection>
#include <QDebug>
#include "plugins/kdeconnectplugin.h"
#include "plugins/pluginloader.h"
#include "backends/devicelink.h"
#include "backends/linkprovider.h"
#include "networkpackage.h"
Device::Device(const QString& id)
: m_deviceId(id)
, m_pairStatus(Device::Paired)
, m_protocolVersion(NetworkPackage::ProtocolVersion) //We don't know it yet
KSharedConfigPtr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig("kdeconnectrc");
KConfigGroup data = config->group("trusted_devices").group(id);
m_deviceName = data.readEntry<QString>("deviceName", QString("unnamed"));
const QString& key = data.readEntry<QString>("publicKey",QString());
m_publicKey = QCA::RSAPublicKey::fromPEM(key);
//Register in bus
QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject(dbusPath(), this, QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableContents | QDBusConnection::ExportAdaptors);
Device::Device(const NetworkPackage& identityPackage, DeviceLink* dl)
: m_deviceId(identityPackage.get<QString>("deviceId"))
, m_deviceName(identityPackage.get<QString>("deviceName"))
, m_pairStatus(Device::NotPaired)
, m_protocolVersion(identityPackage.get<int>("protocolVersion"))
addLink(identityPackage, dl);
//Register in bus
QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject(dbusPath(), this, QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableContents | QDBusConnection::ExportAdaptors);
bool Device::hasPlugin(const QString& name) const
return m_plugins.contains(name);
QStringList Device::loadedPlugins() const
return m_plugins.keys();
void Device::reloadPlugins()
QMap<QString, KdeConnectPlugin*> newPluginMap;
QMultiMap<QString, KdeConnectPlugin*> newPluginsByInterface;
if (isPaired() && isReachable()) { //Do not load any plugin for unpaired devices, nor useless loading them for unreachable devices
QString path = KGlobal::dirs()->findResource("config", "kdeconnect/"+id());
KConfigGroup pluginStates = KSharedConfig::openConfig(path)->group("Plugins");
PluginLoader* loader = PluginLoader::instance();
//Code borrowed from KWin
foreach (const QString& pluginName, loader->getPluginList()) {
QString enabledKey = pluginName + QString::fromLatin1("Enabled");
bool isPluginEnabled = (pluginStates.hasKey(enabledKey) ? pluginStates.readEntry(enabledKey, false)
: loader->getPluginInfo(pluginName).isPluginEnabledByDefault());
if (isPluginEnabled) {
KdeConnectPlugin* plugin = m_plugins.take(pluginName);
QStringList interfaces;
if (plugin) {
interfaces = m_pluginsByinterface.keys(plugin);
} else {
PluginData data = loader->instantiatePluginForDevice(pluginName, this);
plugin = data.plugin;
interfaces = data.interfaces;
foreach(const QString& interface, interfaces) {
newPluginsByInterface.insert(interface, plugin);
newPluginMap[pluginName] = plugin;
//Erase all left plugins in the original map (meaning that we don't want
//them anymore, otherwise they would have been moved to the newPluginMap)
m_plugins = newPluginMap;
m_pluginsByinterface = newPluginsByInterface;
Q_FOREACH(KdeConnectPlugin* plugin, m_plugins) {
Q_EMIT pluginsChanged();
void Device::requestPair()
switch(m_pairStatus) {
case Device::Paired:
Q_EMIT pairingFailed(i18n("Already paired"));
case Device::Requested:
Q_EMIT pairingFailed(i18n("Pairing already requested for this device"));
if (!isReachable()) {
Q_EMIT pairingFailed(i18n("Device not reachable"));
m_pairStatus = Device::Requested;
//Send our own public key
NetworkPackage np(PACKAGE_TYPE_PAIR);
np.set("pair", true);
KSharedConfigPtr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig("kdeconnectrc");
const QString& key = config->group("myself").readEntry<QString>("publicKey",QString());
bool success = sendPackage(np);
if (!success) {
m_pairStatus = Device::NotPaired;
Q_EMIT pairingFailed(i18n("Error contacting device"));
if (m_pairStatus == Device::Paired) return;
pairingTimer.start(20 * 1000);
connect(&pairingTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
this, SLOT(pairingTimeout()));
void Device::unpair()
if (!isPaired()) return;
m_pairStatus = Device::NotPaired;
KSharedConfigPtr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig("kdeconnectrc");
NetworkPackage np(PACKAGE_TYPE_PAIR);
np.set("pair", false);
reloadPlugins(); //Will unload the plugins
Q_EMIT unpaired();
void Device::pairingTimeout()
NetworkPackage np(PACKAGE_TYPE_PAIR);
np.set("pair", false);
m_pairStatus = Device::NotPaired;
Q_EMIT pairingFailed(i18n("Timed out"));
static bool lessThan(DeviceLink* p1, DeviceLink* p2)
return p1->provider()->priority() > p2->provider()->priority();
void Device::addLink(const NetworkPackage& identityPackage, DeviceLink* link)
//qDebug() << "Adding link to" << id() << "via" << link->provider();
m_protocolVersion = identityPackage.get<int>("protocolVersion");
if (m_protocolVersion != NetworkPackage::ProtocolVersion) {
qWarning() << m_deviceName << "- warning, device uses a different protocol version" << m_protocolVersion << "expected" << NetworkPackage::ProtocolVersion;
connect(link, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)),
this, SLOT(linkDestroyed(QObject*)));
//re-read the device name from the identityPackage because it could have changed
m_deviceName = identityPackage.get<QString>("deviceName");
//TODO: Do not read the key every time
KSharedConfigPtr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig("kdeconnectrc");
const QString& key = config->group("myself").readEntry<QString>("privateKey",QString());
QCA::PrivateKey privateKey = QCA::PrivateKey::fromPEM(key);
//Theoretically we will never add two links from the same provider (the provider should destroy
//the old one before this is called), so we do not have to worry about destroying old links.
//Actually, we should not destroy them or the provider will store an invalid ref!
connect(link, SIGNAL(receivedPackage(NetworkPackage)),
this, SLOT(privateReceivedPackage(NetworkPackage)));
qSort(m_deviceLinks.begin(), m_deviceLinks.end(), lessThan);
if (m_deviceLinks.size() == 1) {
reloadPlugins(); //Will load the plugins
Q_EMIT reachableStatusChanged();
} else {
Q_FOREACH(KdeConnectPlugin* plugin, m_plugins) {
void Device::linkDestroyed(QObject* o)
void Device::removeLink(DeviceLink* link)
//qDebug() << "RemoveLink" << m_deviceLinks.size() << "links remaining";
if (m_deviceLinks.isEmpty()) {
Q_EMIT reachableStatusChanged();
bool Device::sendPackage(NetworkPackage& np)
if (np.type() != PACKAGE_TYPE_PAIR && isPaired()) {
Q_FOREACH(DeviceLink* dl, m_deviceLinks) {
if (dl->sendPackageEncrypted(m_publicKey, np)) return true;
} else {
//Maybe we could block here any package that is not an identity or a pairing package to prevent sending non encrypted data
Q_FOREACH(DeviceLink* dl, m_deviceLinks) {
if (dl->sendPackage(np)) return true;
return false;
void Device::privateReceivedPackage(const NetworkPackage& np)
if (np.type() == PACKAGE_TYPE_PAIR) {
//qDebug() << "Pair package";
bool wantsPair = np.get<bool>("pair");
if (wantsPair == isPaired()) {
qDebug() << "Already" << (wantsPair? "paired":"unpaired");
if (m_pairStatus == Device::Requested) {
m_pairStatus = Device::NotPaired;
Q_EMIT pairingFailed(i18n("Canceled by other peer"));
if (wantsPair) {
//Retrieve their public key
const QString& key = np.get<QString>("publicKey");
m_publicKey = QCA::RSAPublicKey::fromPEM(key);
if (m_publicKey.isNull()) {
qDebug() << "ERROR decoding key";
if (m_pairStatus == Device::Requested) {
m_pairStatus = Device::NotPaired;
Q_EMIT pairingFailed(i18n("Received incorrect key"));
if (m_pairStatus == Device::Requested) { //We started pairing
qDebug() << "Pair answer";
m_pairStatus = Device::Paired;
//Store as trusted device
KSharedConfigPtr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig("kdeconnectrc");
Q_EMIT pairingSuccesful();
} else {
qDebug() << "Pair request";
KNotification* notification = new KNotification("pingReceived"); //KNotification::Persistent
notification->setPixmap(KIcon("dialog-information").pixmap(48, 48));
notification->setComponentData(KComponentData("kdeconnect", "kdeconnect"));
notification->setTitle("KDE Connect");
notification->setText(i18n("Pairing request from %1", m_deviceName));
notification->setActions(QStringList() << i18n("Accept") << i18n("Reject"));
connect(notification, SIGNAL(action1Activated()), this, SLOT(acceptPairing()));
connect(notification, SIGNAL(action2Activated()), this, SLOT(rejectPairing()));
m_pairStatus = Device::RequestedByPeer;
} else {
qDebug() << "Unpair request";
if (m_pairStatus == Device::Requested) {
Q_EMIT pairingFailed(i18n("Canceled by other peer"));
} else if (m_pairStatus == Device::Paired) {
KSharedConfigPtr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig("kdeconnectrc");
Q_EMIT unpaired();
m_pairStatus = Device::NotPaired;
} else if (isPaired()) {
QList<KdeConnectPlugin*> plugins = m_pluginsByinterface.values(np.type());
foreach(KdeConnectPlugin* plugin, plugins) {
} else {
//TODO: Notify the other side that we don't trust them
qDebug() << "device" << name() << "not paired, ignoring package" << np.type();
void Device::acceptPairing()
if (m_pairStatus != Device::RequestedByPeer) return;
qDebug() << "Accepted pairing";
KSharedConfigPtr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig("kdeconnectrc");
//Send our own public key
NetworkPackage np(PACKAGE_TYPE_PAIR);
np.set("pair", true);
const QString& key = config->group("myself").readEntry<QString>("publicKey",QString());
bool success = sendPackage(np);
if (!success) {
//Store as trusted device
config->group("trusted_devices").group(id()).writeEntry("publicKey", m_publicKey.toPEM());
config->group("trusted_devices").group(id()).writeEntry("deviceName", name());
m_pairStatus = Device::Paired;
reloadPlugins(); //This will load plugins
Q_EMIT pairingSuccesful();
void Device::rejectPairing()
qDebug() << "Rejected pairing";
m_pairStatus = Device::NotPaired;
NetworkPackage np(PACKAGE_TYPE_PAIR);
np.set("pair", false);
Q_EMIT pairingFailed(i18n("Canceled by the user"));
QStringList Device::availableLinks() const
QStringList sl;
Q_FOREACH(DeviceLink* dl, m_deviceLinks) {
return sl;
void Device::sendPing()
NetworkPackage np(PACKAGE_TYPE_PING);
bool success = sendPackage(np);
qDebug() << "sendPing:" << success;