/** * Copyright 2013 Albert Vaca * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "mpriscontrolplugin.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mprisdbusinterface.h" #include "propertiesdbusinterface.h" K_PLUGIN_FACTORY( KdeConnectPluginFactory, registerPlugin< MprisControlPlugin >(); ) K_EXPORT_PLUGIN( KdeConnectPluginFactory("kdeconnect_mpriscontrol", "kdeconnect-kded") ) MprisControlPlugin::MprisControlPlugin(QObject* parent, const QVariantList& args) : KdeConnectPlugin(parent, args) { //Detect new interfaces connect(QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface(), SIGNAL(serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString))); //Add existing interfaces QStringList interfaces = QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface()->registeredServiceNames().value(); Q_FOREACH (const QString& iface, interfaces) { if (iface.startsWith("org.mpris.MediaPlayer2")) { addPlayer(iface); } } } void MprisControlPlugin::serviceOwnerChanged(const QString &name, const QString &oldOwner, const QString &newOwner) { Q_UNUSED(oldOwner); if (name.startsWith("org.mpris.MediaPlayer2")) { kDebug(kdeconnect_kded()) << "Mpris (un)registered in bus" << name << oldOwner << newOwner; if (oldOwner.isEmpty()) { addPlayer(name); } else if (newOwner.isEmpty()) { removePlayer(name); } } } void MprisControlPlugin::addPlayer(const QString& service) { QDBusInterface mprisInterface(service, "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2", "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2"); //FIXME: This call hangs and returns an empty string if KDED is still starting! const QString identity = mprisInterface.property("Identity").toString(); playerList[identity] = service; kDebug(kdeconnect_kded()) << "Mpris addPlayer" << service << "->" << identity; sendPlayerList(); OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesInterface* freedesktopInterface = new OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesInterface(service, "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2", QDBusConnection::sessionBus(), this); connect(freedesktopInterface, SIGNAL(PropertiesChanged(QString, QVariantMap, QStringList)), this, SLOT(propertiesChanged(QString, QVariantMap))); } void MprisControlPlugin::propertiesChanged(const QString& propertyInterface, const QVariantMap& properties) { Q_UNUSED(propertyInterface); NetworkPackage np(PACKAGE_TYPE_MPRIS); bool somethingToSend = false; if (properties.contains("Volume")) { int volume = (int) (properties["Volume"].toDouble()*100); if (volume != prevVolume) { np.set("volume",volume); prevVolume = volume; somethingToSend = true; } } if (properties.contains("Metadata")) { QDBusArgument bullshit = qvariant_cast(properties["Metadata"]); QVariantMap nowPlayingMap; bullshit >> nowPlayingMap; if (nowPlayingMap.contains("xesam:title")) { QString nowPlaying = nowPlayingMap["xesam:title"].toString(); if (nowPlayingMap.contains("xesam:artist")) { nowPlaying = nowPlayingMap["xesam:artist"].toString() + " - " + nowPlaying; } np.set("nowPlaying",nowPlaying); somethingToSend = true; } } if (properties.contains("PlaybackStatus")) { bool playing = (properties["PlaybackStatus"].toString() == "Playing"); np.set("isPlaying", playing); somethingToSend = true; } if (somethingToSend) { OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesInterface* interface = (OrgFreedesktopDBusPropertiesInterface*)sender(); const QString& service = interface->service(); const QString& player = playerList.key(service); np.set("player", player); sendPackage(np); } } void MprisControlPlugin::removePlayer(const QString& ifaceName) { const QString identity = playerList.key(ifaceName); kDebug(kdeconnect_kded()) << "Mpris removePlayer" << ifaceName << "->" << identity; playerList.remove(identity); sendPlayerList(); } bool MprisControlPlugin::receivePackage (const NetworkPackage& np) { if (np.has("playerList")) { return false; //Whoever sent this is an mpris client and not an mpris control! } //Send the player list const QString player = np.get("player"); bool valid_player = playerList.contains(player); if (!valid_player || np.get("requestPlayerList")) { sendPlayerList(); if (!valid_player) { return true; } } //Do something to the mpris interface OrgMprisMediaPlayer2PlayerInterface mprisInterface(playerList[player], "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2", QDBusConnection::sessionBus()); if (np.has("action")) { const QString& action = np.get("action"); kDebug(kdeconnect_kded()) << "Calling action" << action << "in" << playerList[player]; //TODO: Check for valid actions mprisInterface.call(action); } if (np.has("setVolume")) { double volume = np.get("setVolume")/100.f; kDebug(kdeconnect_kded()) << "Setting volume" << volume << "to" << playerList[player]; mprisInterface.setVolume(volume); } if (np.has("Seek")) { int offset = np.get("Seek"); kDebug(kdeconnect_kded()) << "Seeking" << offset << "to" << playerList[player]; mprisInterface.Seek(offset); } //Send something read from the mpris interface NetworkPackage answer(PACKAGE_TYPE_MPRIS); bool somethingToSend = false; if (np.get("requestNowPlaying")) { QVariantMap nowPlayingMap = mprisInterface.metadata(); QString nowPlaying = nowPlayingMap["xesam:title"].toString(); if (nowPlayingMap.contains("xesam:artist")) { nowPlaying = nowPlayingMap["xesam:artist"].toString() + " - " + nowPlaying; } answer.set("nowPlaying",nowPlaying); bool playing = (mprisInterface.playbackStatus() == QLatin1String("Playing")); answer.set("isPlaying", playing); somethingToSend = true; } if (np.get("requestVolume")) { int volume = (int)(mprisInterface.volume() * 100); answer.set("volume",volume); somethingToSend = true; } if (somethingToSend) { answer.set("player", player); sendPackage(answer); } return true; } void MprisControlPlugin::sendPlayerList() { NetworkPackage np(PACKAGE_TYPE_MPRIS); np.set("playerList",playerList.keys()); sendPackage(np); } #include "mpriscontrolplugin.moc"