This plugin provides synergy-like behavior of sharing input devices between machines by moving the cursor seamlessly between them. To this end this uses the InputCapture Portal to be notified when the cursor moves 'out of the screen'. For forwarding input the existing mousepad infrastructure is used. On the other side a tiny hidden plugin listens to mouse events to track when input should pass back to source machine.
108 lines
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108 lines
5.4 KiB
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 David Redondo <kde@david-redondo.de>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
#include "shareinputdevicesremoteplugin.h"
#include <core/daemon.h>
#include <core/device.h>
#include <KPluginFactory>
#include <QDBusConnection>
#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QPointF>
#include <QScreen>
using namespace Qt::StringLiterals;
#define PACKET_TYPE_MOUSEPAD_REQUEST u"kdeconnect.mousepad.request"_s
#define PACKET_TYPE_SHAREINPUTDEVICES u"kdeconnect.shareinputdevices"_s
#define PACKET_TYPE_SHAREINPUTDEVICES_REQUEST u"kdeconnect.shareinputdevices.request"_s
K_PLUGIN_CLASS_WITH_JSON(ShareInputDevicesRemotePlugin, "kdeconnect_shareinputdevicesremote.json")
ShareInputDevicesRemotePlugin::ShareInputDevicesRemotePlugin(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args)
: KdeConnectPlugin(parent, args)
void ShareInputDevicesRemotePlugin::receivePacket(const NetworkPacket &np)
if (np.has(u"startEdge"_s)) {
const Qt::Edge startEdge = np.get<Qt::Edge>(u"startEdge"_s);
const QPointF delta = {np.get<double>(u"deltax"_s), np.get<double>(u"deltay"_s)};
auto screens = QGuiApplication::screens();
auto mousePadPlugin = device()->plugin(u"kdeconnect_mousepad"_s);
if (screens.empty() || !mousePadPlugin) {
NetworkPacket packet(PACKET_TYPE_SHAREINPUTDEVICES, {{u"releaseDelta"_s, QPointF(0, 0)}});
// This is opposite to the sorting in inputcaptureession because here the opposite edge is wanted.
// For example if on the source side a left barrier was crossed, this is one is entered from the right.
if (startEdge == Qt::LeftEdge) {
std::stable_sort(screens.begin(), screens.end(), [](QScreen *lhs, QScreen *rhs) {
return lhs->geometry().x() + lhs->geometry().width() > rhs->geometry().x() + rhs->geometry().width();
m_enterEdge = Qt::RightEdge;
m_currentPosition = screens.front()->geometry().topRight() + delta;
} else if (startEdge == Qt::RightEdge) {
std::stable_sort(screens.begin(), screens.end(), [](QScreen *lhs, QScreen *rhs) {
return lhs->geometry().x() < rhs->geometry().x();
m_enterEdge = Qt::LeftEdge;
m_currentPosition = screens.front()->geometry().topLeft() + delta;
} else if (startEdge == Qt::TopEdge) {
std::stable_sort(screens.begin(), screens.end(), [](QScreen *lhs, QScreen *rhs) {
return lhs->geometry().y() + lhs->geometry().height() > rhs->geometry().y() + rhs->geometry().height();
m_enterEdge = Qt::BottomEdge;
m_currentPosition = screens.front()->geometry().bottomLeft() + delta;
} else {
std::stable_sort(screens.begin(), screens.end(), [](QScreen *lhs, QScreen *rhs) {
return lhs->geometry().y() < rhs->geometry().y();
m_enterEdge = Qt::TopEdge;
m_currentPosition = screens.front()->geometry().topLeft() + delta;
m_enterScreen = screens.front();
// Send a packet from this local device to the mousepad plugin because the position could only
// be calculated here
NetworkPacket packet(PACKET_TYPE_MOUSEPAD_REQUEST, {{u"x"_s, m_currentPosition.x()}, {u"y"_s, m_currentPosition.y()}});
if (np.has(u"dx"_s) && m_enterScreen) {
m_currentPosition += QPointF(np.get<double>(u"dx"_s), np.get<double>(u"dy"_s));
auto sendRelease = [this](const QPointF &delta) {
NetworkPacket packet(PACKET_TYPE_SHAREINPUTDEVICES, {{u"releaseDeltax"_s, delta.x()}, {u"releaseDeltay"_s, delta.y()}});
if (m_enterEdge == Qt::LeftEdge && m_currentPosition.x() < m_enterScreen->geometry().x()) {
const QPointF delta = m_currentPosition - m_enterScreen->geometry().topLeft();
} else if (m_enterEdge == Qt::RightEdge && m_currentPosition.x() > m_enterScreen->geometry().x() + m_enterScreen->geometry().width()) {
const QPointF delta = m_currentPosition - m_enterScreen->geometry().topRight();
} else if (m_enterEdge == Qt::TopEdge && m_currentPosition.y() < m_enterScreen->geometry().y()) {
const QPointF delta = m_currentPosition - m_enterScreen->geometry().topLeft();
} else if (m_enterEdge == Qt::BottomEdge && m_currentPosition.y() > m_enterScreen->geometry().y() + m_enterScreen->geometry().height()) {
const QPointF delta = m_currentPosition - m_enterScreen->geometry().bottomLeft();
QString ShareInputDevicesRemotePlugin::dbusPath() const
return QLatin1String("/modules/kdeconnect/devices/%1/shareinputdevicesremote").arg(device()->id());
#include "shareinputdevicesremoteplugin.moc"