19 lines
659 B
19 lines
659 B
# Rename this file as kdeconnect-sfos.changes to include changelog
# entries in your RPM file.
# Add new changelog entries following the format below.
# Add newest entries to the top of the list.
# Separate entries from eachother with a blank line.
# Alternatively, if your changelog is automatically generated (e.g. with
# the git-change-log command provided with Sailfish OS SDK), create a
# kdeconnect-sfos.changes.run script to let mb2 run the required commands for you.
# * date Author's Name <author's email> version-release
# - Summary of changes
* Sun Apr 13 2014 Jack Tar <jack.tar@example.com> 0.0.1-1
- Scrubbed the deck
- Hoisted the sails