IP Reporter is a desktop application built with Rust and GTK that listens for specific UDP packets on the network and displays the IP and MAC addresses of the sources. It allows users to export the collected data to a file and provides functionality to open the IP address in the default web browser.
Run the application using `cargo run`. The main window will display a list of IP and MAC addresses.
2.**Listen for UDP Packets**:
Click the `Start` button to begin listening for UDP packets. The application will display the source IP and MAC addresses of packets that match the specified criteria.
3.**Export Data**:
Click the `Export` button to save the collected IP and MAC addresses to a text file.
4.**Open IP in Browser**:
Double-click an IP address in the list to open it in your default web browser.
This project was developed with the help of several open-source libraries. Special thanks to the developers of `gtk`, `glib`, `pcap`, `reqwest`, `pnet`, `threadpool`, and `webbrowser` crates.