WIP: Implement mdns server responses, missing a way to determine ip address
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 176 additions and 374 deletions
@ -11,17 +11,6 @@
#include "mdns.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <iphlpapi.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <ifaddrs.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <QHostInfo>
#include <QNetworkInterface>
@ -71,7 +60,7 @@ static int query_callback(int sock, const struct sockaddr* from, size_t addrlen,
switch (record_type) {
// Keep just the service name instead of the full "<service-name>.<_service-type>._tcp.local." string
// We don't use mdns_record_parse_ptr() because we want to extract just the service name instead of the full "<service-name>.<_service-type>._tcp.local." string
mdns_string_pair_t serviceNamePos = mdns_get_next_substring(data, size, record_offset);
discoveredService->name = QString::fromLatin1((char *)data + serviceNamePos.offset, serviceNamePos.length);
//static char serviceNameBuffer[256];
@ -171,10 +160,8 @@ int MdnsWrapper::listenForQueryResponses()
QObject::connect(socketNotifier, &QSocketNotifier::activated, [this](QSocketDescriptor socket) {
MdnsService discoveredService;
size_t capacity = 2048;
void *buffer = malloc(capacity);
size_t num_records = mdns_query_recv(socket, buffer, capacity, query_callback, (void *)&discoveredService, 0);
static char buffer[2048];
size_t num_records = mdns_query_recv(socket, buffer, sizeof(buffer), query_callback, (void *)&discoveredService, 0);
// qCDebug(KDECONNECT_CORE) << "Discovered service" << discoveredService.name << "at" << discoveredService.address << "in" << num_records <<
// "records via socket" << socket;
@ -195,130 +182,67 @@ void MdnsWrapper::sendQuery(const QString &serviceType)
mdns_query_t query;
QByteArray serviceTypeBytes = serviceType.toLatin1();
query.name = serviceTypeBytes.data();
query.name = serviceTypeBytes.constData();
query.length = serviceTypeBytes.length();
size_t capacity = 2048;
void *buffer = malloc(capacity);
static char buffer[2048];
for (QSocketNotifier *socketNotifier : responseSocketNotifiers) {
int socket = socketNotifier->socket();
qCDebug(KDECONNECT_CORE) << "Sending mDNS query via socket" << socket;
int ret = mdns_multiquery_send(socket, &query, 1, buffer, capacity, 0);
int ret = mdns_multiquery_send(socket, &query, 1, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0);
if (ret < 0) {
qWarning() << "Failed to send mDNS query:" << strerror(errno);
const QByteArray dnsSdName = QByteArray("_services._dns-sd._udp.local.");
static mdns_string_t createMdnsString(const QByteArray &str)
return mdns_string_t{str.constData(), (size_t)str.length()};
// Those are the IPs we will announce. They are the first IP we find. Maybe we should announce all our IPs instead?
struct sockaddr_in service_address_ipv4;
struct sockaddr_in6 service_address_ipv6;
static mdns_string_t ipv4_address_to_string(char* buffer, size_t capacity, const struct sockaddr_in* addr,
size_t addrlen) {
char host[NI_MAXHOST] = {0};
char service[NI_MAXSERV] = {0};
int ret = getnameinfo((const struct sockaddr*)addr, (socklen_t)addrlen, host, NI_MAXHOST,
int len = 0;
if (ret == 0) {
if (addr->sin_port != 0)
len = snprintf(buffer, capacity, "%s:%s", host, service);
len = snprintf(buffer, capacity, "%s", host);
static mdns_record_t createMdnsRecord(const MdnsServiceAnnouncer::AnnouncedInfo &self,
mdns_record_type_t record_type,
QHash<QByteArray, QByteArray>::const_iterator txtIterator = {})
mdns_record_t answer;
answer.type = record_type;
answer.rclass = 0;
answer.ttl = 0;
switch (record_type) {
case MDNS_RECORDTYPE_PTR: // maps "<_service-type>._tcp.local." to "<service-name>.<_service-type>._tcp.local."
answer.name = createMdnsString(self.serviceType);
answer.data.ptr.name = createMdnsString(self.serviceInstance);
case MDNS_RECORDTYPE_SRV: // maps "<service-name>.<_service-type>._tcp.local." to "<hostname>.local." and port
answer.name = createMdnsString(self.serviceInstance);
answer.data.srv.name = createMdnsString(self.hostname);
answer.data.srv.port = self.port, answer.data.srv.priority = 0;
answer.data.srv.weight = 0;
case MDNS_RECORDTYPE_A: // maps "<hostname>.local." to IPv4
answer.name = createMdnsString(self.hostname);
answer.data.a.addr = self.address_ipv4;
case MDNS_RECORDTYPE_AAAA: // maps "<hostname>.local." to IPv6
answer.name = createMdnsString(self.hostname);
answer.data.aaaa.addr = self.address_ipv6;
answer.name = createMdnsString(self.serviceInstance);
answer.type = MDNS_RECORDTYPE_TXT;
answer.data.txt.key = createMdnsString(txtIterator.key());
answer.data.txt.value = createMdnsString(txtIterator.value());
if (len >= (int)capacity)
len = (int)capacity - 1;
mdns_string_t str;
str.str = buffer;
str.length = len;
return str;
return answer;
static mdns_string_t ipv6_address_to_string(char* buffer, size_t capacity, const struct sockaddr_in6* addr,
size_t addrlen) {
char host[NI_MAXHOST] = {0};
char service[NI_MAXSERV] = {0};
int ret = getnameinfo((const struct sockaddr*)addr, (socklen_t)addrlen, host, NI_MAXHOST,
int len = 0;
if (ret == 0) {
if (addr->sin6_port != 0)
len = snprintf(buffer, capacity, "[%s]:%s", host, service);
len = snprintf(buffer, capacity, "%s", host);
if (len >= (int)capacity)
len = (int)capacity - 1;
mdns_string_t str;
str.str = buffer;
str.length = len;
return str;
static mdns_string_t ip_address_to_string(char* buffer, size_t capacity, const struct sockaddr* addr, size_t addrlen) {
if (addr->sa_family == AF_INET6)
return ipv6_address_to_string(buffer, capacity, (const struct sockaddr_in6*)addr, addrlen);
return ipv4_address_to_string(buffer, capacity, (const struct sockaddr_in*)addr, addrlen);
char service_instance_buffer[256] = {0};
char qualified_hostname_buffer[256] = {0};
static char sendbuffer[1024];
static mdns_record_txt_t txtbuffer[128];
static char addrbuffer[64];
static char entrybuffer[256];
const QString dnsSdName = QStringLiteral("_services._dns-sd._udp.local.");
// Callback handling questions incoming on service sockets
static int service_callback(int sock, const struct sockaddr* from, size_t addrlen, mdns_entry_type_t entry_type,
uint16_t query_id, uint16_t record_type, uint16_t rclass, uint32_t ttl, const void* data,
@ -328,8 +252,9 @@ static int service_callback(int sock, const struct sockaddr* from, size_t addrle
static char sendbuffer[2048];
MdnsServiceAnnouncer::AnnouncedInfo *myself = (MdnsServiceAnnouncer::AnnouncedInfo *)user_data;
const MdnsServiceAnnouncer::AnnouncedInfo &self = *((MdnsServiceAnnouncer::AnnouncedInfo *)user_data);
if (entry_type != MDNS_ENTRYTYPE_QUESTION) {
return 0;
@ -337,208 +262,153 @@ static int service_callback(int sock, const struct sockaddr* from, size_t addrle
static char nameBuffer[256];
mdns_string_t nameMdnsString = mdns_string_extract(data, size, &name_offset, nameBuffer, sizeof(nameBuffer));
QString name = QString::fromLatin1(nameMdnsString.str, nameMdnsString.length);
QByteArray name = QByteArray(nameMdnsString.str, nameMdnsString.length);
if (name == dnsSdName) {
qWarning() << "Someone queried all services for" << recordTypeToStr(record_type);
if ((record_type == MDNS_RECORDTYPE_PTR) || (record_type == MDNS_RECORDTYPE_ANY)) {
// The PTR query was for the DNS-SD domain, send answer with a PTR record for the
// service name we advertise, typically on the "<_service-name>._tcp.local." format
// The PTR query was for the DNS-SD domain, send answer with a PTR record for the service name we advertise.
// Answer PTR record reverse mapping "<_service-name>._tcp.local." to "<hostname>.<_service-name>._tcp.local."
mdns_record_t answer;
answer.name = nameMdnsString;
answer.type = MDNS_RECORDTYPE_PTR;
answer.data.ptr.name = service.service;
mdns_record_t answer = createMdnsRecord(self, MDNS_RECORDTYPE_PTR);
// Send the answer, unicast or multicast depending on flag in query
uint16_t unicast = (rclass & MDNS_UNICAST_RESPONSE);
printf(" --> answer %.*s (%s)\n", MDNS_STRING_FORMAT(answer.data.ptr.name),
(unicast ? "unicast" : "multicast"));
printf(" --> answer %.*s (%s)\n", MDNS_STRING_FORMAT(answer.data.ptr.name), (unicast ? "unicast" : "multicast"));
if (unicast) {
mdns_query_answer_unicast(sock, (void*)from, addrlen, (void*)sendbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer),
query_id, (mdns_record_type_t)record_type, nameMdnsString.str, nameMdnsString.length, answer, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
mdns_query_answer_unicast(sock, from, addrlen, sendbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer), query_id,
(mdns_record_type_t)record_type, nameMdnsString.str, nameMdnsString.length,
answer, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
} else {
mdns_query_answer_multicast(sock, sendbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer), answer, 0, 0, 0, 0);
} else if (name == myself->serviceType) {
} else if (name == self.serviceType) {
qWarning() << "Someone queried my service type for" << recordTypeToStr(record_type);
if ((record_type == MDNS_RECORDTYPE_PTR) || (record_type == MDNS_RECORDTYPE_ANY)) {
// The PTR query was for our service (usually "<_service-name._tcp.local"), answer a PTR
// record reverse mapping the queried service name to our service instance name
// (typically on the "<hostname>.<_service-name>._tcp.local." format), and add
// additional records containing the SRV record mapping the service instance name to our
// qualified hostname (typically "<hostname>.local.") and port, as well as any IPv4/IPv6
// address for the hostname as A/AAAA records, and two test TXT records
// The PTR query was for our service, answer a PTR record reverse mapping the queried service name
// to our service instance name and add additional records containing the SRV record mapping the
// service instance name to our qualified hostname and port, as well as any IPv4/IPv6 and TXT records
// Answer PTR record reverse mapping "<_service-name>._tcp.local." to
// "<hostname>.<_service-name>._tcp.local."
mdns_record_t answer = service.record_ptr;
mdns_record_t answer = createMdnsRecord(self, MDNS_RECORDTYPE_PTR);
mdns_record_t additional[5] = {0};
size_t additional_count = 0;
QVector<mdns_record_t> additional;
additional.append(createMdnsRecord(self, MDNS_RECORDTYPE_SRV));
if (self.address_ipv4.sin_family == AF_INET) {
additional.append(createMdnsRecord(self, MDNS_RECORDTYPE_A));
if (self.address_ipv4.sin_family == AF_INET6) {
additional.append(createMdnsRecord(self, MDNS_RECORDTYPE_AAAA));
// SRV record mapping "<hostname>.<_service-name>._tcp.local." to
// "<hostname>.local." with port. Set weight & priority to 0.
additional[additional_count++] = service.record_srv;
// A/AAAA records mapping "<hostname>.local." to IPv4/IPv6 addresses
if (service.address_ipv4.sin_family == AF_INET)
additional[additional_count++] = service.record_a;
if (service.address_ipv6.sin6_family == AF_INET6)
additional[additional_count++] = service.record_aaaa;
// Add two test TXT records for our service instance name, will be coalesced into
// one record with both key-value pair strings by the library
additional[additional_count++] = service.txt_record[0];
additional[additional_count++] = service.txt_record[1];
for (auto txtIterator = self.txtRecords.cbegin(); txtIterator != self.txtRecords.cend(); txtIterator++) {
additional.append(createMdnsRecord(self, MDNS_RECORDTYPE_TXT, txtIterator));
// Send the answer, unicast or multicast depending on flag in query
uint16_t unicast = (rclass & MDNS_UNICAST_RESPONSE);
printf(" --> answer %.*s (%s)\n",
(unicast ? "unicast" : "multicast"));
printf(" --> answer %.*s (%s)\n", MDNS_STRING_FORMAT(answer.data.ptr.name), (unicast ? "unicast" : "multicast"));
if (unicast) {
mdns_query_answer_unicast(sock, from, addrlen, sendbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer),
query_id, (mdns_record_type_t)record_type, name.str, name.length, answer, 0, 0,
additional, additional_count);
mdns_query_answer_unicast(sock, from, addrlen, sendbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer), query_id,
(mdns_record_type_t)record_type, nameMdnsString.str, nameMdnsString.length,
answer, 0, 0, additional.constData(), additional.length());
} else {
mdns_query_answer_multicast(sock, sendbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer), answer, 0, 0,
additional, additional_count);
additional.constData(), additional.length());
} else if (name == myself->serviceInstance) {
} else if (name == self.serviceInstance) {
qWarning() << "Someone queried my service instance" << recordTypeToStr(record_type);
if ((record_type == MDNS_RECORDTYPE_SRV) || (record_type == MDNS_RECORDTYPE_ANY)) {
// The SRV query was for our service instance (usually
// "<hostname>.<_service-name._tcp.local"), answer a SRV record mapping the service
// The SRV query was for our service instance, answer a SRV record mapping the service
// instance name to our qualified hostname (typically "<hostname>.local.") and port, as
// well as any IPv4/IPv6 address for the hostname as A/AAAA records, and two test TXT
// records
// well as any IPv4/IPv6 address for the hostname as A/AAAA records and TXT records
// Answer PTR record reverse mapping "<_service-name>._tcp.local." to
// "<hostname>.<_service-name>._tcp.local."
mdns_record_t answer = service.record_srv;
mdns_record_t answer = createMdnsRecord(self, MDNS_RECORDTYPE_SRV);
mdns_record_t additional[5] = {0};
size_t additional_count = 0;
QVector<mdns_record_t> additional;
if (self.address_ipv4.sin_family == AF_INET) {
additional.append(createMdnsRecord(self, MDNS_RECORDTYPE_A));
if (self.address_ipv4.sin_family == AF_INET6) {
additional.append(createMdnsRecord(self, MDNS_RECORDTYPE_AAAA));
// A/AAAA records mapping "<hostname>.local." to IPv4/IPv6 addresses
if (service.address_ipv4.sin_family == AF_INET)
additional[additional_count++] = service.record_a;
if (service.address_ipv6.sin6_family == AF_INET6)
additional[additional_count++] = service.record_aaaa;
// Add two test TXT records for our service instance name, will be coalesced into
// one record with both key-value pair strings by the library
additional[additional_count++] = service.txt_record[0];
additional[additional_count++] = service.txt_record[1];
for (auto txtIterator = self.txtRecords.cbegin(); txtIterator != self.txtRecords.cend(); txtIterator++) {
additional.append(createMdnsRecord(self, MDNS_RECORDTYPE_TXT, txtIterator));
// Send the answer, unicast or multicast depending on flag in query
uint16_t unicast = (rclass & MDNS_UNICAST_RESPONSE);
printf(" --> answer %.*s port %d (%s)\n",
MDNS_STRING_FORMAT(service.record_srv.data.srv.name), service.port,
(unicast ? "unicast" : "multicast"));
printf(" --> answer %.*s port %d (%s)\n", MDNS_STRING_FORMAT(answer.data.srv.name), answer.data.srv.port, (unicast ? "unicast" : "multicast"));
if (unicast) {
mdns_query_answer_unicast(sock, from, addrlen, sendbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer),
query_id, (mdns_record_type_t)record_type, name.str, name.length, answer, 0, 0,
additional, additional_count);
mdns_query_answer_unicast(sock, from, addrlen, sendbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer), query_id,
(mdns_record_type_t)record_type, nameMdnsString.str, nameMdnsString.length,
answer, 0, 0, additional.constData(), additional.length());
} else {
mdns_query_answer_multicast(sock, sendbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer), answer, 0, 0,
additional, additional_count);
additional.constData(), additional.length());
} else if (name == myself->hostname) {
} else if (name == self.hostname) {
qWarning() << "Someone queried my host for" << recordTypeToStr(record_type);
if (((record_type == MDNS_RECORDTYPE_A) || (record_type == MDNS_RECORDTYPE_ANY)) /* && socketNotifier */) {
// The A query was for our qualified hostname (typically "<hostname>.local.") and we
// have an IPv4 address, answer with an A record mappiing the hostname to an IPv4
// address, as well as any IPv6 address for the hostname, and two test TXT records
if (((record_type == MDNS_RECORDTYPE_A) || (record_type == MDNS_RECORDTYPE_ANY)) && self.address_ipv4.sin_family == AF_INET) {
// The A query was for our qualified hostname and we have an IPv4 address, answer with an A
// record mapping the hostname to an IPv4 address, as well as an AAAA record and TXT records
// Answer A records mapping "<hostname>.local." to IPv4 address
mdns_record_t answer = service.record_a;
mdns_record_t answer = createMdnsRecord(self, MDNS_RECORDTYPE_A);
mdns_record_t additional[5] = {0};
size_t additional_count = 0;
QVector<mdns_record_t> additional;
if (self.address_ipv4.sin_family == AF_INET6) {
additional.append(createMdnsRecord(self, MDNS_RECORDTYPE_AAAA));
// AAAA record mapping "<hostname>.local." to IPv6 addresses
if (service.address_ipv6.sin6_family == AF_INET6)
additional[additional_count++] = service.record_aaaa;
// Add two test TXT records for our service instance name, will be coalesced into
// one record with both key-value pair strings by the library
additional[additional_count++] = service.txt_record[0];
additional[additional_count++] = service.txt_record[1];
for (auto txtIterator = self.txtRecords.cbegin(); txtIterator != self.txtRecords.cend(); txtIterator++) {
additional.append(createMdnsRecord(self, MDNS_RECORDTYPE_TXT, txtIterator));
// Send the answer, unicast or multicast depending on flag in query
uint16_t unicast = (rclass & MDNS_UNICAST_RESPONSE);
mdns_string_t addrstr = ip_address_to_string(
addrbuffer, sizeof(addrbuffer), (struct sockaddr*)&service.record_a.data.a.addr,
printf(" --> answer %.*s IPv4 %.*s (%s)\n", MDNS_STRING_FORMAT(service.record_a.name),
MDNS_STRING_FORMAT(addrstr), (unicast ? "unicast" : "multicast"));
printf(" --> answer %.*s IPv4 (%s)\n", MDNS_STRING_FORMAT(answer.name), (unicast ? "unicast" : "multicast"));
if (unicast) {
mdns_query_answer_unicast(sock, from, addrlen, sendbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer),
query_id, (mdns_record_type_t)record_type, name.str, name.length, answer, 0, 0,
additional, additional_count);
mdns_query_answer_unicast(sock, from, addrlen, sendbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer), query_id,
(mdns_record_type_t)record_type, nameMdnsString.str, nameMdnsString.length,
answer, 0, 0, additional.constData(), additional.length());
} else {
mdns_query_answer_multicast(sock, sendbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer), answer, 0, 0,
additional, additional_count);
additional.constData(), additional.length());
} else if (((record_type == MDNS_RECORDTYPE_AAAA) || (record_type == MDNS_RECORDTYPE_ANY)) /* && socketNotifierV6 */) {
// The AAAA query was for our qualified hostname (typically "<hostname>.local.") and we
// have an IPv6 address, answer with an AAAA record mappiing the hostname to an IPv6
// address, as well as any IPv4 address for the hostname, and two test TXT records
} else if (((record_type == MDNS_RECORDTYPE_AAAA) || (record_type == MDNS_RECORDTYPE_ANY)) && self.address_ipv6.sin6_family == AF_INET6) {
// The AAAA query was for our qualified hostname and we have an IPv6 address, answer with an AAAA
// record mapping the hostname to an IPv4 address, as well as an A record and TXT records
// Answer AAAA records mapping "<hostname>.local." to IPv6 address
mdns_record_t answer = service.record_aaaa;
mdns_record_t answer = createMdnsRecord(self, MDNS_RECORDTYPE_AAAA);
mdns_record_t additional[5] = {0};
size_t additional_count = 0;
QVector<mdns_record_t> additional;
if (self.address_ipv4.sin_family == AF_INET) {
additional.append(createMdnsRecord(self, MDNS_RECORDTYPE_A));
// A record mapping "<hostname>.local." to IPv4 addresses
if (service.address_ipv4.sin_family == AF_INET)
additional[additional_count++] = service.record_a;
// Add two test TXT records for our service instance name, will be coalesced into
// one record with both key-value pair strings by the library
additional[additional_count++] = service.txt_record[0];
additional[additional_count++] = service.txt_record[1];
for (auto txtIterator = self.txtRecords.cbegin(); txtIterator != self.txtRecords.cend(); txtIterator++) {
additional.append(createMdnsRecord(self, MDNS_RECORDTYPE_TXT, txtIterator));
// Send the answer, unicast or multicast depending on flag in query
uint16_t unicast = (rclass & MDNS_UNICAST_RESPONSE);
mdns_string_t addrstr =
ip_address_to_string(addrbuffer, sizeof(addrbuffer),
(struct sockaddr*)&service.record_aaaa.data.aaaa.addr,
printf(" --> answer %.*s IPv6 %.*s (%s)\n",
MDNS_STRING_FORMAT(service.record_aaaa.name), MDNS_STRING_FORMAT(addrstr),
(unicast ? "unicast" : "multicast"));
printf(" --> answer %.*s IPv6 (%s)\n", MDNS_STRING_FORMAT(answer.name), (unicast ? "unicast" : "multicast"));
if (unicast) {
mdns_query_answer_unicast(sock, from, addrlen, sendbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer),
query_id, (mdns_record_type_t)record_type, name.str, name.length, answer, 0, 0,
additional, additional_count);
mdns_query_answer_unicast(sock, from, addrlen, sendbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer), query_id,
(mdns_record_type_t)record_type, nameMdnsString.str, nameMdnsString.length,
answer, 0, 0, additional.constData(), additional.length());
} else {
mdns_query_answer_multicast(sock, sendbuffer, sizeof(sendbuffer), answer, 0, 0,
additional, additional_count);
additional.constData(), additional.length());
} // else request is not for me
return 0;
@ -552,10 +422,8 @@ static int service_callback(int sock, const struct sockaddr* from, size_t addrle
int MdnsServiceAnnouncer::listenForQueries()
auto callback = [this](QSocketDescriptor socket) {
size_t capacity = 2048;
void *buffer = malloc(capacity);
mdns_socket_listen(socket, buffer, capacity, service_callback, &myself);
static char buffer[2048];
mdns_socket_listen(socket, buffer, sizeof(buffer), service_callback, &self);
int numSockets = 0;
@ -601,92 +469,18 @@ int MdnsServiceAnnouncer::listenForQueries()
return numSockets;
MdnsServiceAnnouncer::MdnsServiceAnnouncer(const QString &name, const QString &serviceType, int port)
MdnsServiceAnnouncer::MdnsServiceAnnouncer(const QString &serviceName, const QString &serviceType, uint16_t port)
myself.serviceType = serviceType;
if (!myself.serviceType.endsWith(QChar::fromLatin1('.'))) {
self.serviceType = serviceType.toLatin1();
if (!self.serviceType.endsWith('.')) {
// mdns.h needs all the qualified names to end with dot for some reason
myself.port = port;
myself.hostname = QHostInfo::localHostName() + QStringLiteral(".local.");
myself.serviceInstance = name + QStringLiteral(".") + serviceType;
// Maybe pre-compute?
mdns_string_t service;
mdns_string_t hostname;
mdns_string_t service_instance;
mdns_string_t hostname_qualified;
mdns_record_t record_ptr;
mdns_record_t record_srv;
mdns_record_t record_a;
mdns_record_t record_aaaa;
mdns_record_t txt_record[2];
memset(&service, 0, sizeof(service));
service.service.str = service_name;
service.service.length = strlen(service_name);
service.hostname.str = hostname;
service.hostname.length = strlen(hostname);
service.service_instance.str = service_instance_buffer;
service.service_instance.length = strlen(service_instance_buffer);
service.hostname_qualified.str = qualified_hostname_buffer;
service.hostname_qualified.length = strlen(qualified_hostname_buffer);
service.address_ipv4 = service_address_ipv4;
service.address_ipv6 = service_address_ipv6;
service.port = service_port;
// Setup our mDNS records
// PTR record reverse mapping "<_service-name>._tcp.local." to
// "<hostname>.<_service-name>._tcp.local."
service.record_ptr = (mdns_record_t){.name = service.service,
.data.ptr.name = service.service_instance,
.rclass = 0,
.ttl = 0};
// SRV record mapping "<hostname>.<_service-name>._tcp.local." to
// "<hostname>.local." with port. Set weight & priority to 0.
service.record_srv = (mdns_record_t){.name = service.service_instance,
.data.srv.name = service.hostname_qualified,
.data.srv.port = (uint16_t)service.port,
.data.srv.priority = 0,
.data.srv.weight = 0,
.rclass = 0,
.ttl = 0};
// A/AAAA records mapping "<hostname>.local." to IPv4/IPv6 addresses
service.record_a = (mdns_record_t){.name = service.hostname_qualified,
.data.a.addr = service.address_ipv4,
.rclass = 0,
.ttl = 0};
service.record_aaaa = (mdns_record_t){.name = service.hostname_qualified,
.data.aaaa.addr = service.address_ipv6,
.rclass = 0,
.ttl = 0};
// Add two test TXT records for our service instance name, will be coalesced into
// one record with both key-value pair strings by the library
service.txt_record[0] = (mdns_record_t){.name = service.service_instance,
.data.txt.key = {MDNS_STRING_CONST("test")},
.data.txt.value = {MDNS_STRING_CONST("1")},
.rclass = 0,
.ttl = 0};
service.txt_record[1] = (mdns_record_t){.name = service.service_instance,
.data.txt.key = {MDNS_STRING_CONST("other")},
.data.txt.value = {MDNS_STRING_CONST("value")},
.rclass = 0,
.ttl = 0};
self.port = port;
self.hostname = QHostInfo::localHostName().toLatin1() + QByteArray(".local.");
self.serviceInstance = serviceName.toLatin1() + '.' + self.serviceType;
memset(&self.address_ipv4, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
memset(&self.address_ipv6, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6));
void MdnsServiceAnnouncer::startAnnouncing()
@ -720,30 +514,30 @@ void MdnsServiceAnnouncer::stopListeningForQueries()
void MdnsServiceAnnouncer::sendMulticastAnnounce(bool isGoodbye)
size_t capacity = 2048;
void *buffer = malloc(capacity);
mdns_record_t ptr_record = createMdnsRecord(self, MDNS_RECORDTYPE_PTR);
mdns_record_t additional[5] = {0};
size_t additional_count = 0;
additional[additional_count++] = service.record_srv;
if (service.address_ipv4.sin_family == AF_INET)
additional[additional_count++] = service.record_a;
if (service.address_ipv6.sin6_family == AF_INET6)
additional[additional_count++] = service.record_aaaa;
additional[additional_count++] = service.txt_record[0];
additional[additional_count++] = service.txt_record[1];
QVector<mdns_record_t> additional;
additional.append(createMdnsRecord(self, MDNS_RECORDTYPE_SRV));
if (self.address_ipv4.sin_family == AF_INET) {
additional.append(createMdnsRecord(self, MDNS_RECORDTYPE_A));
if (self.address_ipv4.sin_family == AF_INET6) {
additional.append(createMdnsRecord(self, MDNS_RECORDTYPE_AAAA));
for (auto txtIterator = self.txtRecords.cbegin(); txtIterator != self.txtRecords.cend(); txtIterator++) {
additional.append(createMdnsRecord(self, MDNS_RECORDTYPE_TXT, txtIterator));
static char buffer[2048];
if (isGoodbye) {
qCDebug(KDECONNECT_CORE) << "Sending goodbye";
if (socketNotifier) mdns_goodbye_multicast(socketNotifier->socket(), buffer, capacity, service.record_ptr, 0, 0, additional, additional_count);
if (socketNotifierV6) mdns_goodbye_multicast(socketNotifierV6->socket(), buffer, capacity, service.record_ptr, 0, 0, additional, additional_count);
if (socketNotifier) mdns_goodbye_multicast(socketNotifier->socket(), buffer, sizeof(buffer), ptr_record, 0, 0, additional.constData(), additional.length());
if (socketNotifierV6) mdns_goodbye_multicast(socketNotifierV6->socket(), buffer, sizeof(buffer), ptr_record, 0, 0, additional.constData(), additional.length());
} else {
qCDebug(KDECONNECT_CORE) << "Sending announce";
if (socketNotifier) mdns_announce_multicast(socketNotifier->socket(), buffer, capacity, service.record_ptr, 0, 0, additional, additional_count);
if (socketNotifierV6) mdns_announce_multicast(socketNotifierV6->socket(), buffer, capacity, service.record_ptr, 0, 0, additional, additional_count);
if (socketNotifier) mdns_announce_multicast(socketNotifier->socket(), buffer, sizeof(buffer), ptr_record, 0, 0, additional.constData(), additional.length());
if (socketNotifierV6) mdns_announce_multicast(socketNotifierV6->socket(), buffer, sizeof(buffer), ptr_record, 0, 0, additional.constData(), additional.length());
@ -13,6 +13,12 @@
#include <QString>
#include <QVector>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
* A Qt wrapper for the mdns.h header-only library
* from https://github.com/mjansson/mdns
@ -24,7 +30,7 @@ class MdnsWrapper : public QObject
struct MdnsService {
QString name;
int port;
uint16_t port;
QHostAddress address;
QMap<QString, QString> txtRecords;
@ -51,19 +57,21 @@ class MdnsServiceAnnouncer : public QObject
struct AnnouncedInfo {
QString serviceType; // ie: "<_service-type>._tcp.local."
QString serviceInstance; // ie: "<service-name>.<_service-type>._tcp.local."
QString hostname; // ie: "<hostname>.local."
int port;
QMap<QString, QString> txtRecords;
QByteArray serviceType; // ie: "<_service-type>._tcp.local."
QByteArray serviceInstance; // ie: "<service-name>.<_service-type>._tcp.local."
QByteArray hostname; // ie: "<hostname>.local."
uint16_t port;
QHash<QByteArray, QByteArray> txtRecords;
sockaddr_in address_ipv4;
sockaddr_in6 address_ipv6;
// serviceType should be of the form _kdeconnect._udp.local
MdnsServiceAnnouncer(const QString &name, const QString &serviceType, int port);
MdnsServiceAnnouncer(const QString &serviceName, const QString &serviceType, uint16_t port);
void putTxtRecord(const QString &key, const QString &value)
myself.txtRecords[key] = value;
self.txtRecords[key.toLatin1()] = value.toLatin1();
void startAnnouncing();
@ -75,7 +83,7 @@ private:
int listenForQueries();
void stopListeningForQueries();
AnnouncedInfo myself;
AnnouncedInfo self;
QSocketNotifier *socketNotifier = nullptr;
QSocketNotifier *socketNotifierV6 = nullptr;
Reference in a new issue