/** * Copyright (C) 2018 Aleix Pol Gonzalez * Copyright (C) 2018 Simon Redman * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "conversationlistmodel.h" #include #include #include #include "interfaces/conversationmessage.h" #include "interfaces/dbusinterfaces.h" #include "smshelper.h" #include "sms_conversations_list_debug.h" #define INVALID_THREAD_ID -1 #define INVALID_DATE -1 ConversationListModel::ConversationListModel(QObject* parent) : QStandardItemModel(parent) , m_conversationsInterface(nullptr) { //qCDebug(KDECONNECT_SMS_CONVERSATIONS_LIST_MODEL) << "Constructing" << this; auto roles = roleNames(); roles.insert(FromMeRole, "fromMe"); roles.insert(SenderRole, "sender"); roles.insert(DateRole, "date"); roles.insert(AddressesRole, "addresses"); roles.insert(ConversationIdRole, "conversationId"); roles.insert(MultitargetRole, "isMultitarget"); setItemRoleNames(roles); ConversationMessage::registerDbusType(); } ConversationListModel::~ConversationListModel() { } void ConversationListModel::setDeviceId(const QString& deviceId) { if (deviceId == m_deviceId) { return; } if (deviceId.isEmpty()) { return; } qCDebug(KDECONNECT_SMS_CONVERSATIONS_LIST_MODEL) << "setDeviceId" << deviceId << "of" << this; if (m_conversationsInterface) { disconnect(m_conversationsInterface, SIGNAL(conversationCreated(QDBusVariant)), this, SLOT(handleCreatedConversation(QDBusVariant))); disconnect(m_conversationsInterface, SIGNAL(conversationUpdated(QDBusVariant)), this, SLOT(handleConversationUpdated(QDBusVariant))); delete m_conversationsInterface; m_conversationsInterface = nullptr; } // This method still gets called *with a valid deviceID* when the device is not connected while the component is setting up // Detect that case and don't do anything. DeviceDbusInterface device(deviceId); if (!(device.isValid() && device.isReachable())) { return; } m_deviceId = deviceId; Q_EMIT deviceIdChanged(); m_conversationsInterface = new DeviceConversationsDbusInterface(deviceId, this); connect(m_conversationsInterface, SIGNAL(conversationCreated(QDBusVariant)), this, SLOT(handleCreatedConversation(QDBusVariant))); connect(m_conversationsInterface, SIGNAL(conversationUpdated(QDBusVariant)), this, SLOT(handleConversationUpdated(QDBusVariant))); refresh(); } void ConversationListModel::refresh() { if (m_deviceId.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "refreshing null device"; return; } prepareConversationsList(); m_conversationsInterface->requestAllConversationThreads(); } void ConversationListModel::prepareConversationsList() { if (!m_conversationsInterface->isValid()) { qCWarning(KDECONNECT_SMS_CONVERSATIONS_LIST_MODEL) << "Tried to prepareConversationsList with an invalid interface!"; return; } const QDBusPendingReply validThreadIDsReply = m_conversationsInterface->activeConversations(); setWhenAvailable(validThreadIDsReply, [this](const QVariantList& convs) { clear(); // If we clear before we receive the reply, there might be a (several second) visual gap! for (const QVariant& headMessage : convs) { createRowFromMessage(qdbus_cast(headMessage)); } displayContacts(); }, this); } void ConversationListModel::handleCreatedConversation(const QDBusVariant& msg) { const ConversationMessage message = ConversationMessage::fromDBus(msg); createRowFromMessage(message); } void ConversationListModel::handleConversationUpdated(const QDBusVariant& msg) { const ConversationMessage message = ConversationMessage::fromDBus(msg); createRowFromMessage(message); } void ConversationListModel::printDBusError(const QDBusError& error) { qCWarning(KDECONNECT_SMS_CONVERSATIONS_LIST_MODEL) << error; } QStandardItem* ConversationListModel::conversationForThreadId(qint32 threadId) { for(int i=0, c=rowCount(); idata(ConversationIdRole) == threadId) return it; } return nullptr; } QStandardItem* ConversationListModel::getConversationForAddress(const QString& address) { for(int i = 0; i < rowCount(); ++i) { const auto& it = item(i, 0); if (!it->data(MultitargetRole).toBool()) { if (SmsHelper::isPhoneNumberMatch(it->data(SenderRole).toString(), address)) { return it; } } } return nullptr; } void ConversationListModel::createRowFromMessage(const ConversationMessage& message) { if (message.type() == -1) { // The Android side currently hacks in -1 if something weird comes up // TODO: Remove this hack when MMS support is implemented return; } /** The address of everyone involved in this conversation, which we should not display (check if they are known contacts first) */ const QList rawAddresses = message.addresses(); if (rawAddresses.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "no addresses!" << message.body(); return; } bool toadd = false; QStandardItem* item = conversationForThreadId(message.threadID()); //Check if we have a contact with which to associate this message, needed if there is no conversation with the contact and we received a message from them if (!item && !message.isMultitarget()) { item = getConversationForAddress(rawAddresses[0].address()); if (item) { item->setData(message.threadID(), ConversationIdRole); } } if (!item) { toadd = true; item = new QStandardItem(); const QString displayNames = SmsHelper::getTitleForAddresses(rawAddresses); const QIcon displayIcon = SmsHelper::getIconForAddresses(rawAddresses); item->setText(displayNames); item->setIcon(displayIcon); item->setData(message.threadID(), ConversationIdRole); item->setData(rawAddresses[0].address(), SenderRole); } // TODO: Upgrade to support other kinds of media // Get the body that we should display QString displayBody = message.containsTextBody() ? message.body() : i18n("(Unsupported Message Type)"); // For displaying single line subtitle out of the multiline messages to keep the ListItems consistent displayBody = displayBody.mid(0, displayBody.indexOf(QStringLiteral("\n"))); // Prepend the sender's name if (message.isOutgoing()) { displayBody = i18n("You: %1", displayBody); } else { // If the message is incoming, the sender is the first Address const QString senderAddress = item->data(SenderRole).toString(); const auto sender = SmsHelper::lookupPersonByAddress(senderAddress); const QString senderName = sender == nullptr? senderAddress : SmsHelper::lookupPersonByAddress(senderAddress)->name(); displayBody = i18n("%1: %2", senderName, displayBody); } // Update the message if the data is newer // This will be true if a conversation receives a new message, but false when the user // does something to trigger past conversation history loading bool oldDateExists; const qint64 oldDate = item->data(DateRole).toLongLong(&oldDateExists); if (!oldDateExists || message.date() >= oldDate) { // If there was no old data or incoming data is newer, update the record item->setData(QVariant::fromValue(message.addresses()), AddressesRole); item->setData(message.isOutgoing(), FromMeRole); item->setData(displayBody, Qt::ToolTipRole); item->setData(message.date(), DateRole); item->setData(message.isMultitarget(), MultitargetRole); } if (toadd) appendRow(item); } void ConversationListModel::displayContacts() { const QList> personDataList = SmsHelper::getAllPersons(); for(const auto& person : personDataList) { const QVariantList allPhoneNumbers = person->contactCustomProperty(QStringLiteral("all-phoneNumber")).toList(); for (const QVariant& rawPhoneNumber : allPhoneNumbers) { //check for any duplicate phoneNumber and eliminate it if (!getConversationForAddress(rawPhoneNumber.toString())) { QStandardItem* item = new QStandardItem(); item->setText(person->name()); item->setIcon(person->photo()); QList addresses; addresses.append(ConversationAddress(rawPhoneNumber.toString())); item->setData(QVariant::fromValue(addresses), AddressesRole); const QString displayBody = i18n("%1", rawPhoneNumber.toString()); item->setData(displayBody, Qt::ToolTipRole); item->setData(false, MultitargetRole); item->setData(qint64(INVALID_THREAD_ID), ConversationIdRole); item->setData(qint64(INVALID_DATE), DateRole); item->setData(rawPhoneNumber.toString(), SenderRole); appendRow(item); } } } } void ConversationListModel::createConversationForAddress(const QString& address) { QStandardItem* item = new QStandardItem(); const QString canonicalizedAddress = SmsHelper::canonicalizePhoneNumber(address); item->setText(canonicalizedAddress); QList addresses; addresses.append(ConversationAddress(canonicalizedAddress)); item->setData(QVariant::fromValue(addresses), AddressesRole); QString displayBody = i18n("%1", canonicalizedAddress); item->setData(displayBody, Qt::ToolTipRole); item->setData(false, MultitargetRole); item->setData(qint64(INVALID_THREAD_ID), ConversationIdRole); item->setData(qint64(INVALID_DATE), DateRole); item->setData(address, SenderRole); appendRow(item); }