/*lock{} is a compiler stmt which places asm LOCK instruction prefixes on code. Only use it on read-modify-write statements. It will generate invalid insts if you misuse it and it will crash. U() to see what code was generated. */ #define COUNT 0x1000000 I64 global; U0 MPUnlockedInc(I64) { I64 i; for (i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) global++; } U0 UnlockedInc() { CJob *tmpm0, *tmpm1; global= 0; tmpm0 = JobQueue(&MPUnlockedInc, NULL, 0, 0); tmpm1 = JobQueue(&MPUnlockedInc, NULL, 1, 0); JobResGet(tmpm0); JobResGet(tmpm1); "Correct Count:%X Actual Count:%X\n", COUNT * 2, global; } U0 MPLockedInc(I64) { I64 i; for (i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) lock /*Can be used without {} */ global++; } U0 LockedInc() { CJob *tmpm0, *tmpm1; global = 0; tmpm0 = JobQueue(&MPLockedInc, NULL, 0, 0); tmpm1 = JobQueue(&MPLockedInc, NULL, 1, 0); JobResGet(tmpm0); JobResGet(tmpm1); "Correct Count:%X Actual Count:%X\n", COUNT * 2, global; } UnlockedInc; LockedInc;