KWayland provides a FakeInput interface which KWin as a compositor supports. This can be used to fake input events on Wayland. As it's a KWin specific interface it won't work with other Wayland compositors. If the compositor does not support the required interface, the module just doesn't do anything. Support in the implementation is completely optional. Adding fake input events circumvents the Wayland security model. Because of that the interface is designed in a way that the security decision can be done by the compositor and can be delegated to the user. On first input event kdeconnect tries to "authenticate" with the compositor. This gives the compositor the possibility to e.g. ask the user whether it should be allowed. It's not done on startup or of load module as that would show such a message way to early and the user would not be able to connect it with his action on the smartphone. REVIEW: 124238
298 lines
11 KiB
298 lines
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* Copyright 2014 Ahmed I. Khalil <ahmedibrahimkhali@gmail.com>
* Copyright 2015 Martin Gräßlin <mgraesslin@kde.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version
* accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved
* by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy
* defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "mousepadplugin.h"
#include <KPluginFactory>
#include <KLocalizedString>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QX11Info>
#include <X11/extensions/XTest.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>
#include <fakekey/fakekey.h>
#include <KWayland/Client/connection_thread.h>
#include <KWayland/Client/fakeinput.h>
#include <KWayland/Client/registry.h>
K_PLUGIN_FACTORY_WITH_JSON( KdeConnectPluginFactory, "kdeconnect_mousepad.json", registerPlugin< MousepadPlugin >(); )
enum MouseButtons {
LeftMouseButton = 1,
MiddleMouseButton = 2,
RightMouseButton = 3,
MouseWheelUp = 4,
MouseWheelDown = 5
//Translation table to keep in sync within all the implementations
int SpecialKeysMap[] = {
0, // Invalid
XK_BackSpace, // 1
XK_Tab, // 2
XK_Linefeed, // 3
XK_Left, // 4
XK_Up, // 5
XK_Right, // 6
XK_Down, // 7
XK_Page_Up, // 8
XK_Page_Down, // 9
XK_Home, // 10
XK_End, // 11
XK_Return, // 12
XK_Delete, // 13
XK_Escape, // 14
XK_Sys_Req, // 15
XK_Scroll_Lock, // 16
0, // 17
0, // 18
0, // 19
0, // 20
XK_F1, // 21
XK_F2, // 22
XK_F3, // 23
XK_F4, // 24
XK_F5, // 25
XK_F6, // 26
XK_F7, // 27
XK_F8, // 28
XK_F9, // 29
XK_F10, // 30
XK_F11, // 31
XK_F12, // 32
template <typename T, size_t N>
size_t arraySize(T(&arr)[N]) { (void)arr; return N; }
MousepadPlugin::MousepadPlugin(QObject* parent, const QVariantList& args)
: KdeConnectPlugin(parent, args), m_fakekey(0), m_x11(QX11Info::isPlatformX11())
, m_waylandInput(nullptr)
, m_waylandAuthenticationRequested(false)
if (m_fakekey) {
m_fakekey = 0;
bool MousepadPlugin::receivePackage(const NetworkPackage& np)
if (m_x11) {
return handlePackageX11(np);
if (m_waylandInput) {
if (!m_waylandAuthenticationRequested) {
m_waylandInput->authenticate(i18n("KDE Connect"), i18n("Use your phone as a touchpad and keyboard"));
m_waylandAuthenticationRequested = true;
return false;
bool MousepadPlugin::handlePackageX11(const NetworkPackage &np)
//qDebug() << np.serialize();
//TODO: Split mouse/keyboard in two different plugins to avoid this big if statement
float dx = np.get<float>("dx", 0);
float dy = np.get<float>("dy", 0);
bool isSingleClick = np.get<bool>("singleclick", false);
bool isDoubleClick = np.get<bool>("doubleclick", false);
bool isMiddleClick = np.get<bool>("middleclick", false);
bool isRightClick = np.get<bool>("rightclick", false);
bool isSingleHold = np.get<bool>("singlehold", false);
bool isSingleRelease = np.get<bool>("singlerelease", false);
bool isScroll = np.get<bool>("scroll", false);
QString key = np.get<QString>("key", "");
int specialKey = np.get<int>("specialKey", 0);
if (isSingleClick || isDoubleClick || isMiddleClick || isRightClick || isSingleHold || isScroll || !key.isEmpty() || specialKey) {
Display *display = QX11Info::display();
if(!display) {
return false;
if (isSingleClick) {
XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, LeftMouseButton, True, 0);
XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, LeftMouseButton, False, 0);
} else if (isDoubleClick) {
XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, LeftMouseButton, True, 0);
XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, LeftMouseButton, False, 0);
XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, LeftMouseButton, True, 0);
XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, LeftMouseButton, False, 0);
} else if (isMiddleClick) {
XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, MiddleMouseButton, True, 0);
XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, MiddleMouseButton, False, 0);
} else if (isRightClick) {
XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, RightMouseButton, True, 0);
XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, RightMouseButton, False, 0);
} else if (isSingleHold){
//For drag'n drop
XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, LeftMouseButton, True, 0);
} else if (isSingleRelease){
//For drag'n drop. NEVER USED (release is done by tapping, which actually triggers a isSingleClick). Kept here for future-proofnes.
XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, LeftMouseButton, False, 0);
} else if (isScroll) {
if (dy < 0) {
XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, MouseWheelDown, True, 0);
XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, MouseWheelDown, False, 0);
} else if (dy > 0) {
XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, MouseWheelUp, True, 0);
XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, MouseWheelUp, False, 0);
} else if (!key.isEmpty() || specialKey) {
bool ctrl = np.get<bool>("ctrl", false);
bool alt = np.get<bool>("alt", false);
bool shift = np.get<bool>("shift", false);
if (ctrl) XTestFakeKeyEvent (display, XKeysymToKeycode(display, XK_Control_L), True, 0);
if (alt) XTestFakeKeyEvent (display, XKeysymToKeycode(display, XK_Alt_L), True, 0);
if (shift) XTestFakeKeyEvent (display, XKeysymToKeycode(display, XK_Shift_L), True, 0);
if (specialKey)
if (specialKey >= (int)arraySize(SpecialKeysMap)) {
qWarning() << "Unsupported special key identifier";
return false;
int keycode = XKeysymToKeycode(display, SpecialKeysMap[specialKey]);
XTestFakeKeyEvent (display, keycode, True, 0);
XTestFakeKeyEvent (display, keycode, False, 0);
} else {
if (!m_fakekey) {
m_fakekey = fakekey_init(display);
if (!m_fakekey) {
qWarning() << "Failed to initialize libfakekey";
return false;
//We use fakekey here instead of XTest (above) because it can handle utf characters instead of keycodes.
fakekey_press(m_fakekey, (const unsigned char*)key.toUtf8().constData(), -1, 0);
if (ctrl) XTestFakeKeyEvent (display, XKeysymToKeycode(display, XK_Control_L), False, 0);
if (alt) XTestFakeKeyEvent (display, XKeysymToKeycode(display, XK_Alt_L), False, 0);
if (shift) XTestFakeKeyEvent (display, XKeysymToKeycode(display, XK_Shift_L), False, 0);
} else { //Is a mouse move event
QPoint point = QCursor::pos();
QCursor::setPos(point.x() + (int)dx, point.y() + (int)dy);
return true;
void MousepadPlugin::setupWaylandIntegration()
if (!QGuiApplication::platformName().startsWith(QLatin1String("wayland"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
// not wayland
using namespace KWayland::Client;
ConnectionThread *connection = ConnectionThread::fromApplication(this);
if (!connection) {
// failed to get the Connection from Qt
Registry *registry = new Registry(this);
connect(registry, &Registry::fakeInputAnnounced, this,
[this, registry] (quint32 name, quint32 version) {
m_waylandInput = registry->createFakeInput(name, version, this);
bool MousepadPlugin::handPackageWayland(const NetworkPackage &np)
const float dx = np.get<float>("dx", 0);
const float dy = np.get<float>("dy", 0);
const bool isSingleClick = np.get<bool>("singleclick", false);
const bool isDoubleClick = np.get<bool>("doubleclick", false);
const bool isMiddleClick = np.get<bool>("middleclick", false);
const bool isRightClick = np.get<bool>("rightclick", false);
const bool isSingleHold = np.get<bool>("singlehold", false);
const bool isSingleRelease = np.get<bool>("singlerelease", false);
const bool isScroll = np.get<bool>("scroll", false);
const QString key = np.get<QString>("key", "");
const int specialKey = np.get<int>("specialKey", 0);
if (isSingleClick || isDoubleClick || isMiddleClick || isRightClick || isSingleHold || isScroll || !key.isEmpty() || specialKey) {
if (isSingleClick) {
} else if (isDoubleClick) {
} else if (isMiddleClick) {
} else if (isRightClick) {
} else if (isSingleHold){
//For drag'n drop
} else if (isSingleRelease){
//For drag'n drop. NEVER USED (release is done by tapping, which actually triggers a isSingleClick). Kept here for future-proofnes.
} else if (isScroll) {
m_waylandInput->requestPointerAxis(Qt::Vertical, dy);
} else if (!key.isEmpty() || specialKey) {
// TODO: implement key support
} else { //Is a mouse move event
m_waylandInput->requestPointerMove(QSizeF(dx, dy));
return true;
#include "mousepadplugin.moc"