mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 12:35:02 +00:00
build: move exercises at the end of the file
The exercises slice takes about 460 lines, making it hard to read the source code of build.zig. Closes #225
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 464 additions and 464 deletions
@ -65,470 +65,6 @@ pub const Exercise = struct {
const exercises = [_]Exercise{
.main_file = "001_hello.zig",
.output = "Hello world!",
.hint = "DON'T PANIC!\nRead the error above.\nSee how it has something to do with 'main'?\nOpen up the source file as noted and read the comments.\nYou can do this!",
.main_file = "002_std.zig",
.output = "Standard Library.",
.main_file = "003_assignment.zig",
.output = "55 314159 -11",
.hint = "There are three mistakes in this one!",
.main_file = "004_arrays.zig",
.output = "First: 2, Fourth: 7, Length: 8",
.hint = "There are two things to complete here.",
.main_file = "005_arrays2.zig",
.output = "LEET: 1337, Bits: 100110011001",
.hint = "Fill in the two arrays.",
.main_file = "006_strings.zig",
.output = "d=d ha ha ha Major Tom",
.hint = "Each '???' needs something filled in.",
.main_file = "007_strings2.zig",
.output = "Ziggy played guitar\nJamming good with Andrew Kelley\nAnd the Spiders from Mars",
.hint = "Please fix the lyrics!",
.main_file = "008_quiz.zig",
.output = "Program in Zig!",
.hint = "See if you can fix the program!",
.main_file = "009_if.zig",
.output = "Foo is 1!",
.main_file = "010_if2.zig",
.output = "With the discount, the price is $17.",
.main_file = "011_while.zig",
.output = "2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 n=1024",
.hint = "You probably want a 'less than' condition.",
.main_file = "012_while2.zig",
.output = "2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 n=1024",
.hint = "It might help to look back at the previous exercise.",
.main_file = "013_while3.zig",
.output = "1 2 4 7 8 11 13 14 16 17 19",
.main_file = "014_while4.zig",
.output = "n=4",
.main_file = "015_for.zig",
.output = "A Dramatic Story: :-) :-) :-( :-| :-) The End.",
.main_file = "016_for2.zig",
.output = "The value of bits '1101': 13.",
.main_file = "017_quiz2.zig",
.output = "1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz, Fizz, 7, 8, Fizz, Buzz, 11, Fizz, 13, 14, FizzBuzz, 16,",
.hint = "This is a famous game!",
.main_file = "018_functions.zig",
.output = "Answer to the Ultimate Question: 42",
.hint = "Can you help write the function?",
.main_file = "019_functions2.zig",
.output = "Powers of two: 2 4 8 16",
.main_file = "020_quiz3.zig",
.output = "32 64 128 256",
.hint = "Unexpected pop quiz! Help!",
.main_file = "021_errors.zig",
.output = "2<4. 3<4. 4=4. 5>4. 6>4.",
.hint = "What's the deal with fours?",
.main_file = "022_errors2.zig",
.output = "I compiled!",
.hint = "Get the error union type right to allow this to compile.",
.main_file = "023_errors3.zig",
.output = "a=64, b=22",
.main_file = "024_errors4.zig",
.output = "a=20, b=14, c=10",
.main_file = "025_errors5.zig",
.output = "a=0, b=19, c=0",
.main_file = "026_hello2.zig",
.output = "Hello world!",
.hint = "Try using a try!",
.check_stdout = true,
.main_file = "027_defer.zig",
.output = "One Two",
.main_file = "028_defer2.zig",
.output = "(Goat) (Cat) (Dog) (Dog) (Goat) (Unknown) done.",
.main_file = "029_errdefer.zig",
.output = "Getting number...got 5. Getting number...failed!",
.main_file = "030_switch.zig",
.output = "ZIG?",
.main_file = "031_switch2.zig",
.output = "ZIG!",
.main_file = "032_unreachable.zig",
.output = "1 2 3 9 8 7",
.main_file = "033_iferror.zig",
.output = "2<4. 3<4. 4=4. 5>4. 6>4.",
.hint = "Seriously, what's the deal with fours?",
.main_file = "034_quiz4.zig",
.output = "my_num=42",
.hint = "Can you make this work?",
.check_stdout = true,
.main_file = "035_enums.zig",
.output = "1 2 3 9 8 7",
.hint = "This problem seems familiar...",
.main_file = "036_enums2.zig",
.output = "<p>\n <span style=\"color: #ff0000\">Red</span>\n <span style=\"color: #00ff00\">Green</span>\n <span style=\"color: #0000ff\">Blue</span>\n</p>",
.hint = "I'm feeling blue about this.",
.main_file = "037_structs.zig",
.output = "Your wizard has 90 health and 25 gold.",
.main_file = "038_structs2.zig",
.output = "Character 1 - G:20 H:100 XP:10\nCharacter 2 - G:10 H:100 XP:20",
.main_file = "039_pointers.zig",
.output = "num1: 5, num2: 5",
.hint = "Pointers aren't so bad.",
.main_file = "040_pointers2.zig",
.output = "a: 12, b: 12",
.main_file = "041_pointers3.zig",
.output = "foo=6, bar=11",
.main_file = "042_pointers4.zig",
.output = "num: 5, more_nums: 1 1 5 1",
.main_file = "043_pointers5.zig",
.output = "Wizard (G:10 H:100 XP:20)\n Mentor: Wizard (G:10000 H:100 XP:2340)",
.main_file = "044_quiz5.zig",
.output = "Elephant A. Elephant B. Elephant C.",
.hint = "Oh no! We forgot Elephant B!",
.main_file = "045_optionals.zig",
.output = "The Ultimate Answer: 42.",
.main_file = "046_optionals2.zig",
.output = "Elephant A. Elephant B. Elephant C.",
.hint = "Elephants again!",
.main_file = "047_methods.zig",
.output = "5 aliens. 4 aliens. 1 aliens. 0 aliens. Earth is saved!",
.hint = "Use the heat ray. And the method!",
.main_file = "048_methods2.zig",
.output = "A B C",
.hint = "This just needs one little fix.",
.main_file = "049_quiz6.zig",
.output = "A B C Cv Bv Av",
.hint = "Now you're writing Zig!",
.main_file = "050_no_value.zig",
.output = "That is not dead which can eternal lie / And with strange aeons even death may die.",
.main_file = "051_values.zig",
.output = "1:false!. 2:true!. 3:true!. XP before:0, after:200.",
.main_file = "052_slices.zig",
.output = "Hand1: A 4 K 8 \nHand2: 5 2 Q J",
.main_file = "053_slices2.zig",
.output = "'all your base are belong to us.' 'for great justice.'",
.main_file = "054_manypointers.zig",
.output = "Memory is a resource.",
.main_file = "055_unions.zig",
.output = "Insect report! Ant alive is: true. Bee visited 15 flowers.",
.main_file = "056_unions2.zig",
.output = "Insect report! Ant alive is: true. Bee visited 16 flowers.",
.main_file = "057_unions3.zig",
.output = "Insect report! Ant alive is: true. Bee visited 17 flowers.",
.main_file = "058_quiz7.zig",
.output = "Archer's Point--2->Bridge--1->Dogwood Grove--3->Cottage--2->East Pond--1->Fox Pond",
.hint = "This is the biggest program we've seen yet. But you can do it!",
.main_file = "059_integers.zig",
.output = "Zig is cool.",
.main_file = "060_floats.zig",
.output = "Shuttle liftoff weight: 1995796kg",
.main_file = "061_coercions.zig",
.output = "Letter: A",
.main_file = "062_loop_expressions.zig",
.output = "Current language: Zig",
.hint = "Surely the current language is 'Zig'!",
.main_file = "063_labels.zig",
.output = "Enjoy your Cheesy Chili!",
.main_file = "064_builtins.zig",
.output = "1101 + 0101 = 0010 (true). Without overflow: 00010010. Furthermore, 11110000 backwards is 00001111.",
.main_file = "065_builtins2.zig",
.output = "A Narcissus loves all Narcissuses. He has room in his heart for: me myself.",
.main_file = "066_comptime.zig",
.output = "Immutable: 12345, 987.654; Mutable: 54321, 456.789; Types: comptime_int, comptime_float, u32, f32",
.hint = "It may help to read this one out loud to your favorite stuffed animal until it sinks in completely.",
.main_file = "067_comptime2.zig",
.output = "A BB CCC DDDD",
.main_file = "068_comptime3.zig",
.output = "Minnow (1:32, 4 x 2)\nShark (1:16, 8 x 5)\nWhale (1:1, 143 x 95)",
.main_file = "069_comptime4.zig",
.output = "s1={ 1, 2, 3 }, s2={ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, s3={ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }",
.main_file = "070_comptime5.zig",
.output = "\"Quack.\" ducky1: true, \"Squeek!\" ducky2: true, ducky3: false",
.hint = "Have you kept the wizard hat on?",
.main_file = "071_comptime6.zig",
.output = "Narcissus has room in his heart for: me myself.",
.main_file = "072_comptime7.zig",
.output = "26",
.main_file = "073_comptime8.zig",
.output = "My llama value is 25.",
.main_file = "074_comptime9.zig",
.output = "My llama value is 2.",
.main_file = "075_quiz8.zig",
.output = "Archer's Point--2->Bridge--1->Dogwood Grove--3->Cottage--2->East Pond--1->Fox Pond",
.hint = "Roll up those sleeves. You get to WRITE some code for this one.",
.main_file = "076_sentinels.zig",
.output = "Array:123056. Many-item pointer:123.",
.main_file = "077_sentinels2.zig",
.output = "Weird Data!",
.main_file = "078_sentinels3.zig",
.output = "Weird Data!",
.main_file = "079_quoted_identifiers.zig",
.output = "Sweet freedom: 55, false.",
.hint = "Help us, Zig Programmer, you're our only hope!",
.main_file = "080_anonymous_structs.zig",
.output = "[Circle(i32): 25,70,15] [Circle(f32): 25.2,71.0,15.7]",
.main_file = "081_anonymous_structs2.zig",
.output = "x:205 y:187 radius:12",
.main_file = "082_anonymous_structs3.zig",
.output = "\"0\"(bool):true \"1\"(bool):false \"2\"(i32):42 \"3\"(f32):3.14159202e+00",
.hint = "This one is a challenge! But you have everything you need.",
.main_file = "083_anonymous_lists.zig",
.output = "I say hello!",
// Skipped because of https://github.com/ratfactor/ziglings/issues/163
// direct link: https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/6025
.main_file = "084_async.zig",
.output = "foo() A",
.hint = "Read the facts. Use the facts.",
.@"async" = true,
.skip = true,
.main_file = "085_async2.zig",
.output = "Hello async!",
.@"async" = true,
.skip = true,
.main_file = "086_async3.zig",
.output = "5 4 3 2 1",
.@"async" = true,
.skip = true,
.main_file = "087_async4.zig",
.output = "1 2 3 4 5",
.@"async" = true,
.skip = true,
.main_file = "088_async5.zig",
.output = "Example Title.",
.@"async" = true,
.skip = true,
.main_file = "089_async6.zig",
.output = ".com: Example Title, .org: Example Title.",
.@"async" = true,
.skip = true,
.main_file = "090_async7.zig",
.output = "beef? BEEF!",
.@"async" = true,
.skip = true,
.main_file = "091_async8.zig",
.output = "ABCDEF",
.@"async" = true,
.skip = true,
.main_file = "092_interfaces.zig",
.output = "Daily Insect Report:\nAnt is alive.\nBee visited 17 flowers.\nGrasshopper hopped 32 meters.",
.main_file = "093_hello_c.zig",
.output = "Hello C from Zig! - C result is 17 chars written.",
.C = true,
.main_file = "094_c_math.zig",
.output = "The normalized angle of 765.2 degrees is 45.2 degrees.",
.C = true,
.main_file = "095_for3.zig",
.output = "1 2 4 7 8 11 13 14 16 17 19",
.main_file = "096_memory_allocation.zig",
.output = "Running Average: 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.18 0.22",
.main_file = "097_bit_manipulation.zig",
.output = "x = 0; y = 1",
.main_file = "098_bit_manipulation2.zig",
.output = "Is this a pangram? true!",
.main_file = "099_formatting.zig",
.output = "\n X | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 \n---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+\n 1 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 \n\n 2 | 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 \n\n 3 | 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 \n\n 4 | 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 \n\n 5 | 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 \n\n 6 | 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 \n\n 7 | 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 98 105 \n\n 8 | 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120 \n\n 9 | 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 117 126 135 \n\n10 | 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 \n\n11 | 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132 143 154 165 \n\n12 | 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 \n\n13 | 13 26 39 52 65 78 91 104 117 130 143 156 169 182 195 \n\n14 | 14 28 42 56 70 84 98 112 126 140 154 168 182 196 210 \n\n15 | 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225",
.main_file = "100_for4.zig",
.output = "Arrays match!",
.main_file = "999_the_end.zig",
.output = "\nThis is the end for now!\nWe hope you had fun and were able to learn a lot, so visit us again when the next exercises are available.",
pub fn build(b: *Build) !void {
pub fn build(b: *Build) !void {
if (!compat.is_compatible) compat.die();
if (!compat.is_compatible) compat.die();
if (!validate_exercises()) std.os.exit(1);
if (!validate_exercises()) std.os.exit(1);
@ -1094,3 +630,467 @@ fn validate_exercises() bool {
return true;
return true;
const exercises = [_]Exercise{
.main_file = "001_hello.zig",
.output = "Hello world!",
.hint = "DON'T PANIC!\nRead the error above.\nSee how it has something to do with 'main'?\nOpen up the source file as noted and read the comments.\nYou can do this!",
.main_file = "002_std.zig",
.output = "Standard Library.",
.main_file = "003_assignment.zig",
.output = "55 314159 -11",
.hint = "There are three mistakes in this one!",
.main_file = "004_arrays.zig",
.output = "First: 2, Fourth: 7, Length: 8",
.hint = "There are two things to complete here.",
.main_file = "005_arrays2.zig",
.output = "LEET: 1337, Bits: 100110011001",
.hint = "Fill in the two arrays.",
.main_file = "006_strings.zig",
.output = "d=d ha ha ha Major Tom",
.hint = "Each '???' needs something filled in.",
.main_file = "007_strings2.zig",
.output = "Ziggy played guitar\nJamming good with Andrew Kelley\nAnd the Spiders from Mars",
.hint = "Please fix the lyrics!",
.main_file = "008_quiz.zig",
.output = "Program in Zig!",
.hint = "See if you can fix the program!",
.main_file = "009_if.zig",
.output = "Foo is 1!",
.main_file = "010_if2.zig",
.output = "With the discount, the price is $17.",
.main_file = "011_while.zig",
.output = "2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 n=1024",
.hint = "You probably want a 'less than' condition.",
.main_file = "012_while2.zig",
.output = "2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 n=1024",
.hint = "It might help to look back at the previous exercise.",
.main_file = "013_while3.zig",
.output = "1 2 4 7 8 11 13 14 16 17 19",
.main_file = "014_while4.zig",
.output = "n=4",
.main_file = "015_for.zig",
.output = "A Dramatic Story: :-) :-) :-( :-| :-) The End.",
.main_file = "016_for2.zig",
.output = "The value of bits '1101': 13.",
.main_file = "017_quiz2.zig",
.output = "1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz, Fizz, 7, 8, Fizz, Buzz, 11, Fizz, 13, 14, FizzBuzz, 16,",
.hint = "This is a famous game!",
.main_file = "018_functions.zig",
.output = "Answer to the Ultimate Question: 42",
.hint = "Can you help write the function?",
.main_file = "019_functions2.zig",
.output = "Powers of two: 2 4 8 16",
.main_file = "020_quiz3.zig",
.output = "32 64 128 256",
.hint = "Unexpected pop quiz! Help!",
.main_file = "021_errors.zig",
.output = "2<4. 3<4. 4=4. 5>4. 6>4.",
.hint = "What's the deal with fours?",
.main_file = "022_errors2.zig",
.output = "I compiled!",
.hint = "Get the error union type right to allow this to compile.",
.main_file = "023_errors3.zig",
.output = "a=64, b=22",
.main_file = "024_errors4.zig",
.output = "a=20, b=14, c=10",
.main_file = "025_errors5.zig",
.output = "a=0, b=19, c=0",
.main_file = "026_hello2.zig",
.output = "Hello world!",
.hint = "Try using a try!",
.check_stdout = true,
.main_file = "027_defer.zig",
.output = "One Two",
.main_file = "028_defer2.zig",
.output = "(Goat) (Cat) (Dog) (Dog) (Goat) (Unknown) done.",
.main_file = "029_errdefer.zig",
.output = "Getting number...got 5. Getting number...failed!",
.main_file = "030_switch.zig",
.output = "ZIG?",
.main_file = "031_switch2.zig",
.output = "ZIG!",
.main_file = "032_unreachable.zig",
.output = "1 2 3 9 8 7",
.main_file = "033_iferror.zig",
.output = "2<4. 3<4. 4=4. 5>4. 6>4.",
.hint = "Seriously, what's the deal with fours?",
.main_file = "034_quiz4.zig",
.output = "my_num=42",
.hint = "Can you make this work?",
.check_stdout = true,
.main_file = "035_enums.zig",
.output = "1 2 3 9 8 7",
.hint = "This problem seems familiar...",
.main_file = "036_enums2.zig",
.output = "<p>\n <span style=\"color: #ff0000\">Red</span>\n <span style=\"color: #00ff00\">Green</span>\n <span style=\"color: #0000ff\">Blue</span>\n</p>",
.hint = "I'm feeling blue about this.",
.main_file = "037_structs.zig",
.output = "Your wizard has 90 health and 25 gold.",
.main_file = "038_structs2.zig",
.output = "Character 1 - G:20 H:100 XP:10\nCharacter 2 - G:10 H:100 XP:20",
.main_file = "039_pointers.zig",
.output = "num1: 5, num2: 5",
.hint = "Pointers aren't so bad.",
.main_file = "040_pointers2.zig",
.output = "a: 12, b: 12",
.main_file = "041_pointers3.zig",
.output = "foo=6, bar=11",
.main_file = "042_pointers4.zig",
.output = "num: 5, more_nums: 1 1 5 1",
.main_file = "043_pointers5.zig",
.output = "Wizard (G:10 H:100 XP:20)\n Mentor: Wizard (G:10000 H:100 XP:2340)",
.main_file = "044_quiz5.zig",
.output = "Elephant A. Elephant B. Elephant C.",
.hint = "Oh no! We forgot Elephant B!",
.main_file = "045_optionals.zig",
.output = "The Ultimate Answer: 42.",
.main_file = "046_optionals2.zig",
.output = "Elephant A. Elephant B. Elephant C.",
.hint = "Elephants again!",
.main_file = "047_methods.zig",
.output = "5 aliens. 4 aliens. 1 aliens. 0 aliens. Earth is saved!",
.hint = "Use the heat ray. And the method!",
.main_file = "048_methods2.zig",
.output = "A B C",
.hint = "This just needs one little fix.",
.main_file = "049_quiz6.zig",
.output = "A B C Cv Bv Av",
.hint = "Now you're writing Zig!",
.main_file = "050_no_value.zig",
.output = "That is not dead which can eternal lie / And with strange aeons even death may die.",
.main_file = "051_values.zig",
.output = "1:false!. 2:true!. 3:true!. XP before:0, after:200.",
.main_file = "052_slices.zig",
.output = "Hand1: A 4 K 8 \nHand2: 5 2 Q J",
.main_file = "053_slices2.zig",
.output = "'all your base are belong to us.' 'for great justice.'",
.main_file = "054_manypointers.zig",
.output = "Memory is a resource.",
.main_file = "055_unions.zig",
.output = "Insect report! Ant alive is: true. Bee visited 15 flowers.",
.main_file = "056_unions2.zig",
.output = "Insect report! Ant alive is: true. Bee visited 16 flowers.",
.main_file = "057_unions3.zig",
.output = "Insect report! Ant alive is: true. Bee visited 17 flowers.",
.main_file = "058_quiz7.zig",
.output = "Archer's Point--2->Bridge--1->Dogwood Grove--3->Cottage--2->East Pond--1->Fox Pond",
.hint = "This is the biggest program we've seen yet. But you can do it!",
.main_file = "059_integers.zig",
.output = "Zig is cool.",
.main_file = "060_floats.zig",
.output = "Shuttle liftoff weight: 1995796kg",
.main_file = "061_coercions.zig",
.output = "Letter: A",
.main_file = "062_loop_expressions.zig",
.output = "Current language: Zig",
.hint = "Surely the current language is 'Zig'!",
.main_file = "063_labels.zig",
.output = "Enjoy your Cheesy Chili!",
.main_file = "064_builtins.zig",
.output = "1101 + 0101 = 0010 (true). Without overflow: 00010010. Furthermore, 11110000 backwards is 00001111.",
.main_file = "065_builtins2.zig",
.output = "A Narcissus loves all Narcissuses. He has room in his heart for: me myself.",
.main_file = "066_comptime.zig",
.output = "Immutable: 12345, 987.654; Mutable: 54321, 456.789; Types: comptime_int, comptime_float, u32, f32",
.hint = "It may help to read this one out loud to your favorite stuffed animal until it sinks in completely.",
.main_file = "067_comptime2.zig",
.output = "A BB CCC DDDD",
.main_file = "068_comptime3.zig",
.output = "Minnow (1:32, 4 x 2)\nShark (1:16, 8 x 5)\nWhale (1:1, 143 x 95)",
.main_file = "069_comptime4.zig",
.output = "s1={ 1, 2, 3 }, s2={ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, s3={ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }",
.main_file = "070_comptime5.zig",
.output = "\"Quack.\" ducky1: true, \"Squeek!\" ducky2: true, ducky3: false",
.hint = "Have you kept the wizard hat on?",
.main_file = "071_comptime6.zig",
.output = "Narcissus has room in his heart for: me myself.",
.main_file = "072_comptime7.zig",
.output = "26",
.main_file = "073_comptime8.zig",
.output = "My llama value is 25.",
.main_file = "074_comptime9.zig",
.output = "My llama value is 2.",
.main_file = "075_quiz8.zig",
.output = "Archer's Point--2->Bridge--1->Dogwood Grove--3->Cottage--2->East Pond--1->Fox Pond",
.hint = "Roll up those sleeves. You get to WRITE some code for this one.",
.main_file = "076_sentinels.zig",
.output = "Array:123056. Many-item pointer:123.",
.main_file = "077_sentinels2.zig",
.output = "Weird Data!",
.main_file = "078_sentinels3.zig",
.output = "Weird Data!",
.main_file = "079_quoted_identifiers.zig",
.output = "Sweet freedom: 55, false.",
.hint = "Help us, Zig Programmer, you're our only hope!",
.main_file = "080_anonymous_structs.zig",
.output = "[Circle(i32): 25,70,15] [Circle(f32): 25.2,71.0,15.7]",
.main_file = "081_anonymous_structs2.zig",
.output = "x:205 y:187 radius:12",
.main_file = "082_anonymous_structs3.zig",
.output = "\"0\"(bool):true \"1\"(bool):false \"2\"(i32):42 \"3\"(f32):3.14159202e+00",
.hint = "This one is a challenge! But you have everything you need.",
.main_file = "083_anonymous_lists.zig",
.output = "I say hello!",
// Skipped because of https://github.com/ratfactor/ziglings/issues/163
// direct link: https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/6025
.main_file = "084_async.zig",
.output = "foo() A",
.hint = "Read the facts. Use the facts.",
.@"async" = true,
.skip = true,
.main_file = "085_async2.zig",
.output = "Hello async!",
.@"async" = true,
.skip = true,
.main_file = "086_async3.zig",
.output = "5 4 3 2 1",
.@"async" = true,
.skip = true,
.main_file = "087_async4.zig",
.output = "1 2 3 4 5",
.@"async" = true,
.skip = true,
.main_file = "088_async5.zig",
.output = "Example Title.",
.@"async" = true,
.skip = true,
.main_file = "089_async6.zig",
.output = ".com: Example Title, .org: Example Title.",
.@"async" = true,
.skip = true,
.main_file = "090_async7.zig",
.output = "beef? BEEF!",
.@"async" = true,
.skip = true,
.main_file = "091_async8.zig",
.output = "ABCDEF",
.@"async" = true,
.skip = true,
.main_file = "092_interfaces.zig",
.output = "Daily Insect Report:\nAnt is alive.\nBee visited 17 flowers.\nGrasshopper hopped 32 meters.",
.main_file = "093_hello_c.zig",
.output = "Hello C from Zig! - C result is 17 chars written.",
.C = true,
.main_file = "094_c_math.zig",
.output = "The normalized angle of 765.2 degrees is 45.2 degrees.",
.C = true,
.main_file = "095_for3.zig",
.output = "1 2 4 7 8 11 13 14 16 17 19",
.main_file = "096_memory_allocation.zig",
.output = "Running Average: 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.18 0.22",
.main_file = "097_bit_manipulation.zig",
.output = "x = 0; y = 1",
.main_file = "098_bit_manipulation2.zig",
.output = "Is this a pangram? true!",
.main_file = "099_formatting.zig",
.output = "\n X | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 \n---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+\n 1 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 \n\n 2 | 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 \n\n 3 | 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 \n\n 4 | 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 \n\n 5 | 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 \n\n 6 | 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 \n\n 7 | 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 98 105 \n\n 8 | 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120 \n\n 9 | 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 117 126 135 \n\n10 | 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 \n\n11 | 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132 143 154 165 \n\n12 | 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 \n\n13 | 13 26 39 52 65 78 91 104 117 130 143 156 169 182 195 \n\n14 | 14 28 42 56 70 84 98 112 126 140 154 168 182 196 210 \n\n15 | 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225",
.main_file = "100_for4.zig",
.output = "Arrays match!",
.main_file = "999_the_end.zig",
.output = "\nThis is the end for now!\nWe hope you had fun and were able to learn a lot, so visit us again when the next exercises are available.",
Reference in a new issue