#help_index "Cmd Line (Typically)" I64 DEPtrCompare(CDocEntry **e1, CDocEntry **e2) { return StrCompare((*e1)->tag, (*e2)->tag); } public I64 Sort(U8 *_in_name, U8 *_out_name=NULL, I64 entry_lines=1, Bool unique=FALSE) {//Sort lines of a text file. Removes blank lines. U8 *in_name, *out_name, *st; CDoc *doc; CDocEntry *doc_e, *doc_e1, **a; I64 i, j, count = 0, res; if (!_in_name) return 0; in_name = ExtDefault(_in_name, ".DD"); if (_out_name) out_name = ExtDefault(_out_name, ".DD"); else out_name = StrNew(in_name); doc = DocRead(in_name, DOCF_PLAIN_TEXT_TABS | DOCF_NO_CURSOR); doc_e = doc->head.next; while (doc_e != doc) { if (doc_e->type_u8 == DOCT_TEXT) count++; doc_e = doc_e->next; } a = MAlloc(count * sizeof(CDocEntry *)); doc_e = doc->head.next; i = 0; while (doc_e != doc) { doc_e1 = doc_e->next; if (doc_e->type_u8 == DOCT_TEXT) { QueueRemove(doc_e); a[i++] = doc_e; } else DocEntryDel(doc, doc_e); doc_e = doc_e1; } QuickSort(a, count / entry_lines, entry_lines * sizeof(CDocEntry *), &DEPtrCompare); res = 0; st = NULL; for (i = 0; i < count;) { if (!unique || !st || StrCompare(a[i]->tag, st)) { st = a[i]->tag; for (j = 0; j < entry_lines && i < count; j++, i++) { QueueInsert(a[i], doc->head.last); doc->cur_entry = &doc->head; doc->cur_col = 0; DocPrint(doc,"\n"); } res++; } else for (j = 0; j < entry_lines && i < count; j++, i++) { QueueInsert(a[i], doc->head.last); DocEntryDel(doc, a[i]); } } StrCopy(doc->filename.name, out_name); DocWrite(doc); Free(a); DocDel(doc); Free(in_name); Free(out_name); return res; //Num Entries } I64 DocWordsFile(CDoc *doc_out=NULL, U8 *filename, U32 *char_bmp) { U8 *ptr, *ptr2; I64 res = 0, ch; CDoc *doc_in = DocRead(filename); CDocEntry *doc_e = doc_in->head.next; while (doc_e != doc_in) { if (doc_e->de_flags & DOCEF_TAG) { ptr = doc_e->tag; while (*ptr) { while (*ptr && !Bt(char_bmp, *ptr)) ptr++; ptr2 = ptr; while (*ptr && Bt(char_bmp, *ptr)) ptr++; ch = *ptr; *ptr = 0; if (*ptr2) { DocPrint(doc_out, "%s\n", ptr2); res++; } *ptr = ch; } } doc_e = doc_e->next; } DocDel(doc_in); return res; } public I64 Words(U8 *files_find_mask="*", U32 *char_bmp=char_bmp_alpha, U8 *fu_flags=NULL) {//Break file into list of not-unique words. I64 fuf_flags = 0, res = 0; CDoc *doc_out = DocNew; CDirEntry *tmpde, *tmpde1; FlagsScan(&fuf_flags, Define("ST_FILE_UTIL_FLAGS"), "+r+f+F+T"); FlagsScan(&fuf_flags, Define("ST_FILE_UTIL_FLAGS"), fu_flags); tmpde = tmpde1 = FilesFind(files_find_mask, fuf_flags); while (tmpde) { res += DocWordsFile(doc_out, tmpde->full_name, char_bmp); tmpde = tmpde->next; } DirTreeDel(tmpde1); DocInsDoc(NULL, doc_out); DocDel(doc_out); return res; } I64 LongLinesFile(U8 *filename, I64 cols) { I64 res = 0; CDoc *doc = DocRead(filename); CDocEntry *doc_e = doc->head.next; while (doc_e != doc) { if (doc_e->type_u8 == DOCT_NEW_LINE && doc_e->x >= cols + 1) res++; doc_e = doc_e->next; } DocDel(doc); if (res) { "%04d ", res; PutFileLink(filename); '\n'; } return res; } public I64 LongLines(U8 *files_find_mask="*", I64 cols=80, U8 *fu_flags=NULL) {//Report files with lines of too many cols. I64 res = 0, fuf_flags = 0; CDirEntry *tmpde, *tmpde1; FlagsScan(&fuf_flags, Define("ST_FILE_UTIL_FLAGS"), "+r+f+F+S"); FlagsScan(&fuf_flags, Define("ST_FILE_UTIL_FLAGS"), fu_flags); tmpde = tmpde1 = FilesFind(files_find_mask, fuf_flags); while (tmpde) { if (LongLinesFile(tmpde->full_name, cols)) res++; tmpde = tmpde->next; } DirTreeDel(tmpde1); return res; } U0 SUFile(U8 *filename,I64 suf_flags,F64 indent_scale_factor) {//String utility on a single file //See SU Flags U8 *dst; Bool chged = FALSE; I64 reduced = 0; CDoc *doc = DocRead(filename, DOCF_PLAIN_TEXT_TABS | DOCF_NO_CURSOR); CDocEntry *doc_e = doc->head.next; while (doc_e != doc) { if (doc_e->type_u8 == DOCT_TEXT) { dst = MStrUtil(doc_e->tag, suf_flags, indent_scale_factor); if (StrCompare(dst, doc_e->tag)) { reduced += StrLen(doc_e->tag) - StrLen(dst); chged = TRUE; Free(doc_e->tag); doc_e->tag = dst; } else Free(dst); } doc_e = doc_e->next; } if (chged) { "Reduced %s by %d chars\n", filename, reduced; DocWrite(doc); } DocDel(doc); } public U0 SU(U8 *files_find_mask, I64 suf_flags, U8 *fu_flags=NULL, F64 indent_scale_factor=0) {//Apply StrUtil() on files. //You can convert spaces to tabs, for example, //or removing trailing spaces on lines. //See SUF Flags. I64 fuf_flags = 0; CDirEntry *tmpde, *tmpde1; FlagsScan(&fuf_flags, Define("ST_FILE_UTIL_FLAGS"), "+f+F+T"); FlagsScan(&fuf_flags, Define("ST_FILE_UTIL_FLAGS"), fu_flags); tmpde = tmpde1 = FilesFind(files_find_mask, fuf_flags); while (tmpde) { SUFile(tmpde->full_name, suf_flags, indent_scale_factor); tmpde = tmpde->next; } DirTreeDel(tmpde1); } public U0 S2T(U8 *files_find_mask, U8 *fu_flags=NULL) {//Spaces to tabs. //Use "Hard Space" (SHIFT-SPACE) for spaces //in string consts in your code. SU(files_find_mask, SUF_S2T | SUF_REM_TRAILING, fu_flags); }