/** * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Aleix Pol Gonzalez <aleixpol@kde.org> * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Nicolas Fella <nicolas.fella@gmx.de> * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Simon Redman <simon@ergotech.com> * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL */ import QtQuick 2.5 import QtQuick.Controls 2.1 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import org.kde.people 1.0 import org.kde.kirigami 2.12 as Kirigami import org.kde.kdeconnect 1.0 import org.kde.kdeconnect.sms 1.0 Kirigami.ScrollablePage { id: page ToolTip { id: noDevicesWarning visible: !page.deviceConnected timeout: -1 text: "⚠️ " + i18nd("kdeconnect-sms", "No devices available") + " ⚠️" MouseArea { // Detect mouseover and show another tooltip with more information anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true ToolTip.visible: containsMouse ToolTip.delay: Qt.styleHints.mousePressAndHoldInterval // TODO: Wrap text if line is too long for the screen ToolTip.text: i18nd("kdeconnect-sms", "No new messages can be sent or received, but you can browse cached content") } } ColumnLayout { id: loadingMessage visible: deviceConnected && view.count == 0 && currentSearchText.length == 0 anchors.centerIn: parent BusyIndicator { visible: loadingMessage.visible running: loadingMessage.visible Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter } Label { text: i18nd("kdeconnect-sms", "Loading conversations from device. If this takes a long time, please wake up your device and then click Refresh.") Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter Layout.preferredWidth: page.width / 2 horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter wrapMode: Text.Wrap } Label { text: i18nd("kdeconnect-sms", "Tip: If you plug in your device, it should not go into doze mode and should load quickly.") Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter Layout.preferredWidth: page.width / 2 horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter wrapMode: Text.Wrap } Button { text: i18nd("kdeconnect-sms", "Refresh") icon.name: "view-refresh" Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter onClicked: { conversationListModel.refresh(); } } } property string initialMessage : AppData.initialMessage header: Kirigami.InlineMessage { Layout.fillWidth: true visible: page.initialMessage.length > 0 text: i18nd("kdeconnect-sms", "Choose recipient") actions: [ Kirigami.Action { iconName: "dialog-cancel" text: i18nd("kdeconnect-sms", "Cancel") onTriggered: initialMessage = "" } ] } property int devicesCount readonly property bool deviceConnected: devicesCount > 0 property string currentSearchText Component { id: chatView ConversationDisplay { deviceConnected: page.deviceConnected } } titleDelegate: RowLayout { id: headerLayout width: parent.width Keys.forwardTo: [filter] Kirigami.SearchField { /** * Used as the filter of the list of messages */ id: filter placeholderText: i18nd("kdeconnect-sms", "Search or start conversation...") Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true onTextChanged: { currentSearchText = filter.text; if (filter.text != "") { view.model.setConversationsFilterRole(ConversationListModel.AddressesRole) } else { view.model.setConversationsFilterRole(ConversationListModel.ConversationIdRole) } view.model.setFilterFixedString(SmsHelper.canonicalizePhoneNumber(filter.text)) view.currentIndex = 0 filter.forceActiveFocus(); } Keys.onReturnPressed: { event.accepted = true view.currentItem.startChat() } Keys.onEscapePressed: { event.accepted = filter.text != "" filter.text = "" } Shortcut { sequence: "Ctrl+F" onActivated: filter.forceActiveFocus() } } Button { id: newButton icon.name: "list-add" text: i18nd("kdeconnect-sms", "New") visible: true enabled: SmsHelper.isAddressValid(filter.text) && deviceConnected ToolTip.visible: hovered ToolTip.delay: Qt.styleHints.mousePressAndHoldInterval ToolTip.text: i18nd("kdeconnect-sms", "Start new conversation") onClicked: { // We have to disable the filter temporarily in order to avoid getting key inputs accidently while processing the request filter.enabled = false // If the address entered by the user already exists then ignore adding new contact if (!view.model.doesAddressExists(filter.text) && SmsHelper.isAddressValid(filter.text)) { conversationListModel.createConversationForAddress(filter.text) view.currentIndex = 0 } filter.enabled = true } Shortcut { sequence: "Ctrl+N" onActivated: newButton.onClicked() } } } property alias conversationListModel: conversationListModel ListView { id: view currentIndex: 0 model: QSortFilterProxyModel { sortOrder: Qt.DescendingOrder filterCaseSensitivity: Qt.CaseInsensitive sourceModel: ConversationListModel { id: conversationListModel deviceId: AppData.deviceId } } Keys.forwardTo: [headerItem] delegate: Kirigami.BasicListItem { id: listItem icon: decoration reserveSpaceForIcon: true label: display subtitle: toolTip property var thumbnail: attachmentPreview function startChat() { view.currentItem.forceActiveFocus(); applicationWindow().pageStack.push(chatView, { addresses: addresses, conversationId: model.conversationId, isMultitarget: isMultitarget, initialMessage: page.initialMessage}) initialMessage = "" } onClicked: { startChat(); view.currentIndex = index } Kirigami.Icon { id: thumbnailItem source: { if (!listItem.thumbnail) { return undefined } if (listItem.thumbnail.hasOwnProperty) { if (listItem.thumbnail.hasOwnProperty("name") && listItem.thumbnail.name !== "") return listItem.thumbnail.name; if (listItem.thumbnail.hasOwnProperty("source")) return listItem.thumbnail.source; } return listItem.thumbnail; } property int size: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.huge Layout.minimumHeight: size Layout.maximumHeight: size Layout.minimumWidth: size selected: (listItem.highlighted || listItem.checked || (listItem.pressed && listItem.supportsMouseEvents)) opacity: 1 visible: source != undefined } // Keep the currently-open chat highlighted even if this element is not focused highlighted: view.currentIndex == index } Component.onCompleted: { currentIndex = -1 focus = true } Kirigami.PlaceholderMessage { anchors.centerIn: parent width: parent.width - (Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing * 4) visible: deviceConnected && view.count == 0 && currentSearchText.length != 0 text: i18ndc("kdeconnect-sms", "Placeholder message text when no messages are found", "No matches") } } }