/** * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Aleix Pol Gonzalez <aleixpol@kde.org> * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Simon Redman <simon@ergotech.com> * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL */ #ifndef CONVERSATIONMODEL_H #define CONVERSATIONMODEL_H #include <QSet> #include <QStandardItemModel> #include "interfaces/conversationmessage.h" #include "interfaces/dbusinterfaces.h" #include "thumbnailsprovider.h" #define INVALID_THREAD_ID -1 class ConversationModel : public QStandardItemModel { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(qint64 threadId READ threadId WRITE setThreadId) Q_PROPERTY(QString deviceId READ deviceId WRITE setDeviceId NOTIFY deviceIdChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QList<ConversationAddress> addressList READ addressList WRITE setAddressList) public: ConversationModel(QObject *parent = nullptr); ~ConversationModel() override; enum Roles { FromMeRole = Qt::UserRole, SenderRole, // The sender of the message. Undefined if this is an outgoing message DateRole, AvatarRole, // URI to the avatar of the sender of the message. Undefined if outgoing. AttachmentsRole, // The list of attachments. Undefined if there is no attachment in a message }; Q_ENUM(Roles) qint64 threadId() const; void setThreadId(const qint64 &threadId); QString deviceId() const { return m_deviceId; } void setDeviceId(const QString & /*deviceId*/); QList<ConversationAddress> addressList() const { return m_addressList; } void setAddressList(const QList<ConversationAddress> &addressList); Q_INVOKABLE bool sendReplyToConversation(const QString &textMessage, QList<QUrl> attachmentUrls); Q_INVOKABLE bool startNewConversation(const QString &textMessage, const QList<ConversationAddress> &addressList, QList<QUrl> attachmentUrls); Q_INVOKABLE void requestMoreMessages(const quint32 &howMany = 10); Q_INVOKABLE QString getCharCountInfo(const QString &message) const; Q_INVOKABLE void requestAttachmentPath(const qint64 &partID, const QString &UniqueIdentifier); Q_SIGNALS: void loadingFinished(); void filePathReceived(QString filePath, QString fileName); void deviceIdChanged(const QString &value); private Q_SLOTS: void handleConversationUpdate(const QDBusVariant &message); void handleConversationLoaded(qint64 threadID, quint64 numMessages); void handleConversationCreated(const QDBusVariant &message); private: void createRowFromMessage(const ConversationMessage &message, int pos); DeviceConversationsDbusInterface *m_conversationsInterface; ThumbnailsProvider *m_thumbnailsProvider; QString m_deviceId; qint64 m_threadId = INVALID_THREAD_ID; QList<ConversationAddress> m_addressList; QSet<qint32> knownMessageIDs; // Set of known Message uIDs }; #endif // CONVERSATIONMODEL_H