/*See TextBase Layer for the format of the U32 you pass to TextChar() See ::/Doc/CharOverview.DD, ::/Demo/ExtChars.ZC, and ::/Demo/Graphics/FontEd.ZC. Hold <ALT> and press a 3 digit decimal number or press <CTRL-ALT-a> to enter extended characters. */ U0 DrawIt(CTask *task, CDC *) { I64 i; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) TextChar(task,, (i & 15) * 2, (i / 16) * 2, i + BLACK << 12 + WHITE << 8); } U0 ScreenCodes() { SettingsPush; //See SettingsPush DocClear; Fs->draw_it = &DrawIt; CharGet(, FALSE); SettingsPop; } ScreenCodes;