/*On each core, tasks are linked in a
circular doubly-linked list queue with
the Executive task as the head.  On Core0,
the queue order represents the front-to-back
window stack order with the window mgr
as the wallpaper.

The scheduler is round-robin.  It checks
if a task is ready and runs it or skips it.
Swapping tasks just involves storing and
restoring regs (no disk I/O for virtual
memory and no addr map changes).  It is
always fully identity-mapped on all cores.
Tasks can be switched in half a microsecond.

The scheduler checks if a task is
waiting for a certain time or waiting
on a message and skips if not ready.
A task runs until it voluntarily yields ctrl
with a call to Yield().  Tasks waiting on I/O
often loop, checking for a status and
Yielding.  This does not really degrade
performance, but pegs the CPU Load.

The scheduler checks for a few keys:

<CTRL-ALT-x> kill a task.
<CTRL-ALT-DEL> reboots.
<CTRL-ALT-n> Next task.
<CTRL-ALT-c> breaks execution of a program.

Each core has its own circular task queue.
For AP processors, they have an "Executive" task
which stays in a loop waiting for jobs or
requests to spawn tasks.  See CoreAPExecutiveTask().

U0 TaskFocusNext()
    CTask *task, *_task = sys_focus_task;

    sys_focus_task = NULL;
    if (!_task)
        _task = sys_task;
    task = _task->next_task;
        if (!Bt(&task->win_inhibit, WIf_SELF_FOCUS))
            sys_focus_task = task;
            CallExtNum(EXT_WIN_TO_TOP, task, TRUE);
        task = task->next_task;
    while (task != _task);

asm {
                PUSH        RSI
                XOR         RSI, RSI
                MOV         RSI, FS:CTask.addr[RSI]
                POP         U64 CTask.rflags[RSI]
                POP         U64 CTask.rsi[RSI]
                MOV         U64 CTask.rax[RSI], RAX

/*Divert the stack to the Task memory
and push onto it and divert it back.
It's a little faster.
                MOV         RAX, RSP
                LEA         RSP, U64 CTask.r15+8[RSI]
                PUSH        R15
                PUSH        R14
                PUSH        R13
                PUSH        R12
                PUSH        R11
                PUSH        R10
                PUSH        R9
                PUSH        R8
                PUSH        RDI
                PUSH        RBP
                PUSH        RBX
                PUSH        RDX
                PUSH        RCX
                MOV         RSP, RAX

                MOV         RAX, U64 CTask.fpu_mmx[RSI]
                FXSAVE      U64 [RAX]

                MOV         RDX, U64 CTask.bpt_list[RSI]
@@05:           TEST        RDX, RDX
                JZ          @@10
                MOV         RDI, U64 CBpt.addr[RDX]
                MOV         AL,  U8 CBpt.val[RDX]
                MOV         U8 [RDI], AL
                MOV         RDX, U64 CBpt.next[RDX]
                JMP         @@05
@@10:           RET

                XOR         RAX, RAX
                INC         U64 GS:CCPU.swap_counter[RAX]
                MOV         RSI, FS:CTask.addr[RAX]
                BT          U32 CTask.rflags[RSI], RFLAGf_INT
                JNC         @@05
                BTS         U32 GS:CCPU.cpu_flags[RAX], CPUf_RAN_A_TASK
@@05:           BT          U64 CTask.task_flags[RSI], TASKf_DISABLE_BPTS
                JC          @@15
                MOV         RDX, U64 CTask.bpt_list[RSI]
@@10:           TEST        RDX, RDX
                JZ          @@15
                MOV         RDI, U64 CBpt.addr[RDX]
                MOV         U8 [RDI], OC_BPT
                MOV         RDX, U64 CBpt.next[RDX]
                JMP         @@10

@@15:           INC         U64 CTask.swap_counter[RSI]

                MOV         RAX, U64 CTask.fpu_mmx[RSI]
                FXRSTOR     U64 [RAX]

                MOV         RAX, RSP
                LEA         RSP, U64 CTask.rcx[RSI]
                POP         RCX
                POP         RDX
                POP         RBX
                POP         RBP
                POP         RDI
                POP         R8
                POP         R9
                POP         R10
                POP         R11
                POP         R12
                POP         R13
                POP         R14
                POP         R15
                MOV         RSP, RAX

                MOV         RAX, U64 CTask.rax[RSI]
                PUSH        CGDT.ds
                PUSH        U64 CTask.rsp[RSI]
                PUSH        U64 CTask.rflags[RSI]
                PUSH        CGDT.cs64
                PUSH        U64 CTask.rip[RSI]
                MOV         RSI, U64 CTask.rsi[RSI]

                MOV         RAX, RSI
                CALL        SET_FS_BASE
                CALL        &TaskEnd
                MOV         RSI, RAX
                CALL        SET_FS_BASE
                JMP         I8 RESTORE_RSI_TASK

                JZ          @@05
                POPFD                   //If single user, don't change task.

@@05:           CLI
                CALL        TASK_CONTEXT_SAVE
                MOV         EBX, U32 _RET
                MOV         U64 CTask.rip[RSI], RBX
                POP         U64 CTask.rflags[RSI]
                MOV         U64 CTask.rsp[RSI], RSP
                MOV         RSI, U64 CTask.next_task[RSI]

                TEST        U64 [SYS_CTRL_ALT_FLAGS], 1 << CTRL_ALT_DEL|1 << CTRL_ALT_TAB|1 << CTRL_ALT_X|1 << CTRL_ALT_C
                JNZ         HANDLE_SYSF_KEY_EVENT

@@20:           BT          U64 CTask.task_flags[RSI], TASKf_KILL_TASK
                JC          END_RSI_TASK
                TEST        U64 CTask.task_flags[RSI], 1 << TASKf_AWAITING_MESSAGE | 1 << TASKf_SUSPENDED
                JNZ         @@25

                MOV         RAX, U64 [&counts.jiffies]
                CMP         U64 CTask.wake_jiffy[RSI], RAX
                JG          @@25        //Jmp if not ready, yet.

                MOV         RAX, RSI
                CALL        SET_FS_BASE
                JMP         I32 _TASK_CONTEXT_RESTORE

@@25:           MOV         RSI, U64 CTask.next_task[RSI]
                XOR         RAX, RAX
                CMP         U64 GS:CCPU.executive_task[RAX], RSI
                JNE         @@20        //Jmp if not Executive
                BTR         U32 GS:CCPU.cpu_flags[RAX], CPUf_RAN_A_TASK
                JC          @@20        //Jmp if had chance for IRQ already
                MOV         RAX, U64 GS:CCPU.idle_task[RAX]
                MOV         RSP, U64 CTask.stack[RAX]
                ADD         RSP, MEM_DEFAULT_STACK + CTaskStack.stack_base  //Reset to top
                CALL        SET_FS_BASE
                STI         //Restore idle task so we can unmask IRQs.

                XOR         RAX, RAX
                MOV         RSI, GS:CCPU.executive_task[RAX]
                JMP         RESTORE_RSI_TASK

                MOV         RAX, RSI
                CALL        SET_FS_BASE
                XOR         RBX, RBX
                MOV         RAX, GS:CCPU.num[RBX]
                TEST        RAX, RAX
                JNZ         I32 RESTORE_RSI_TASK2

                MOV         EAX, U32 SYS_CTRL_ALT_FLAGS
                BTR         U32 [RAX], CTRL_ALT_DEL
                JC          I32 &Reboot

                CMP         U64 GS:CCPU.idle_task[RBX], RSI
                JE          RESTORE_EXECUTIVE_TASK_IF_READY

                BTR         U32 [RAX], CTRL_ALT_TAB
                JNC         @@05
                CALL        &TaskFocusNext
                JMP         I32 RESTORE_FS_TASK

@@05:           LOCK
                BTR         U32 [RAX], CTRL_ALT_X
                JC          END_FOCUS_USER
                BTR         U32 [RAX], CTRL_ALT_C
                JNC         I32 RESTORE_RSI_TASK

                MOV         RSI, U64 [SYS_FOCUS_TASK]
                TEST        RSI, RSI
                JZ          RESTORE_EXECUTIVE_TASK_IF_READY
                BT          U64 CTask.win_inhibit[RSI], WIf_SELF_FOCUS
                JC          I32 RESTORE_RSI_TASK
                BTR         U64 CTask.task_flags[RSI], TASKf_BREAK_LOCKED
                JNC         @@10
                BTS         U64 CTask.task_flags[RSI], TASKf_PENDING_BREAK
                JMP         I32 RESTORE_RSI_TASK

@@10:           MOV         RAX, &Break
                MOV         U64 CTask.rip[RSI], RAX
                BT          U64 CTask.task_flags[RSI], TASKf_BREAK_TO_SHIFT_ESC
                JC          I32 RESTORE_RSI_TASK

//Do these now, in case interrupt happens.
                MOV         U64 CTask.wake_jiffy[RSI], 0
                PUSH        RSI
                CALL        &TaskResetAwaitingMessage
                JMP         I32 RESTORE_RSI_TASK

                MOV         RSI, U64 [SYS_FOCUS_TASK]
                CALL        &TaskFocusNext
                TEST        RSI, RSI
                JZ          I32 RESTORE_EXECUTIVE_TASK_IF_READY
                MOV         RAX, RSI
                CALL        SET_FS_BASE
                BT          U64 CTask.win_inhibit[RSI], WIf_SELF_FOCUS
                JC          I32 RESTORE_RSI_TASK
                BTS         U64 CTask.task_flags[RSI], TASKf_KILL_TASK
                JMP         I32 END_RSI_TASK

                XOR         RSI, RSI
                MOV         RSI, FS:CTask.addr[RSI]
                JMP         I32 RESTORE_RSI_TASK

_extern _TASK_CONTEXT_RESTORE   U0 TaskContextRestore(); //Restore a task context.
_extern _YIELD                  U0 Yield();              //Yield cpu to next task.
_extern _TASK_END_NOW           U0 TaskEndNow();         //Terminate current task.

U0 TaskQueueIns(CTask *task, CTask *pred=NULL)
{//Insert a task in the scheduler running task queue.
//You have no business with this, probably.
    CTask *last;

    if (!pred)
        pred = Fs;
    last = pred->last_task;
    last->next_task = pred->last_task = task;
    task->last_task = last;
    task->next_task = pred;

U0 TaskQueueRemove(CTask *task)
{//Remove a task from the scheduler running task queue.
//Use Suspend().
    CTask *next, *last;

    next = task->next_task;
    last = task->last_task;
    last->next_task = next;
    next->last_task = last;

U0 TaskQueueInsChild(CTask *task)
    CTask *last, *pred;

    pred = task->parent_task->last_child_task;
    last = pred->last_sibling_task;
    last->next_sibling_task = pred->last_sibling_task = task;
    task->last_sibling_task = last;
    task->next_sibling_task = pred;