#help_index "DolDoc/Conversion" //See ::/Doc/Credits.DD. #define DOCET_UNDEF_COLOR 0x100000000 #define DOCET_LINK_UNDERLINE 0x200000000 U0 HtmlPutS(CDoc *doc, I64 u32_attr, I64 *_old_u32_attr, Bool underline_update, U8 *st, I64 *_col, U8 *style_bitmap=NULL) { U8 *ch, *ptr; u32_attr &= 0xFFFFFF00; if (u32_attr & DOCET_INVERT) u32_attr.u8[1] = (u32_attr.u8[1] & 15) << 4 | u32_attr.u8[1] >> 4; if (underline_update && !(u32_attr & DOCET_UNDERLINE) && *_old_u32_attr & DOCET_UNDERLINE) { if (!(*_old_u32_attr & DOCET_LINK_UNDERLINE)) DocPrint(doc, "</u>"); *_old_u32_attr &= ~DOCET_LINK_UNDERLINE; } if (!(u32_attr & DOCET_BLINK) && *_old_u32_attr & DOCET_BLINK) DocPrint(doc, "</blink>"); if (u32_attr & 0xFF00 != *_old_u32_attr & 0xFF00) { if (!(*_old_u32_attr & DOCET_UNDEF_COLOR)) DocPrint(doc, "</span>"); DocPrint(doc, "<span class=c%02X>", u32_attr.u8[1]); if (style_bitmap) LBts(style_bitmap, u32_attr.u8[1]); } if (u32_attr & DOCET_BLINK && !(*_old_u32_attr & DOCET_BLINK)) DocPrint(doc, "<blink>"); if (underline_update) { if (u32_attr & DOCET_UNDERLINE && !(*_old_u32_attr & DOCET_UNDERLINE)) DocPrint(doc, "<u>"); } else //Keep same underline status. u32_attr = u32_attr & ~DOCET_UNDERLINE | *_old_u32_attr & DOCET_UNDERLINE; *_old_u32_attr = u32_attr | *_old_u32_attr & DOCET_LINK_UNDERLINE; while (ch = *st++) { switch (ch) { case '\t': do { DocPutKey(doc, CH_SPACE, 0); *_col = *_col + 1; } while (*_col & 3); break; start: case 'pi': ptr="pi"; break; case 'theta': ptr="theta"; break; case 'phi': ptr="phi"; break; case 'omega': ptr="omega"; break; case 'inf': ptr="inf"; break; case 'u': ptr="u"; break; end: DocPrint(doc, ptr); *_col = *_col + StrLen(ptr); break; start: case '&': ptr = "&"; break; case '<': ptr = "<"; break; case '>': ptr = ">"; break; case '"': ptr = """; break; end: DocPrint(doc, ptr); *_col = *_col + 1; break; default: if (CH_SPACE <= ch < 0x7F || ch == '\n') DocPutKey(doc, ch, 0); else DocPrint(doc, "."); *_col = *_col + 1; } } } U8 *TOSLinkConvert2(U8 *filename, I64 line_num) {// ::/ --> http://www.templeos.org/Wb/ //Make your own LinkConvert routine U8 *res = NULL, *st1, *st2, extension[STR_LEN]; if (filename) { st1 = StrNew(filename); FileExtRemove(st1, extension); if (StrCompare(extension, "html")) st2 = MStrPrint("%s.%s.html", st1, extension); else st2 = MStrPrint("%s.html", st1); // st = ExtChange(filename, "html"); if (st2 && StrLen(st2) > 3 && !StrNCompare(st2 + 1, ":/", 2)) res = MStrPrint("https://zeal-operating-system.github.io/ZealOS/%s#l%d", st2 + 3, line_num); Free(st1); Free(st2); } return res; } U8 *URLBibleGateway(U8 *src) { U8 buf[STR_LEN], *dst = buf; if (!MemCompare(src, "BF:", 3)) src += 3; while (*src) { if (*src == CH_SPACE || *src == ',') *dst++ = '+'; else *dst++ = *src; src++; } *dst = 0; if (StrOcc(buf, '-')) return MStrPrint("http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=%s&version=NIV", buf); else return MStrPrint("http://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/%s", buf); } U8 *TOSLinkConvert1(U8 *link_st) { static CDoc *bible=NULL; static I64 locks=0; U8 *res=NULL, *filename, *needle; I64 i, num; if (link_st) { switch (i = EdLinkConvert(link_st, &filename, &needle, &num)) { case LK_FILE_LINE: case LK_PLAIN_LINE: case LK_FILE: res = TOSLinkConvert2(filename, num); break; case -1: case LK_DEF: case LK_HELP_INDEX: case LK_DOC: case LK_DOC_ANCHOR: case LK_DOC_FIND: case LK_DOC_LINE: break; case LK_BIBLE_FIND: while (LBts(&locks, 0)) Yield; if (!bible) bible = Sys("DocRead(\"%s\");", filename); if (DocFind(bible, num, needle)) res = URLBibleGateway(link_st); LBtr(&locks, 0); break; default: if (DocFileEd(i, filename, needle, &num, EDF_UNCOLLAPSE | EDF_BAIL)) res = TOSLinkConvert2(filename, num); } Free(filename); Free(needle); } return res; } public CDoc *Doc2Html(CDoc *doc_in, U8 *html_header=NULL, U8 *body_header=NULL, U8 *body_footer=NULL, U8 *html_footer=NULL, Bool line_anchors=TRUE, U8 (*link_convert)(U8 *link_st)=&TOSLinkConvert1, Bool line_nums=FALSE) {//Convert DolDocdoc to HTML file. CDocEntry *doc_e, *style, *doc_e2; I64 i, y, old_y = I64_MIN, col, old_u32_attr = DOCET_UNDEF_COLOR, old_attr, digits; U32 *hl, *src; U8 *st, st_2[2], *link_st, *style_bitmap = CAlloc(256 / 8); CBGR24 p[COLORS_NUM]; GrPaletteGet(p); CDoc *doc_out = DocNew; Bool unlock_doc_in = DocLock(doc_in), no_bwd; old_attr = doc_in->win_task->text_attr; doc_in->win_task->text_attr = DOC_ATTR_DEFAULT_TEXT; for (i = 0xF0; i <= 0xFF; i++) LBts(style_bitmap, i); DocRecalc(doc_in, RECALCt_NORMAL | RECALCF_TO_HTML); digits = Log10(doc_in->head.last->y + 1) + 1; st_2[0] = 0; st_2[1] = 0; doc_out->flags |= DOCF_PLAIN_TEXT | DOCF_NO_CURSOR; if (!html_header) html_header = "<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n" "<html>\n" "<head>\n" "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" " "content=\"text/html;charset=US-ASCII\">\n" "<meta name=\"generator\" content=\"ZealOS V1.09\">\n"; if (!body_header) body_header = "<body>\n" "<pre style=\"font-family:monospace;font-size:12pt\">\n"; if (!body_footer) body_footer = "</pre></body>\n"; if (!html_footer) html_footer = "</html>\n"; DocPrint(doc_out, "%s", html_header); DocPrint(doc_out, "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"); style = doc_out->cur_entry->last; DocPrint(doc_out, "</style>\n" "</head>\n"); DocPrint(doc_out, "%s", body_header); doc_e = doc_in->head.next; col = doc_e->x; y = doc_e->y; while (doc_e != doc_in) { if (!(doc_e->de_flags & DOCEF_SKIP)) { if (y != old_y) { if (line_anchors) DocPrint(doc_out, "<a name=\"l%d\"></a>", y + 1); if (line_nums) DocPrint(doc_out, "%0*d ", digits, y + 1); old_y = y; } while (y < doc_e->y) { HtmlPutS(doc_out, doc_e->settings.final_u32_attr, &old_u32_attr, FALSE, "\n", &col, style_bitmap); if (++y != old_y) { if (line_anchors) DocPrint(doc_out, "<a name=\"l%d\"></a>", y + 1); if (line_nums) DocPrint(doc_out, "%0*d ", digits, y + 1); old_y = y; } col = 0; } no_bwd = TRUE; doc_e2 = doc_e->next; while (doc_e2 != doc_in && doc_e2->y == doc_e->y) { if (doc_e2->x < doc_e->x) { no_bwd = FALSE; break; } doc_e2 = doc_e2->next; } if (no_bwd) while (col < doc_e->x) HtmlPutS(doc_out, doc_e->settings.final_u32_attr & ~DOCET_UNDERLINE, &old_u32_attr, TRUE, " ", &col, style_bitmap); link_st = NULL; if (doc_e->de_flags & DOCEF_HTML_LINK) link_st = StrNew(doc_e->html_link); else if (st = DocEntryLink(doc_in, doc_e)) { link_st = link_convert(st); Free(st); } if (link_st) { if (old_u32_attr & DOCET_UNDERLINE && !(old_u32_attr & DOCET_LINK_UNDERLINE)) DocPrint(doc_out, "</u>"); if (old_u32_attr & DOCET_BLINK) DocPrint(doc_out, "</blink>"); if (!(old_u32_attr & DOCET_UNDEF_COLOR)) DocPrint(doc_out, "</span>"); old_u32_attr = DOCET_UNDEF_COLOR | DOCET_UNDERLINE | DOCET_LINK_UNDERLINE; DocPrint(doc_out, "<a href=\"%s\">", link_st); } switch (doc_e->type_u8) { case DOCT_TEXT: if (doc_e->de_flags & DOCEF_HIGHLIGHT) { if (doc_e->last == doc_in) MemCopy(&doc_e->settings, &doc_in->settings_head, sizeof(CDocSettings)); else MemCopy(&doc_e->settings, &doc_e->last->settings, sizeof(CDocSettings)); src = hl = DocHighlight(doc_e, doc_e->tag, StrLen(doc_e->tag), doc_e->type & 0xFF00); while (*src) { st_2[0] = *src & 0xFF; HtmlPutS(doc_out, *src++, &old_u32_attr, TRUE, st_2, &col, style_bitmap); } Free(hl); } else HtmlPutS(doc_out, doc_e->settings.final_u32_attr, &old_u32_attr, TRUE, doc_e->tag, &col, style_bitmap); break; case DOCT_TAB: HtmlPutS(doc_out, doc_e->settings.final_u32_attr, &old_u32_attr, TRUE, "\t", &col, style_bitmap); break; case DOCT_HTML_CODE: if (old_u32_attr & DOCET_UNDERLINE && !(old_u32_attr & DOCET_LINK_UNDERLINE)) DocPrint(doc_out, "</u>"); if (old_u32_attr & DOCET_BLINK) DocPrint(doc_out, "</blink>"); if (!(old_u32_attr & DOCET_UNDEF_COLOR)) DocPrint(doc_out, "</span>"); old_u32_attr = DOCET_UNDEF_COLOR; DocPrint(doc_out, "%s", doc_e->tag); break; case DOCT_SPRITE: HtmlPutS(doc_out, doc_e->settings.final_u32_attr, &old_u32_attr, TRUE, doc_e->tag, &col, style_bitmap); HtmlPutS(doc_out, doc_e->settings.final_u32_attr, &old_u32_attr, TRUE, "/* Graphics Not Rendered in HTML */", &col, style_bitmap); break; default: if (doc_e->de_flags & DOCEF_TAG) HtmlPutS(doc_out, doc_e->settings.final_u32_attr, &old_u32_attr, TRUE, doc_e->tag, &col, style_bitmap); } if (link_st) { if (old_u32_attr & DOCET_UNDERLINE && !(old_u32_attr & DOCET_LINK_UNDERLINE)) DocPrint(doc_out, "</u>"); if (old_u32_attr & DOCET_BLINK) DocPrint(doc_out, "</blink>"); if (!(old_u32_attr & DOCET_UNDEF_COLOR)) DocPrint(doc_out, "</span>"); DocPrint(doc_out, "</a>"); old_u32_attr = DOCET_UNDEF_COLOR | DOCET_UNDERLINE | DOCET_LINK_UNDERLINE; Free(link_st); } } doc_e = doc_e->next; } while (y++ < doc_e->y) { HtmlPutS(doc_out, doc_e->settings.final_u32_attr, &old_u32_attr, TRUE, "\n", &col, style_bitmap); col = 0; } if (old_u32_attr & DOCET_UNDERLINE && !(old_u32_attr & DOCET_LINK_UNDERLINE)) DocPrint(doc_out, "</u>"); if (old_u32_attr & DOCET_BLINK) DocPrint(doc_out, "</blink>"); if (!(old_u32_attr & DOCET_UNDEF_COLOR)) DocPrint(doc_out, "</span>"); old_u32_attr = DOCET_UNDEF_COLOR; DocPrint(doc_out, "%s", body_footer); DocPrint(doc_out, "%s", html_footer); doc_out->cur_entry = style->next; DocPrint(doc_out, "body {background-color:#%02x%02x%02x;}\n", p[WHITE].r, p[WHITE].g, p[WHITE].b); for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) if (Bt(style_bitmap, i)) DocPrint(doc_out, ".c%02X{color:#%02x%02x%02x;background-color:#%02x%02x%02x;}\n", i, p[i & 15].r, p[i & 15].g, p[i & 15].b, p[i/16].r, p[i / 16].g, p[i / 16].b); doc_out->cur_entry = &doc_out->head; DocRecalc(doc_out); doc_in->win_task->text_attr = old_attr; if (unlock_doc_in) DocUnlock(doc_in); return doc_out; } #help_index "Cmd Line (Typically);DolDoc/Conversion;DolDoc/Cmd Line (Typically)" public U0 ToHtml(U8 *_in_name, U8 *_out_name=NULL, U8 *html_header=NULL, U8 *body_header=NULL, U8 *body_footer=NULL, U8 *html_footer=NULL, I64 width=128, Bool line_anchors=TRUE, U8 (*link_convert)(U8 *link_st)=&TOSLinkConvert1, Bool line_nums=FALSE) {//Convert DolDocfile to HTML. //Supply your own link_convert routine. U8 *in_name, *out_name; CDoc *doc_in, *doc_out; SettingsPush; //See SettingsPush WinHorz(1, width - 2); //Sets doc width for word wrap. in_name=ExtDefault(_in_name, "ZC"); if (_out_name) out_name = ExtDefault(_out_name, "html"); else out_name = ExtChange(_in_name, "html"); doc_in = DocRead(in_name); doc_out = Doc2Html(doc_in, html_header, body_header, body_footer, html_footer, line_anchors, link_convert, line_nums); StrCopy(&doc_out->filename.name, out_name); SettingsPop; DocWrite(doc_out); DocDel(doc_in); DocDel(doc_out); Free(in_name); Free(out_name); }