/*Asm labels can only be defined once
in a task.  <F5> will spawn a new task
each time, so you don't get redefine
error, like when repeatedly #including
it from the cmd line.

//This is to demo global var access.
//Glbs defined elsewhere can accessed too, like counts.jiffies.
I64 global_ona = Freq2Ona(400), global_ona_step = 10, global_ona_base = Freq2Ona(100);

asm {
//Opcodes are slightly different to make writing the x86_64 assembler easier.
//See ::/Compiler/OpCodes.DD.

JIFFIES_MESSAGE:        DU8 "Jiffies:", 0;

//See ::/Kernel/StrA.CC and ::/Kernel/KUtils.CC.

//You can clobber RAX,RBX,RCX,RDX,R8,R9.        The compiler expects that.
                                PUSH            RBP
                                MOV             RBP, RSP
                                MOV             RCX, U64 SF_ARG1[RBP] //SF_ARG1

                                PUSH            U64 [&counts.jiffies]

@@05:                   PUSH            RCX
//U0 Beep(I8 ona=62, Bool busy=FALSE)
                                PUSH            FALSE   //Do not busy (spin) wait
                                PUSH            U64 [&global_ona] //evaluated at run time
                                CALL            &Beep
                                POP             RCX
                                LOOP            @@05

                                PUSH            RSI             //See REGG_LOCAL_VARS & REGG_LOCAL_NON_PTR_VARS
                                MOV             RSI, JIFFIES_MESSAGE
                                CALL            PUT_STR
                                POP             RSI

                                POP             RAX
                                SUB             RAX, U64 [&counts.jiffies]
                                NEG             RAX
                                CALL            PUT_HEX_U64
                                MOV             RAX, '\n'
                                CALL            PUT_CHARS

                                POP             RBP
                                RET1            8

//The convention is to put an underscore
//on C callable asm routines.
_extern _BEEPS2 U0 Beeps2(I64 count);

U0 AsmAndC2()
        I64 reg R15 i;

        i = I64Get("$PURPLE$\n\nNum of beeps 1-5 (%d):$FG$", 3, 1, 5);

        asm {
//You can clobber RAX,RBX,RCX,RDX, but preserve the rest.
                MOV             RCX, R15 //You can clobber RAX,RBX,RCX,RDX. Preserve the rest.
                @@05:   PUSH RCX

//U0 Sound(I8 ona);
                MOV             RAX, RCX //ona=loop*10+100.0Hz
                IMUL2   RAX, global_ona_step //Intentionally evaluated at compile time
                ADD             RAX, U64 [&global_ona_base]     //Intentionally evaluated at run time
                PUSH    RAX
                CALL    &Sound  //We can skip IMPORT with & if JIT compiling.
                MOV             RCX, counts.time_stamp_freq >> 3 //JIT Const.   Simple delay loop.
@@10:   LOOP    @@10

                POP             RCX
                LOOP    @@05
