#!/bin/bash # ziglings takes one parameter: the exercise number to jump to jump_to=${1:-0} echo echo " _ _ _ " echo " ___(_) __ _| (_)_ __ __ _ ___ " echo " |_ | |/ _' | | | '_ \ / _' / __| " echo " / /| | (_| | | | | | | (_| \__ \ " echo " /___|_|\__, |_|_|_| |_|\__, |___/ " echo " |___/ |___/ " echo # Capture terminal escape sequences (ANSI) for formatting fmt_err=$( tput setaf 1 ) # red foreground fmt_yay=$( tput setaf 2 ) # green foreground fmt_off=$( tput sgr0 ) # reset colors/effects exercise_num=0 function check_it { source_file=$1 correct_output=$2 hint=$3 # If the current exercise is less than the requested one, skip it let exercise_num+=1 if [[ $exercise_num -lt $jump_to ]] then return fi # Compile/run the source and capture the result and exit value cmd="zig run $source_file" echo "$ $cmd" result=$($cmd 2>&1) result_status=$? # Echo the result to the screen so user can see what their program does echo "$result" if [[ $result_status -ne 0 ]] then echo printf "${fmt_err}Uh oh! Looks like there was an error.${fmt_off}\n" if [[ ! -z "$hint" ]] then echo "$hint" fi echo echo "Edit '$source_file' and run me again." echo exit 1 fi # Wildcards to be lenient with anything AROUND the correct output if [[ "$result" == *"$correct_output"* ]] then printf "${fmt_yay}** PASSED **${fmt_off}\n" else printf "${fmt_err}It seems to compile, but I wanted to see '$correct_output'.${fmt_off}\n" if [[ ! -z "$hint" ]] then echo "$hint" fi echo exit 1 fi } check_it 01_hello.zig "Hello world" "Note the error: the source file has a hint for fixing 'main'." check_it 02_std.zig "Standard Library" check_it 03_assignment.zig "55 314159 -11" "There are three mistakes in this one!" check_it 04_arrays.zig "Fourth: 7, Length: 8" "There are two things to complete here." check_it 05_arrays2.zig "LEET: 1337, Bits: 100110011001" "Fill in the two arrays." check_it 06_strings.zig "d=d ha ha ha Major Tom" "Each '???' needs something filled in." check_it 07_strings2.zig "Ziggy" "Please fix the lyrics!" check_it 08_quiz.zig "Program in Zig" "See if you can fix the program!" check_it 09_if.zig "Foo is 1!" check_it 10_if2.zig "price is \$17" check_it 11_while.zig "n=1024" "You probably want a 'less than' condition." check_it 12_while2.zig "n=1024" "It might help to look back at the previous exercise." check_it 13_while3.zig "1 2 4 7 8 11 13 14 16 17 19" check_it 14_while4.zig "n=4" check_it 15_for.zig "A Dramatic Story: :-) :-) :-( :-| :-) The End." check_it 16_for2.zig "13" check_it 17_quiz2.zig "8, Fizz, Buzz, 11, Fizz, 13, 14, FizzBuzz, 16" "This is a famous game!" check_it 18_functions.zig "Question: 42" "Can you help write the function?" check_it 19_functions2.zig "2 4 8 16" check_it 20_quiz3.zig "32 64 128 256" "Unexpected pop quiz! Help!" check_it 21_errors.zig "2<4. 3<4. 4=4. 5>4. 6>4." "What's the deal with fours?" check_it 22_errors2.zig "I compiled" "Get the error union type right to allow this to compile." check_it 23_errors3.zig "a=64, b=22" check_it 24_errors4.zig "a=20, b=14, c=10" check_it 25_errors5.zig "a=0, b=19, c=0" check_it 26_hello2.zig "Hello world" "Try using a try!" check_it 27_defer.zig "One Two" check_it 28_defer2.zig "(Goat) (Cat) (Dog) (Dog) (Goat) (Unknown) done." check_it 29_errdefer.zig "Getting number...got 5. Getting number...failed!" check_it 30_switch.zig "ZIG?" check_it 31_switch2.zig "ZIG!" check_it 32_unreachable.zig "1 2 3 9 8 7" check_it 33_iferror.zig "2<4. 3<4. 4=4. 5>4. 6>4." "Seriously, what's the deal with fours?" check_it 34_quiz4.zig "my_num=42" "Can you make this work?" check_it 35_enums.zig "1 2 3 9 8 7" "This problem seems familiar..." check_it 36_enums2.zig "#0000ff" "I'm feeling blue about this." echo echo " __ __ _ " echo " \ \ / __ _ _ _| | " echo " \ V / _' | | | | | " echo " | | (_| | |_| |_| " echo " |_|\__,_|\__, (_) " echo " |___/ " echo echo "You've completed all of the Ziglings exercises!" echo " (That have been written so far.)" echo