class CEthernetFrame { U8 source_address[6]; U8 padding[2]; U8 destination_address[6]; U16 ethertype; U8 *data; I64 length; }; class CEthernetGlobals { U8 ethernet_null[6]; U8 ethernet_broadcast[6]; } ethernet_globals; U0 EthernetGlobalsInit() { I64 i; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { ethernet_globals.ethernet_null[i] = 0; ethernet_globals.ethernet_broadcast[i] = 0xFF; } } //TODO: check length , figure out the length+4 U0 EthernetFrameParse(CEthernetFrame *frame_out, U8 *frame, U16 length) { //TODO: Check length ! We need to figure out what //lengths are appropriate //Shrine also says MemCopy has a //high overhead. Almost tempted to say that means that a lot //of the current system should be done with less extra allocation //altogether, more passing. //In practice, MemCopy causes the most slowdown on bare-metal. NetLog("ETHERNET FRAME PARSE: Parsing frame, copying out to frame_out param."); MemCopy(frame_out->destination_address, frame, MAC_ADDRESS_LENGTH); MemCopy(frame_out->source_address, frame + MAC_ADDRESS_LENGTH, MAC_ADDRESS_LENGTH); frame_out->ethertype = frame[ETHERNET_ETHERTYPE_OFFSET + 1] | frame[ETHERNET_ETHERTYPE_OFFSET] << 8; frame_out->data = frame + ETHERNET_DATA_OFFSET; frame_out->length = length - ETHERNET_MAC_HEADER_LENGTH - 4; // He has a comment literally just saying "??". + or - 4? } EthernetGlobalsInit;