Antonio Larrosa 1d36164230 Use ecm_qt_declare_logging_category to declare the logging categories
This automatizes the generation of logging categories so a
kdeconnect-kde.categories is generated and installed to
/usr/share/qlogging-categories5/ so kdebugsettings can use it.

Also, sets the default logging level to Warning. So now the logs
of users won't be filled with debug messages but they can
modify the configuration easily with kdebugsettings.
2020-05-26 18:55:47 +02:00

154 lines
6 KiB

* Copyright 2013 Albert Vaca <albertvaka@gmail.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version
* accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved
* by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy
* defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "batteryplugin.h"
#include <KLocalizedString>
#include <KPluginFactory>
#include <Solid/Device>
#include <Solid/Battery>
#include <Solid/Predicate>
#include <core/daemon.h>
#include "batterydbusinterface.h"
#include "plugin_battery_debug.h"
K_PLUGIN_CLASS_WITH_JSON(BatteryPlugin, "kdeconnect_battery.json")
BatteryPlugin::BatteryPlugin(QObject* parent, const QVariantList& args)
: KdeConnectPlugin(parent, args)
, batteryDbusInterface(new BatteryDbusInterface(device()))
//TODO: Our protocol should support a dynamic number of batteries.
//Solid::DeviceNotifier *notifier = Solid::DeviceNotifier::instance();
void BatteryPlugin::connected()
NetworkPacket np(PACKET_TYPE_BATTERY_REQUEST, {{QStringLiteral("request"),true}});
const auto batteryDevice = Solid::DeviceInterface::Type::Battery;
const auto primary = Solid::Battery::BatteryType::PrimaryBattery;
QList<Solid::Device> batteries = Solid::Device::listFromQuery(Solid::Predicate(batteryDevice, QStringLiteral("type"), primary));
if (batteries.isEmpty()) {
qCWarning(KDECONNECT_PLUGIN_BATTERY) << "No Primary Battery detected on this system. This may be a bug.";
QList<Solid::Device> allBatteries = Solid::Device::listFromType(batteryDevice);
qCWarning(KDECONNECT_PLUGIN_BATTERY) << "Total quantity of batteries found: " << allBatteries.size();
const Solid::Battery* chosen = batteries.first().as<Solid::Battery>();
connect(chosen, &Solid::Battery::chargeStateChanged, this, &BatteryPlugin::chargeChanged);
connect(chosen, &Solid::Battery::chargePercentChanged, this, &BatteryPlugin::chargeChanged);
// Explicitly send the current charge
void BatteryPlugin::chargeChanged()
bool isAnyBatteryCharging = false;
int batteryQuantity = 0;
int cumulativeCharge = 0;
const auto batteryDevice = Solid::DeviceInterface::Type::Battery;
const auto primary = Solid::Battery::BatteryType::PrimaryBattery;
QList<Solid::Device> batteries = Solid::Device::listFromQuery(Solid::Predicate(batteryDevice, QStringLiteral("type"), primary));
for (auto device : batteries) {
const Solid::Battery* battery = device.as<Solid::Battery>();
// Don't look at batteries that have been detached
if (battery->isPresent()) {
cumulativeCharge += battery->chargePercent();
if (battery->chargeState() == Solid::Battery::ChargeState::Charging) {
isAnyBatteryCharging = true;
if (batteryQuantity == 0) {
qCWarning(KDECONNECT_PLUGIN_BATTERY) << "Primary Battery seems to have been removed. Suspending packets until it is reconnected.";
// Load a new Battery object to represent the first device in the list
Solid::Battery* chosen = batteries.first().as<Solid::Battery>();
// Prepare an outgoing network packet
NetworkPacket status(PACKET_TYPE_BATTERY, {{}});
status.set(QStringLiteral("isCharging"), isAnyBatteryCharging);
status.set(QStringLiteral("currentCharge"), cumulativeCharge / batteryQuantity);
// FIXME: In future, we should consider sending an array of battery objects
status.set(QStringLiteral("batteryQuantity"), batteryQuantity);
// We consider primary battery to be low if it will only last for 5 minutes or
// less. This doesn't necessarily work if (for example) Solid finds multiple
// batteries.
if (chosen->remainingTime() < 600 && chosen->chargeState() == Solid::Battery::ChargeState::Discharging) {
status.set(QStringLiteral("thresholdEvent"), (int)ThresholdBatteryLow);
} else {
status.set(QStringLiteral("thresholdEvent"), (int)ThresholdNone);
//FIXME: Qt dbus does not allow to remove an adaptor! (it causes a crash in
// the next dbus access to its parent). The implication of not deleting this
// is that disabling the plugin does not remove the interface (that will
// return outdated values) and that enabling it again instantiates a second
// adaptor. This is also a memory leak until the entire device is destroyed.
bool BatteryPlugin::receivePacket(const NetworkPacket& np)
bool isCharging = np.get<bool>(QStringLiteral("isCharging"), false);
int currentCharge = np.get<int>(QStringLiteral("currentCharge"), -1);
int thresholdEvent = np.get<int>(QStringLiteral("thresholdEvent"), (int)ThresholdNone);
if (batteryDbusInterface->charge() != currentCharge
|| batteryDbusInterface->isCharging() != isCharging
) {
batteryDbusInterface->updateValues(isCharging, currentCharge);
if ( thresholdEvent == ThresholdBatteryLow && !isCharging ) {
Daemon::instance()->sendSimpleNotification(QStringLiteral("batteryLow"), i18nc("device name: low battery", "%1: Low Battery", device()->name()), i18n("Battery at %1%", currentCharge), QStringLiteral("battery-040"));
return true;
#include "batteryplugin.moc"