[Global] IconName=kdeconnect Name=KDE Connect Name[fr]=KDE Connect Name[nl]=KDE Connect Name[pt]=KDE Connect Name[sv]=KDE-anslut Name[x-test]=xxKDE Connectxx Comment=Notifications from your devices Comment[fr]=Notifications provenant de vos périphériques Comment[nl]=Meldingen van uw apparaten Comment[pt]=Notificações dos seus dispositivos Comment[sv]=Underrättelser från dina apparater Comment[x-test]=xxNotifications from your devicesxx [Event/pairingRequest] Name=Pairing Request Name[fr]=Demande d'appariement Name[nl]=Verzoek om een paar te maken Name[pt]=Pedido de Emparelhamento Name[sv]=Begäran om ihopparning Name[x-test]=xxPairing Requestxx Comment=Pairing request received from a devices Comment[fr]=Demande d'appariement provenant d'un périphérique Comment[nl]=Verzoek om een paar te maken ontvangen van een apparaat Comment[pt]=Pedido de emparelhamento recebido de um dispositivo Comment[sv]=Begäran om ihopparning mottagen från en apparat Comment[x-test]=xxPairing request received from a devicesxx Action=Popup [Event/callReceived] Name=Incoming Call Name[fr]=Appel entrant Name[nl]=Inkomende oproep Name[pt]=Chamada Recebida Name[sv]=Inkommande samtal Name[x-test]=xxIncoming Callxx Comment=Someone is calling you Comment[fr]=Quelqu'un vous appelle Comment[nl]=Iemand belt u op Comment[pt]=Alguém está a ligar-lhe Comment[sv]=Någon ringer till dig Comment[x-test]=xxSomeone is calling youxx Action=Popup [Event/missedCall] Name=Missed Call Name[fr]=Appel manqué Name[nl]=Gemiste oproep Name[pt]=Chamada Não Atendida Name[sv]=Missat samtal Name[x-test]=xxMissed Callxx Comment=You have a missed call Comment[fr]=Vous avez un appel manqué Comment[nl]=U hebt een gemiste oproep Comment[pt]=Tem uma chamada não atendida Comment[sv]=Du har missat ett samtal Comment[x-test]=xxYou have a missed callxx Action=Popup [Event/smsReceived] Name=SMS Received Name[fr]=SMS reçu Name[nl]=SMS ontvangen Name[pt]=SMS Recebido Name[sv]=SMS mottaget Name[x-test]=xxSMS Receivedxx Comment=Someone sent you an SMS Comment[fr]=Quelqu'un vous a envoyé un SMS Comment[nl]=Iemand heeft u een SMS gestuurd Comment[pt]=Alguém lhe enviou um SMS Comment[sv]=Någon skickade ett SMS till dig Comment[x-test]=xxSomeone sent you an SMSxx Action=Popup [Event/batteryLow] Name=Battery Low Name[fr]=Batterie faible Name[nl]=Batterij op laag niveau Name[pt]=Bateria Fraca Name[sv]=Låg batteriladdning Name[x-test]=xxBattery Lowxx Comment=Your battery is in low state Comment[fr]=Votre batterie est faible Comment[nl]=Uw batterij is bijna leeg Comment[pt]=A sua bateria está fraca Comment[sv]=Batteriet är nästan slut Comment[x-test]=xxYour battery is in low statexx Action=Popup [Event/pingReceived] Name=Ping Received Name[fr]=Ping reçu Name[nl]=Ping ontvangen Name[pt]=Contacto Recebido Name[sv]=Ping mottaget Name[x-test]=xxPing Receivedxx Comment=Ping received Comment[fr]=Ping reçu Comment[nl]=Ping ontvangen Comment[pt]=Pedido de rede recebido Comment[sv]=Ping mottaget Comment[x-test]=xxPing receivedxx Action=Popup [Event/notification] Name=Generic Notification Name[fr]=Notification Name[nl]=Algemene melding Name[pt]=Notificação Genérica Name[sv]=Generell underrättelse Name[x-test]=xxGeneric Notificationxx Comment=Notification received Comment[fr]=Notification reçue Comment[nl]=Melding ontvangen Comment[pt]=Notificação recebida Comment[sv]=Underrättelse mottagen Comment[x-test]=xxNotification receivedxx Action=Popup [Event/transferReceived] Name=File Transfer Name[fr]=Transfert de fichiers Name[nl]=Bestandsoverdracht Name[pt]=Transferência de Ficheiros Name[sv]=Filöverföring Name[x-test]=xxFile Transferxx Comment=Incoming file Comment[fr]=Fichier entrant Comment[nl]=Inkomend bestand Comment[pt]=Ficheiro recebido Comment[sv]=Inkommande fil Comment[x-test]=xxIncoming filexx Action=Popup