/* * Copyright 2013 Albert Vaca * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "filetransferjob.h" #include #include #include FileTransferJob::FileTransferJob(const QSharedPointer& origin, int size, const KUrl& destination): KJob() { mDestination = KIO::open(destination, QIODevice::WriteOnly); mOrigin = origin; mSize = size; mWritten = 0; qDebug() << "Downloading payload to" << destination; } void FileTransferJob::start() { //Open destination file connect(mDestination, SIGNAL(open(KIO::Job*)), this, SLOT(open(KIO::Job*))); mDestination->start(); } void FileTransferJob::open(KIO::Job* job) { Q_UNUSED(job); qDebug() << "open"; if (!mOrigin) { qDebug() << "FileTransferJob: Origin is null"; return; } //Open source file mOrigin->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); Q_ASSERT(mOrigin->isOpen()); connect(mOrigin.data(), SIGNAL(readyRead()),this, SLOT(readyRead())); connect(mOrigin.data(), SIGNAL(disconnected()),this, SLOT(sourceFinished())); if (mOrigin->bytesAvailable() > 0) readyRead(); } void FileTransferJob::readyRead() { qDebug() << "readyRead"; //Copy a chunk of data int bytes = qMin(qint64(4096), mOrigin->bytesAvailable()); QByteArray data = mOrigin->read(bytes); mDestination->write(data); mWritten += bytes; if (mSize > -1) { setPercent((mWritten*100)/mSize); } qDebug() << mSize << mWritten << bytes; if (mSize > -1 && mWritten >= mSize) { //At the end or expected size reached qDebug() << "No more data to read"; disconnect(mOrigin.data(), SIGNAL(readyRead()),this, SLOT(readyRead())); mOrigin->close(); } else if (mOrigin->bytesAvailable() > 0) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "readyRead", Qt::QueuedConnection); } } void FileTransferJob::sourceFinished() { qDebug() << "sourceFinished"; //Make sure we do not enter this function again disconnect(mOrigin.data(), SIGNAL(aboutToClose()),this, SLOT(sourceFinished())); //TODO: MD5 check the file if (mSize > -1 && mWritten != mSize) { qDebug() << "Received incomplete file"; setError(1); setErrorText(i18n("Received incomplete file")); emitResult(); } else { qDebug() << "Finished transfer" << mDestination->url(); } emitResult(); }