//Normally, you make sprites with . //This shows how to build a sprite by hand. //See $MA-X+PU,"::/Apps/GrModels",LM="Cd(\"::/Apps/GrModels\");Dir;View;\n"$. class MySprite { // See $LK,"Sprite Elem Types",A="MN:SPT_LINE"$ CSpriteColor color; CSpritePtPt line1; CSpritePtPt line2; CSpritePtPt line3; CSpritePt fill; CSpriteBase end; }; U0 SpriteRawDemo() { MySprite s; MemSet(&s, 0, sizeof(s)); s.color.type = SPT_COLOR; s.color.color = GREEN; s.line1.type = SPT_LINE; s.line1.x2 = 100; s.line1.y2 = 50; s.line2.type = SPT_LINE; s.line2.x2 = 50; s.line2.y2 = 100; s.line3.type = SPT_LINE; s.line3.x1 = 100; s.line3.y1 = 50; s.line3.x2 = 50; s.line3.y2 = 100; s.fill.type = SPT_FLOOD_FILL; s.fill.x1 = 20; s.fill.y1 = 20; s.end.type = SPT_END; Sprite(&s); "%h13c", '\n'; } SpriteRawDemo;