/** * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Albert Vaca * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL */ import QtQuick 2.1 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents import org.kde.plasma.components 3.0 as PlasmaComponents3 import org.kde.kdeconnect 1.0 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.0 import QtQuick.Controls 2.4 PlasmaComponents.ListItem { id: root readonly property QtObject device: DeviceDbusInterfaceFactory.create(model.deviceId) DropArea { id: fileDropArea anchors.fill: parent onDropped: { if (drop.hasUrls) { var urls = []; for (var v in drop.urls) { if (drop.urls[v] != null) { if (urls.indexOf(drop.urls[v].toString()) == -1) { urls.push(drop.urls[v].toString()); } } } var i; for (i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) { share.plugin.shareUrl(urls[i]); } } drop.accepted = true; } PlasmaCore.ToolTipArea { id: dropAreaToolTip anchors.fill: parent location: plasmoid.location active: true mainText: i18n("File Transfer") subText: i18n("Drop a file to transfer it onto your phone.") } } Column { width: parent.width RowLayout { width: parent.width Battery { id: battery device: root.device } Connectivity { id: connectivity device: root.device } PlasmaComponents.Label { id: deviceName elide: Text.ElideRight text: { let statuses = []; if (connectivity.available) { statuses.push(connectivity.displayString); } if (battery.available && battery.charge > -1) { statuses.push(i18nc("Display the battery charge percentage with the label \"Battery:\" so the user knows what is being displayed", "Battery: %1", battery.displayString); } if (statuses.length > 0) { return i18n("%1 (%2)", display, statuses.join(", ")); } else { return display; } } Layout.fillWidth: true textFormat: Text.PlainText } PlasmaComponents3.ToolButton { id: overflowMenu icon.name: "application-menu" onClicked: { menu.open(overflowMenu, overflowMenu.height) } PlasmaComponents.ContextMenu { id: menu //Share PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { FileDialog { id: fileDialog title: i18n("Please choose a file") folder: shortcuts.home selectMultiple: true onAccepted: fileDialog.fileUrls.forEach(url => share.plugin.shareUrl(url)) } id: shareFile icon: "document-share" visible: share.available text: i18n("Share file") onClicked: fileDialog.open() } //Find my phone PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { FindMyPhone { id: findmyphone device: root.device } id: ring icon: "irc-voice" visible: findmyphone.available text: i18n("Ring my phone") onClicked: { findmyphone.ring() } } //SFTP PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { Sftp { id: sftp device: root.device } id: browse icon: "document-open-folder" visible: sftp.available text: i18n("Browse this device") onClicked: { sftp.browse() } } //SMS PlasmaComponents.MenuItem { SMS { id: sms device: root.device } icon: "message-new" visible: sms.available text: i18n("SMS Messages") onClicked: { sms.plugin.launchApp() } } } } } //RemoteKeyboard PlasmaComponents.ListItem { visible: remoteKeyboard.remoteState width: parent.width RowLayout { width: parent.width spacing: 5 PlasmaComponents.Label { id: remoteKeyboardLabel text: i18n("Remote Keyboard") } RemoteKeyboard { id: remoteKeyboard device: root.device Layout.fillWidth: true } } } //Notifications PlasmaComponents.ListItem { visible: notificationsModel.count>0 enabled: true PlasmaComponents.Label { text: i18n("Notifications:") } PlasmaComponents.ToolButton { enabled: true visible: notificationsModel.isAnyDimissable; anchors.right: parent.right iconSource: "edit-clear-history" tooltip: i18n("Dismiss all notifications") onClicked: notificationsModel.dismissAll(); } } Repeater { id: notificationsView model: NotificationsModel { id: notificationsModel deviceId: root.device.id() } delegate: PlasmaComponents.ListItem { id: listitem enabled: true onClicked: checked = !checked PlasmaCore.IconItem { id: notificationIcon source: appIcon width: (valid && appIcon.length) ? dismissButton.width : 0 height: width anchors.left: parent.left } PlasmaComponents.Label { text: appName + ": " + (title.length>0 ? (appName==title?notitext:title+": "+notitext) : display) anchors.right: replyButton.left anchors.left: notificationIcon.right elide: listitem.checked ? Text.ElideNone : Text.ElideRight maximumLineCount: listitem.checked ? 0 : 1 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap } PlasmaComponents.ToolButton { id: replyButton visible: repliable enabled: repliable anchors.right: dismissButton.left iconSource: "mail-reply-sender" tooltip: i18n("Reply") onClicked: dbusInterface.reply(); } PlasmaComponents.ToolButton { id: dismissButton visible: notificationsModel.isAnyDimissable; enabled: dismissable anchors.right: parent.right iconSource: "window-close" tooltip: i18n("Dismiss") onClicked: dbusInterface.dismiss(); } } } RemoteCommands { id: rc device: root.device } // Commands RowLayout { visible: rc.available width: parent.width PlasmaComponents.Label { text: i18n("Run command") Layout.fillWidth: true } PlasmaComponents.Button { id: addCommandButton iconSource: "list-add" tooltip: i18n("Add command") onClicked: rc.plugin.editCommands() visible: rc.plugin && rc.plugin.canAddCommand } } Repeater { id: commandsView visible: rc.available model: RemoteCommandsModel { id: commandsModel deviceId: rc.device.id() } delegate: PlasmaComponents.ListItem { enabled: true onClicked: rc.plugin.triggerCommand(key) PlasmaComponents.Label { text: name + "\n" + command } } } // Share Share { id: share device: root.device } } }