/** * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 Vineet Garg <grg.vineet@gmail.com> * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL */ #ifndef KDECONNECT_SERVER_H #define KDECONNECT_SERVER_H #include <QSslSocket> #include <QTcpServer> #include "kdeconnectcore_export.h" // This class overrides QTcpServer to bind QSslSocket to native socket descriptor instead of QTcpSocket class KDECONNECTCORE_EXPORT Server : public QTcpServer { Q_OBJECT public: Server(QObject *parent = 0); ~Server() override = default; QSslSocket *nextPendingConnection() override; void close(); Q_SIGNALS: void closed(); protected: void incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor) override; private: void errorFound(QAbstractSocket::SocketError socketError); }; #endif // KDECONNECT_SERVER_H