#help_index "DolDoc/Output;StdOut/DolDoc" public CTask *PopUpViewDoc(CDoc *doc, I64 dof_flags=0) {//Pass doc to PopUp win task for viewing. U8 *buf = MStrPrint("DocEd(0x%X,0x%X);", doc, dof_flags); CTask *task = Spawn(&ServerCmdLine, NULL, "View",, Fs); TaskExe(task, NULL, buf, 1 << JOBf_EXIT_ON_COMPLETE | 1 << JOBf_FREE_ON_COMPLETE); Free(buf); return task; } public CTask *PopUpViewPrint(U8 *format, ...) {//View Print stmt in PopUp win task. CTask *task = Spawn(&ServerCmdLine, NULL, "View",, Fs); U8 *buf = StrPrintJoin(NULL, format, argc, argv); CDoc *doc = DocNew(, task); DocPrint(doc, buf); Free(buf); buf = MStrPrint("DocEd(0x%X);", doc); TaskExe(task, NULL, buf, 1 << JOBf_EXIT_ON_COMPLETE | 1 << JOBf_FREE_ON_COMPLETE); Free(buf); return task; } #help_index "DolDoc/Input;File/FileNames;StdIn/DolDoc" public U8 *PopUpPickFile(U8 *dir=NULL) {//Filename chooser. Uses FileMgr(). U8 *res, *st, *st2; if (dir) st = MStrPrint("Cd(\"%Q\");FileMgr(FM_PICK_FILE,Fs->parent_task);", dir); else { st2 = DirCur; st = MStrPrint("Cd(\"%Q\");FileMgr(FM_PICK_FILE,Fs->parent_task);", st2); Free(st2); } res = PopUp(st, Fs); Free(st); return res; } public U8 *PopUpPickDir(U8 *dir=NULL) {//File dir name chooser. Uses FileMgr(). U8 *res, *st, *st2; if (dir) st = MStrPrint("Cd(\"%Q\");FileMgr(FM_PICK_DIR,Fs->parent_task);", dir); else { st2 = DirCur; st = MStrPrint("Cd(\"%Q\");FileMgr(FM_PICK_DIR,Fs->parent_task);", st2); Free(st2); } res = PopUp(st, Fs); Free(st); return res; } public U8 *FileNameForm(U8 *default=NULL, I64 dof_flags=0, CTask *mem_task=NULL) {//Text filename form in cur win, not PopUp. CEdFileName fn; if (default) StrCopy(fn.name, default); else *fn.name = 0; if (DocForm(&fn,, dof_flags)) return StrNew(fn.name, mem_task); else return NULL; } public U8 *PopUpFileName(U8 *default=NULL, I64 dof_flags=0) {//Filename chooser. Uses form, not FileMgr(). U8 *st = MStrPrint("FileNameForm(\"%Q\",0x%X,Fs->parent_task);", default, dof_flags | DOF_SIZE_MIN), *res = PopUp(st, Fs); Free(st); return res; } #help_index "DolDoc" Bool PopUpCd() { Bool res; U8 *st = PopUpPickDir; if (st) { res = Cd(st); Free(st); } else res = FALSE; return res; } #help_index "DolDoc/Input;Char/Lists;StdIn/DolDoc" public I64 PopUpPickList(U8 *list) {//Prompt for list entry in PopUp win task. I64 res, i = 0; CDoc *doc = DocNew; DocPrint(doc, "$LTBLUE$"); while (*list) { if (*list == '@') {//Check for '@' alias list entry i--; list++; } DocPrint(doc, "$MU,\"%s\",LE=%d$\n", list, i++); list += StrLen(list) + 1; } DocPrint(doc, "\n$MU,\"CANCEL\",LE=DOCM_CANCEL$\n"); res = PopUpMenu(doc); DocDel(doc); return res; } #help_index "DolDoc/Input;Char/Lists;Char/Define;StdIn/DolDoc" public U8 *PopUpPickDefineSub(U8 *dname) {//Prompt for Define list entry in PopUp win task. return PopUpPickList(Define(dname)); } #help_index "DolDoc/Input;StdIn/DolDoc" public I64 PopUp1(U8 *b1, I64 n1, U8 *header=NULL, U8 *footer=NULL) {//Make PopUp win task with one bttn. I64 i, l1 = StrLen(b1); CDoc *doc = DocNew; if (header) DocPrint(doc, "%s", header); DocPrint(doc, "$CM+CX,%d,4$$BT,\"%s\",LE=%d$\n", -l1 / 2, b1, n1); if (footer) DocPrint(doc, "%s", footer); i = PopUpMenu(doc); DocDel(doc); return i; } public I64 PopUp2(U8 *b1, I64 n1, U8 *b2, I64 n2, U8 *header=NULL, U8 *footer=NULL) {//Make PopUp win task with two bttns. I64 i, l1 = StrLen(b1), l2 = StrLen(b2), y; CDoc *doc = DocNew; if (header) { DocPrint(doc, "%s", header); y = 4; } else { DocPrint(doc, "%*s\n", l1 + l2 + 10, ""); y = 3; } DocPrint(doc, "$CM+CX,%d,%d$$BT,\"%s\",LE=%d$", -(l1 + l2 + 3) >> 1, y, b1, n1); DocPrint(doc, "$CM+CX,%d,0$$BT,\"%s\",LE=%d$\n" , -(l1 + l2 + 3) >> 1 + l1 + 6, b2, n2); if (footer) DocPrint(doc, "%s", footer); i = PopUpMenu(doc); DocDel(doc); return i; } public Bool PopUpOk(U8 *header=NULL, U8 *footer=NULL) {//Make PopUp win task with OKAY bttn. return PopUp1("OKAY", 1, header, footer) > 0; } public Bool PopUpNoYes(U8 *header=NULL, U8 *footer=NULL) {//Make PopUp win task with NO/YES bttns. return PopUp2("YES", 1, "NO", 0, header, footer) > 0; } public Bool PopUpCancelOk(U8 *header=NULL, U8 *footer=NULL) {//Make PopUp win task CANCEL/OKAY bttns. return PopUp2("OKAY", 1, "CANCEL", 0, header, footer) > 0; } U8 *PopUpGetStr2(U8 *header, CTask *mem_task) { U8 *res, *st; if (header) "%s", header; st = StrGet(,, SGF_WITH_NEW_LINE); res = StrNew(st, mem_task); Free(st); return res; } public U8 *PopUpGetStr(U8 *header=NULL) {//Prompt for text str in PopUp win task. U8 *st = MStrPrint("PopUpGetStr2(0x%X,0x%X);", header, Fs), *res = PopUp(st, Fs); Free(st); return res; } public I64 PopUpI64Get(U8 *message, I64 default, I64 lo=I64_MIN, I64 hi=I64_MAX) {//Prompt for I64 text expression in PopUp win task. U8 *st = MStrPrint("I64Get(0x%X,0x%X,0x%X,0x%X);", message, default, lo, hi); I64 res = PopUp(st, Fs); Free(st); return res; } public F64 PopUpGetF64(U8 *message, F64 default, F64 lo=F64_MIN, F64 hi=F64_MAX) {//Prompt for F64 text expression in PopUp win task. U8 *st = MStrPrint("F64Get(0x%X,0x%X(F64),0x%X(F64),0x%X(F64));", message, default, lo, hi); F64 res = PopUp(st, Fs)(F64); Free(st); return res; } public I64 PopUpRangeI64(I64 lo, I64 hi, I64 step=1, U8 *header=NULL, U8 *footer=NULL) {//Evenly-spaced I64 range chooser in PopUp win task. I64 i; CDoc *doc = DocNew; if (header) DocPrint(doc, "%s", header); DocPrint(doc, "$LTBLUE$"); for (i = lo; i <= hi; i += step) DocPrint(doc, "$MU,\"%d\",LE=%d$\n", i, i); if (footer) DocPrint(doc, "%s", footer); i = PopUpMenu(doc); DocDel(doc); return i; } public F64 PopUpRangeF64(F64 lo, F64 hi, F64 step, U8 *format="%9.4f", U8 *header=NULL, U8 *footer=NULL) {//Evenly-spaced F64 range chooser in PopUp win task. F64 d; I64 i; U8 buf[STR_LEN]; CDoc *doc = DocNew; if (header) DocPrint(doc, "%s", header); DocPrint(doc, "$LTBLUE$"); for (d = lo; d <= hi; d += step) { StrPrint(buf, format, d); DocPrint(doc, "$MU,\"%s\",LE=0x%X$\n", buf, d); } if (footer) DocPrint(doc, "%s", footer); i = PopUpMenu(doc); DocDel(doc); return i(F64); } public F64 PopUpRangeF64Exp(F64 lo, F64 hi, F64 factor, U8 *format="%9.4f", U8 *header=NULL, U8 *footer=NULL) {//Exp-spaced F64 range chooser in PopUp win task. F64 d; I64 i; U8 buf[STR_LEN]; CDoc *doc = DocNew; if (header) DocPrint(doc, "%s", header); DocPrint(doc, "$LTBLUE$"); for (d = lo; d <= hi; d *= factor) { StrPrint(buf, format, d); DocPrint(doc, "$MU,\"%s\",LE=0x%X$\n", buf, d); } if (footer) DocPrint(doc, "%s", footer); i = PopUpMenu(doc); DocDel(doc); return i(F64); } public F64 PopUpRangeF64Log(F64 lo, F64 hi, I64 steps, U8 *format="%9.4f", U8 *header=NULL, U8 *footer=NULL) {//Log-spaced F64 range chooser in PopUp win task. return PopUpRangeF64Exp(lo, hi, Exp(Ln(hi / lo) / (steps - 1)), format, header, footer); } #help_index "Job/Exe;Task/Job/Exe;Compiler" public I64 SysFile(U8 *filename, Bool warn_ext=TRUE) {//Make sys_task execute file. Bool okay = TRUE; U8 *name = FileNameAbs(filename), *name2 = ExtDefault(name, "CC"); I64 res = 0; if (warn_ext && !FilesFindMatch(name2, FILEMASK_JIT) && !PopUpCancelOk(ST_WARN_ST "Not .CC File\n\n")) okay = FALSE; if (okay) res = Sys("#include \"%s\";", name2); Free(name2); Free(name); return res; } public I64 PopUpFile(U8 *filename, Bool warn_ext=TRUE, CTask *parent=NULL, CTask **_pu_task=NULL) {//ExeFile2() in PopUp task. Cont as User. Bool okay = TRUE; U8 *st, *name = FileNameAbs(filename), *name2 = ExtDefault(name, "CC"); I64 res = 0; if (warn_ext && !FilesFindMatch(name2, FILEMASK_JIT) && !PopUpCancelOk(ST_WARN_ST "Not .CC File\n\n")) okay = FALSE; if (okay) { st = MStrPrint("\"$$WW+H,1$$\";In(\"ExeFile2(\\\"%s\\\",CCF_CMD_LINE);\\n\");UserTaskCont;", name2); res = PopUp(st, parent, _pu_task); Free(st); } Free(name2); Free(name); return res; } public I64 PopUpRunFile(U8 *filename, I64 ccf_flags=0, ...) {//ExeFile() with args using LastFun() in PopUp task. U8 *st, *name = FileNameAbs(filename), *name2 = ExtDefault(name, "CC"); I64 res = 0; st = MStrPrint("\"$$WW+H,1$$\";ExeFile2(\"%s\",0x%X);LastFun(0x%X,0x%X);", name2, ccf_flags, argc, argv); res = PopUp(st, Fs); Free(st); Free(name2); Free(name); return res; }