Antonio Larrosa 1d36164230 Use ecm_qt_declare_logging_category to declare the logging categories
This automatizes the generation of logging categories so a
kdeconnect-kde.categories is generated and installed to
/usr/share/qlogging-categories5/ so kdebugsettings can use it.

Also, sets the default logging level to Warning. So now the logs
of users won't be filled with debug messages but they can
modify the configuration easily with kdebugsettings.
2020-05-26 18:55:47 +02:00

448 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2019 Simon Redman <simon@ergotech.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version
* accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved
* by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy
* defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "smshelper.h"
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QIcon>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QString>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <QHash>
#include <KPeople/PersonData>
#include <KPeople/PersonsModel>
#include "interfaces/conversationmessage.h"
#include "smsapp/gsmasciimap.h"
#include "smshelper_debug.h"
QObject* SmsHelper::singletonProvider(QQmlEngine *engine, QJSEngine *scriptEngine)
return new SmsHelper();
bool SmsHelper::isPhoneNumberMatchCanonicalized(const QString& canonicalPhone1, const QString& canonicalPhone2)
if (canonicalPhone1.isEmpty() || canonicalPhone2.isEmpty()) {
// The empty string is not a valid phone number so does not match anything
return false;
// To decide if a phone number matches:
// 1. Are they similar lengths? If two numbers are very different, probably one is junk data and should be ignored
// 2. Is one a superset of the other? Phone number digits get more specific the further towards the end of the string,
// so if one phone number ends with the other, it is probably just a more-complete version of the same thing
const QString& longerNumber = canonicalPhone1.length() >= canonicalPhone2.length() ? canonicalPhone1 : canonicalPhone2;
const QString& shorterNumber = canonicalPhone1.length() < canonicalPhone2.length() ? canonicalPhone1 : canonicalPhone2;
const CountryCode& country = determineCountryCode(longerNumber);
const bool shorterNumberIsShortCode = isShortCode(shorterNumber, country);
const bool longerNumberIsShortCode = isShortCode(longerNumber, country);
if ((shorterNumberIsShortCode && !longerNumberIsShortCode) || (!shorterNumberIsShortCode && longerNumberIsShortCode)) {
// If only one of the numbers is a short code, they clearly do not match
return false;
bool matchingPhoneNumber = longerNumber.endsWith(shorterNumber);
return matchingPhoneNumber;
bool SmsHelper::isPhoneNumberMatch(const QString& phone1, const QString& phone2)
const QString& canonicalPhone1 = canonicalizePhoneNumber(phone1);
const QString& canonicalPhone2 = canonicalizePhoneNumber(phone2);
return isPhoneNumberMatchCanonicalized(canonicalPhone1, canonicalPhone2);
bool SmsHelper::isShortCode(const QString& phoneNumber, const SmsHelper::CountryCode& country)
// Regardless of which country this number belongs to, a number of length less than 6 is a "short code"
if (phoneNumber.length() <= 6) {
return true;
if (country == CountryCode::Australia && phoneNumber.length() == 8 && phoneNumber.startsWith(QStringLiteral("19"))) {
return true;
if (country == CountryCode::CzechRepublic && phoneNumber.length() <= 9) {
// This entry of the Wikipedia article is fairly poorly written, so it is not clear whether a
// short code with length 7 should start with a 9. Leave it like this for now, upgrade as
// we get more information
return true;
return false;
SmsHelper::CountryCode SmsHelper::determineCountryCode(const QString& canonicalNumber)
// This is going to fall apart if someone has not entered a country code into their contact book
// or if Android decides it can't be bothered to report the country code, but probably we will
// be fine anyway
if (canonicalNumber.startsWith(QStringLiteral("41"))) {
return CountryCode::Australia;
if (canonicalNumber.startsWith(QStringLiteral("420"))) {
return CountryCode::CzechRepublic;
// The only countries I care about for the current implementation are Australia and CzechRepublic
// If we need to deal with further countries, we should probably find a library
return CountryCode::Other;
QString SmsHelper::canonicalizePhoneNumber(const QString& phoneNumber)
static const QRegularExpression leadingZeroes(QStringLiteral("^0*"));
QString toReturn(phoneNumber);
toReturn = toReturn.remove(QStringLiteral(" "));
toReturn = toReturn.remove(QStringLiteral("-"));
toReturn = toReturn.remove(QStringLiteral("("));
toReturn = toReturn.remove(QStringLiteral(")"));
toReturn = toReturn.remove(QStringLiteral("+"));
toReturn = toReturn.remove(leadingZeroes);
if (toReturn.isEmpty()) {
// If we have stripped away everything, assume this is a special number (and already canonicalized)
return phoneNumber;
return toReturn;
bool SmsHelper::isAddressValid(const QString& address)
QString canonicalizedNumber = canonicalizePhoneNumber(address);
// This regular expression matches a wide range of international Phone numbers, minimum of 3 digits and maximum upto 15 digits
static const QRegularExpression validNumberPattern(QStringLiteral("^(\\d{3,15})$"));
if (validNumberPattern.match(canonicalizedNumber).hasMatch()) {
return true;
} else {
static const QRegularExpression emailPattern(QStringLiteral("^[\\w\\.]*@[\\w\\.]*$"));
if (emailPattern.match(address).hasMatch()) {
return true;
return false;
class PersonsCache : public QObject {
PersonsCache() {
connect(&m_people, &QAbstractItemModel::rowsRemoved, this, [this] (const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last) {
if (parent.isValid())
for (int i=first; i<=last; ++i) {
const QString& uri = m_people.get(i, KPeople::PersonsModel::PersonUriRole).toString();
QSharedPointer<KPeople::PersonData> personAt(int rowIndex) {
const QString& uri = m_people.get(rowIndex, KPeople::PersonsModel::PersonUriRole).toString();
auto& person = m_personDataCache[uri];
if (!person)
person.reset(new KPeople::PersonData(uri));
return person;
int count() const {
return m_people.rowCount();
KPeople::PersonsModel m_people;
QHash<QString, QSharedPointer<KPeople::PersonData>> m_personDataCache;
QList<QSharedPointer<KPeople::PersonData>> SmsHelper::getAllPersons() {
static PersonsCache s_cache;
QList<QSharedPointer<KPeople::PersonData>> personDataList;
for(int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < s_cache.count(); rowIndex++) {
const auto person = s_cache.personAt(rowIndex);
return personDataList;
QSharedPointer<KPeople::PersonData> SmsHelper::lookupPersonByAddress(const QString& address)
const QString& canonicalAddress = SmsHelper::canonicalizePhoneNumber(address);
QList<QSharedPointer<KPeople::PersonData>> personDataList = getAllPersons();
for (const auto& person : personDataList) {
const QStringList& allEmails = person->allEmails();
for (const QString& email : allEmails) {
// Although we are nominally an SMS messaging app, it is possible to send messages to phone numbers using email -> sms bridges
if (address == email) {
return person;
// TODO: Either upgrade KPeople with an allPhoneNumbers method
const QVariantList allPhoneNumbers = person->contactCustomProperty(QStringLiteral("all-phoneNumber")).toList();
for (const QVariant& rawPhoneNumber : allPhoneNumbers) {
const QString& phoneNumber = SmsHelper::canonicalizePhoneNumber(rawPhoneNumber.toString());
bool matchingPhoneNumber = SmsHelper::isPhoneNumberMatchCanonicalized(canonicalAddress, phoneNumber);
if (matchingPhoneNumber) {
//qCDebug(KDECONNECT_SMS_CONVERSATIONS_LIST_MODEL) << "Matched" << address << "to" << person->name();
return person;
return nullptr;
QIcon SmsHelper::combineIcons(const QList<QPixmap>& icons)
QIcon icon;
if (icons.size() == 0) {
// We have no icon :(
// Once we are using the generic icon from KPeople for unknown contacts, this should never happen
} else if (icons.size() == 1) {
icon = icons.first();
} else {
// Cook an icon by combining the available icons
// Barring better information, use the size of the first icon as the size for the final icon
QSize size = icons.first().size();
QPixmap canvas(size);
QPainter painter(&canvas);
QSize halfSize = size / 2;
QRect topLeftQuadrant(QPoint(0, 0), halfSize);
QRect topRightQuadrant(topLeftQuadrant.topRight(), halfSize);
QRect bottomLeftQuadrant(topLeftQuadrant.bottomLeft(), halfSize);
QRect bottomRightQuadrant(topLeftQuadrant.bottomRight(), halfSize);
if (icons.size() == 2) {
painter.drawPixmap(topLeftQuadrant, icons[0]);
painter.drawPixmap(bottomRightQuadrant, icons[1]);
} else if (icons.size() == 3) {
QRect topMiddle(QPoint(halfSize.width() / 2, 0), halfSize);
painter.drawPixmap(topMiddle, icons[0]);
painter.drawPixmap(bottomLeftQuadrant, icons[1]);
painter.drawPixmap(bottomRightQuadrant, icons[2]);
} else {
// Four or more
painter.drawPixmap(topLeftQuadrant, icons[0]);
painter.drawPixmap(topRightQuadrant, icons[1]);
painter.drawPixmap(bottomLeftQuadrant, icons[2]);
painter.drawPixmap(bottomRightQuadrant, icons[3]);
icon = canvas;
return icon;
QString SmsHelper::getTitleForAddresses(const QList<ConversationAddress>& addresses)
QStringList titleParts;
for (const ConversationAddress& address : addresses) {
const auto personData = SmsHelper::lookupPersonByAddress(address.address());
if (personData) {
} else {
// It might be nice to alphabetize before combining so that the names don't move around randomly
// (based on how the data came to us from Android)
return titleParts.join(QLatin1String(", "));
QIcon SmsHelper::getIconForAddresses(const QList<ConversationAddress>& addresses)
QList<QPixmap> icons;
for (const ConversationAddress& address : addresses) {
const auto personData = SmsHelper::lookupPersonByAddress(address.address());
if (personData) {
} else {
static QString dummyAvatar = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QStringLiteral("kf5/kpeople/dummy_avatar.png"));
// It might be nice to alphabetize by contact before combining so that the pictures don't move
// around randomly (based on how the data came to us from Android)
return combineIcons(icons);
void SmsHelper::copyToClipboard(const QString& text)
SmsCharCount SmsHelper::getCharCount(const QString& message)
const int remainingWhenEmpty = 160;
const int septetsInSingleSms = 160;
const int septetsInSingleConcatSms = 153;
const int charsInSingleUcs2Sms = 70;
const int charsInSingleConcatUcs2Sms = 67;
SmsCharCount count;
bool enc7bit = true; // 7-bit is used when true, UCS-2 if false
quint32 septets = 0; // GSM encoding character count (characters in extension are counted as 2 chars)
int length = message.length();
// Count characters and detect encoding
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
QChar ch = message[i];
if (isInGsmAlphabet(ch)) {
else if (isInGsmAlphabetExtension(ch)) {
septets += 2;
else {
enc7bit = false;
if (length == 0) {
count.bitsPerChar = 7;
count.octets = 0;
count.remaining = remainingWhenEmpty;
count.messages = 1;
else if (enc7bit) {
count.bitsPerChar = 7;
count.octets = (septets * 7 + 6) / 8;
if (septets > septetsInSingleSms) {
count.messages = (septetsInSingleConcatSms - 1 + septets) / septetsInSingleConcatSms;
count.remaining = (septetsInSingleConcatSms * count.messages - septets) % septetsInSingleConcatSms;
else {
count.messages = 1;
count.remaining = (septetsInSingleSms - septets) % septetsInSingleSms;
else {
count.bitsPerChar = 16;
count.octets = length * 2; // QString should be in UTF-16
if (length > charsInSingleUcs2Sms) {
count.messages = (charsInSingleConcatUcs2Sms - 1 + length) / charsInSingleConcatUcs2Sms;
count.remaining = (charsInSingleConcatUcs2Sms * count.messages - length) % charsInSingleConcatUcs2Sms;
else {
count.messages = 1;
count.remaining = (charsInSingleUcs2Sms - length) % charsInSingleUcs2Sms;
return count;
bool SmsHelper::isInGsmAlphabet(const QChar& ch)
wchar_t unicode = ch.unicode();
if ((unicode & ~0x7f) == 0) { // If the character is ASCII
// use map
return gsm_ascii_map[unicode];
else {
switch (unicode) {
case 0xa1: // “¡”
case 0xa7: // “§”
case 0xbf: // “¿”
case 0xa4: // “¤”
case 0xa3: // “£”
case 0xa5: // “¥”
case 0xe0: // “à”
case 0xe5: // “å”
case 0xc5: // “Å”
case 0xe4: // “ä”
case 0xc4: // “Ä”
case 0xe6: // “æ”
case 0xc6: // “Æ”
case 0xc7: // “Ç”
case 0xe9: // “é”
case 0xc9: // “É”
case 0xe8: // “è”
case 0xec: // “ì”
case 0xf1: // “ñ”
case 0xd1: // “Ñ”
case 0xf2: // “ò”
case 0xf5: // “ö”
case 0xd6: // “Ö”
case 0xf8: // “ø”
case 0xd8: // “Ø”
case 0xdf: // “ß”
case 0xf9: // “ù”
case 0xfc: // “ü”
case 0xdc: // “Ü”
case 0x393: // “Γ”
case 0x394: // “Δ”
case 0x398: // “Θ”
case 0x39b: // “Λ”
case 0x39e: // “Ξ”
case 0x3a0: // “Π”
case 0x3a3: // “Σ”
case 0x3a6: // “Φ”
case 0x3a8: // “Ψ”
case 0x3a9: // “Ω”
return true;
return false;
bool SmsHelper::isInGsmAlphabetExtension(const QChar& ch)
wchar_t unicode = ch.unicode();
switch (unicode) {
case '{':
case '}':
case '|':
case '\\':
case '^':
case '[':
case ']':
case '~':
case 0x20ac: // Euro sign
return true;
return false;