$WW,1$$FG,5$$TX+CX,"File Manager"$$FG$ $FG,2$$FG$ $ID,2$Select files. $ID,-2$ $FG,2$ or $FG$ $ID,2$Delete file or tree. $ID,-2$ $FG,2$ or $FG$ $ID,2$Copy select files to clip. $ID,-2$ $FG,2$ or $FG$ $ID,2$Paste clip. $ID,-2$ $FG,2$LEFT-CLICK,drag-drop$FG$ $ID,2$Move a file or tree to a dir. $ID,-2$ $FG,2$LEFT-CLICK,same file or $FG$ $ID,2$Edit file. $ID,-2$ $FG,2$$FG$ $ID,2$Edit Plain Text File. $ID,-2$ $FG,2$RIGHT-CLICK or $FG$ $ID,2$Bring-up menu. $ID,-2$ $FG,2$$FG$ $ID,2$#include file. $ID,-2$ $FG,2$$FG$ $ID,2$Zenith #include file. $ID,-2$ $FG,2$'r'$FG$ $ID,2$Rename file. $ID,-2$ $FG,2$'d'$FG$ $ID,2$Make Dir. $ID,-2$ $FG,2$'c'$FG$ $ID,2$DiskChange (Remount removable media). Do not do this on blank disks. $ID,-2$ $FG,2$'f'$FG$ $ID,2$Format drive. $ID,-2$ $FG,2$'i'$FG$ $ID,2$Mount ISO.C file. $ID,-2$ $FG,2$'u'$FG$ $ID,2$Unmount drive(s). $ID,-2$ $FG,2$'m'$FG$ $ID,2$Make CD/DVD ISO.C file. This creates a $LK,"RedSea",A="FI:::/Doc/RedSea.DD"$ ISO file image of the dir the cursor is on. The name of the ISO file is $FG,2$$TX,"\"::/Tmp/CDDVD.ISO.C\"",D="DEFAULT_ISO_C_FILENAME"$$FG$ $LK,"blkdev.default_iso_c_filename",A="MN:CBlkDevGlobals"$ and can be redefined in your start-up scripts. You may wish to place it on a different drive. $ID,-2$ $FG,2$'B'$FG$ $ID,2$Burn CD/DVD ISO file. This burns a CD/DVD using the image file, $FG,2$$TX,"\"::/Tmp/CDDVD.ISO\"",D="DEFAULT_ISO_FILENAME"$$FG$ $LK,"blkdev.default_iso_filename",A="MN:CBlkDevGlobals"$ to the drive the cursor is on. $ID,-2$ $FG,5$Instructions on Using CD/DVD's$FG$ $ID,2$If you have not recompiled Kernel and defined your CD/DVD drive, exit the FileMgr and use $LK,"Mount",A="MN:Mount"$ to define your CD/DVD drive. Place a CD/DVD in the drive and press $FG,2$'c'$FG$ when on top of the CD/DVD drive letter to mount the drive. It will call $LK,"DiskChange",A="MN:DiskChange"$(), the ZenithOS cmd to mount removable media. $ID,-2$ $FG,5$Instructions on Burning CD/DVD's$FG$ $ID,2$Create a temporary dir to hold files and copy files into the holding dir. Make an ISO image of the dir by pressing $FG,2$'M'$FG$ when on top of the dir. Press $FG,2$'B'$FG$ when on top of the CD/DVD ROM drive to burn the ISO, $FG,2$$TX,"\"::/Tmp/CDDVD.ISO\"",D="DEFAULT_ISO_FILENAME"$$FG$ $LK,"blkdev.default_iso_filename",A="MN:CBlkDevGlobals"$, to disk. If you have not recompiled $FG,2$Kernel$FG$ and defined your CD/DVD drive, exit the FileMgr and use $LK,"Mount",A="MN:Mount"$. $LK,"Making Your Own Distro",A="FI:::/Misc/DoDistro.HC"$ $ID,-2$