 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Matthijs Tijink <matthijstijink@gmail.com>
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL

#include "connectionmultiplexer.h"

#include <QtEndian>
#include <QIODevice>
#include <QBluetoothUuid>
#include <QBluetoothSocket>
#include "multiplexchannel.h"
#include "core_debug.h"
#include "multiplexchannelstate.h"

 * The default channel uuid. This channel is opened implicitly (without communication).
#define DEFAULT_CHANNEL_UUID "a0d0aaf4-1072-4d81-aa35-902a954b1266"

//Message type constants
constexpr char MESSAGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 0;
constexpr char MESSAGE_OPEN_CHANNEL = 1;
constexpr char MESSAGE_CLOSE_CHANNEL = 2;
constexpr char MESSAGE_READ = 3;
constexpr char MESSAGE_WRITE = 4;

ConnectionMultiplexer::ConnectionMultiplexer(QBluetoothSocket *socket, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), mSocket{socket}, receivedProtocolVersion{false} {
    connect(mSocket, &QIODevice::readyRead, this, &ConnectionMultiplexer::readyRead);
    connect(mSocket, &QIODevice::aboutToClose, this, &ConnectionMultiplexer::disconnected);
    connect(mSocket, &QBluetoothSocket::disconnected, this, &ConnectionMultiplexer::disconnected);
    connect(mSocket, &QIODevice::bytesWritten, this, &ConnectionMultiplexer::bytesWritten);

    //Send the protocol version
    QByteArray message(23, (char) 0);
    qToBigEndian<uint16_t>(4, &message.data()[1]);
    //Leave UUID empty
    //Only support version 1 (lowest supported = highest supported = 1)
    qToBigEndian<uint16_t>(1, &message.data()[19]);
    qToBigEndian<uint16_t>(1, &message.data()[21]);

    //Send the protocol version message (queued)
    QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, &ConnectionMultiplexer::bytesWritten, Qt::QueuedConnection);

    //Always open the default channel

    //Immediately check if we can read stuff ("readyRead" may not be called in that case)
    if (mSocket->bytesAvailable()) {
        //But invoke it queued
        QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, &ConnectionMultiplexer::readyRead, Qt::QueuedConnection);

ConnectionMultiplexer::~ConnectionMultiplexer() {
    //Always make sure we close the connection

void ConnectionMultiplexer::readyRead() {
    //Continue parsing messages until we need more data for another message
    while (tryParseMessage()) {}

void ConnectionMultiplexer::disconnected() {
    //In case we get disconnected, remove all channels
    for (auto &&channel : channels) {
        disconnect(channel.data(), nullptr, this, nullptr);
    for (auto channel : unrequested_channels) {
        delete channel;

void ConnectionMultiplexer::close() {
    //In case we want to close the connection, remove all channels
    for (auto &&channel : channels) {
        disconnect(channel.data(), nullptr, this, nullptr);
    for (auto channel : unrequested_channels) {
        delete channel;


bool ConnectionMultiplexer::isOpen() const {
    return mSocket->isOpen();

bool ConnectionMultiplexer::tryParseMessage() {

    //The message header is 19 bytes long
    QByteArray header = mSocket->read(19);
    if (header.size() != 19) {
        return false;

     * Parse the header:
     *  - message type (1 byte)
     *  - message length (2 bytes, Big-Endian), excludes header size
     *  - channel uuid (16 bytes, Big-Endian)
    char message_type = header[0];
    uint16_t message_length = qFromBigEndian<uint16_t>(&header.data()[1]);
    quint128 message_uuid_raw;
    for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) message_uuid_raw.data[i] = header[3 + i];
    QBluetoothUuid message_uuid = QBluetoothUuid(message_uuid_raw);

    //Check if we have the full message including its data
    QByteArray data = mSocket->read(message_length);
    if (data.size() != message_length) {
        return false;

    Q_ASSERT(receivedProtocolVersion || message_type == MESSAGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION);

    //Parse the different message types
    if (message_type == MESSAGE_OPEN_CHANNEL) {
        //The other endpoint requested us to open a channel
        Q_ASSERT(message_length == 0);

    } else if (message_type == MESSAGE_READ) {
        //The other endpoint has read some data and requests more data
        Q_ASSERT(message_length == 2);
        //Read the number of bytes requested (2 bytes, Big-Endian)
        uint16_t additional_read = qFromBigEndian<uint16_t>(data.data());
        Q_ASSERT(additional_read > 0);

        //Check if we haven't closed the channel in the meanwhile
        //   (note: different from the user's endpoint of a closed channel, since we might have outstanding buffers)
        auto iter = channels.find(message_uuid);
        if (iter != channels.end() && (*iter)->connected) {
            auto channel = *iter;

            //We have "additional_read" more bytes we can safely write in this channel
            channel->freeWriteAmount += additional_read;
            //We might still have some data in the write buffer
            Q_EMIT channel->writeAvailable();
            return true;
    } else if (message_type == MESSAGE_WRITE) {
        //The other endpoint has written data into a channel (because we requested it)
        Q_ASSERT(message_length > 0);

        //Check if we haven't closed the channel in the meanwhile
        //   (note: different from the user's endpoint of a closed channel, since we might have outstanding buffers)
        auto iter = channels.find(message_uuid);
        if (iter != channels.end() && (*iter)->connected) {
            auto channel = *iter;

            Q_ASSERT(channel->requestedReadAmount >= message_length);

            //We received some data, so update the buffer and the amount of outstanding read requests
            channel->requestedReadAmount -= message_length;

            //Indicate that the channel can read some bytes
            Q_EMIT channel->readyRead();
            return true;
    } else if (message_type == MESSAGE_CLOSE_CHANNEL) {
        //The other endpoint wants to close a channel
        Q_ASSERT(message_length == 0);

        //Check if we haven't closed the channel in the meanwhile
        //   (note: different from the user's endpoint of a closed channel, since we might have outstanding buffers)
        auto iter = channels.find(message_uuid);
        if (iter != channels.end()) {
            auto channel = *iter;

            //We don't want signals anymore, since the channel is closed
            disconnect(channel.data(), nullptr, this, nullptr);
    } else if (message_type == MESSAGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION) {
        //Checks for protocol compatibility
        Q_ASSERT(message_length >= 4);
        //Read the lowest & highest version supported (each 2 bytes, Big-Endian)
        uint16_t lowest_version = qFromBigEndian<uint16_t>(&data.data()[0]);
        uint16_t highest_version = qFromBigEndian<uint16_t>(&data.data()[2]);

        Q_ASSERT(lowest_version == 1);
        Q_ASSERT(highest_version >= 1);
        receivedProtocolVersion = true;
    } else {
        //Other message types are not supported

    return true;

QBluetoothUuid ConnectionMultiplexer::newChannel() {
    //Create a random uuid
    QBluetoothUuid new_id(QUuid::createUuid());

    //Open the channel on the other endpoint
    QByteArray message(3, (char) 0);
    message[0] = MESSAGE_OPEN_CHANNEL;
    qToBigEndian<uint16_t>(0, &message.data()[1]);

    quint128 new_id_raw = new_id.toUInt128();
    message.append((const char*) new_id_raw.data, 16);

    //Add the channel ourselves
    //Write the data
    return new_id;

void ConnectionMultiplexer::addChannel(QBluetoothUuid new_id) {
    MultiplexChannelState *channelState = new MultiplexChannelState();
    //Connect all channels queued, so that we have opportunities to combine read/write requests

    Q_ASSERT(unrequested_channels.size() <= 20);

    //Note that none of the channels knows its own uuid, so we have to add it ourselves
    connect(channelState, &MultiplexChannelState::readAvailable, this, [new_id,this] () {
    }, Qt::QueuedConnection);
    connect(channelState, &MultiplexChannelState::writeAvailable, this, [new_id,this] () {
    }, Qt::QueuedConnection);
    connect(channelState, &MultiplexChannelState::requestClose, this, [new_id,this] () {
    }, Qt::QueuedConnection);
    auto channelStatePtr = QSharedPointer<MultiplexChannelState>{channelState};
    channels[new_id] = channelStatePtr;
    unrequested_channels[new_id] = new MultiplexChannel{channelStatePtr};
    //Immediately ask for data in this channel
    Q_EMIT channelStatePtr->readAvailable();

std::unique_ptr<MultiplexChannel> ConnectionMultiplexer::getChannel(QBluetoothUuid channelId) {
    auto iter = unrequested_channels.find(channelId);
    if (iter == unrequested_channels.end()) {
        return nullptr;
    } else if (!(*iter)->isOpen()) {
        //Delete the channel
        delete *iter;
        //Don't return closed channels
        return nullptr;
    } else {
        auto channel = *iter;
        return std::unique_ptr<MultiplexChannel>{channel};

std::unique_ptr<MultiplexChannel> ConnectionMultiplexer::getDefaultChannel() {
    return getChannel(QBluetoothUuid{QStringLiteral(DEFAULT_CHANNEL_UUID)});

void ConnectionMultiplexer::bytesWritten() {
    if (to_write_bytes.size() > 0) {
        //If we have stuff to write, try to write it
        auto num_written = mSocket->write(to_write_bytes);
        if (num_written <= 0) {
            //On error: disconnected will be called later
            //On buffer full: will be retried later
        } else if (num_written == to_write_bytes.size()) {
        } else {
            to_write_bytes.remove(0, num_written);

void ConnectionMultiplexer::channelCanRead(QBluetoothUuid channelId) {
    auto iter = channels.find(channelId);
    if (iter == channels.end()) return;
    auto channel = *iter;

    //Check if we can request more data to read without overflowing the buffer
    if (channel->read_buffer.size() + channel->requestedReadAmount < channel->BUFFER_SIZE) {
        //Request the exact amount to fill up the buffer
        auto read_amount = channel->BUFFER_SIZE - channel->requestedReadAmount - channel->read_buffer.size();
        channel->requestedReadAmount += read_amount;

        //Send a MESSAGE_READ request for more data
        QByteArray message(3, (char) 0);
        message[0] = MESSAGE_READ;
        qToBigEndian<uint16_t>(2, &message.data()[1]);
        quint128 id_raw = channelId.toUInt128();
        message.append((const char*) id_raw.data, 16);
        message.append(2, 0);
        qToBigEndian<int16_t>(read_amount, &message.data()[19]);
        //Try to send it immediately

void ConnectionMultiplexer::channelCanWrite(QBluetoothUuid channelId) {
    auto iter = channels.find(channelId);
    if (iter == channels.end()) return;
    auto channel = *iter;

    //Check if we can freely send data and we actually have some data
    if (channel->write_buffer.size() > 0 && channel->freeWriteAmount > 0) {
        //Figure out how much we can send now
        auto amount = qMin((int) channel->write_buffer.size(), channel->freeWriteAmount);
        QByteArray data = channel->write_buffer.left(amount);
        channel->write_buffer.remove(0, amount);
        channel->freeWriteAmount -= amount;

        //Send the data
        QByteArray message(3, (char) 0);
        message[0] = MESSAGE_WRITE;
        qToBigEndian<uint16_t>(amount, &message.data()[1]);

        quint128 id_raw = channelId.toUInt128();
        message.append((const char*) id_raw.data, 16);
        //Try to send it immediately
        //Let the channel's users know that some data has been written
        Q_EMIT channel->bytesWritten(amount);

        //If the user previously asked to close the channel and we finally managed to write the buffer, actually close it
        if (channel->write_buffer.isEmpty() && channel->close_after_write) {

void ConnectionMultiplexer::closeChannel(QBluetoothUuid channelId) {
    auto iter = channels.find(channelId);
    if (iter == channels.end()) return;
    auto channel = *iter;

    //If the user wants to close a channel, then the user won't be reading from it anymore
    channel->close_after_write = true;

    //If there's still stuff to write, don't close it just yet
    if (!channel->write_buffer.isEmpty()) return;
    channel->connected = false;

    //Send the actual close channel message
    QByteArray message(3, (char) 0);
    message[0] = MESSAGE_CLOSE_CHANNEL;
    qToBigEndian<uint16_t>(0, &message.data()[1]);

    quint128 id_raw = channelId.toUInt128();
    message.append((const char*) id_raw.data, 16);
    //Try to send it immediately

void ConnectionMultiplexer::removeChannel(QBluetoothUuid channelId) {
    auto iter = channels.find(channelId);
    if (iter == channels.end()) return;
    auto channel = *iter;

    //Remove the channel from the channel list
    channel->connected = false;

    Q_EMIT channel->disconnected();