CBlkDev *ATAMount(U8 first_drive_let, I64 type, I64 port_num) { CBlkDev *res; if (0 <= first_drive_let - 'A' < DRIVES_NUM && (type == BDT_ATA || type == BDT_ATAPI) && 0 <= port_num <= AHCI_MAX_PORTS) { res = BlkDevNextFreeSlot(first_drive_let, type); res->port_num = port_num; res->ahci_port = &blkdev.ahci_hba->ports[port_num]; res->ahci_port->cmd_list_base = NULL; // See AHCIAtaInit ... if (BlkDevAdd(res,, FALSE, FALSE)) return res; } return NULL; } I64 MountAHCIAuto() {//Try to mount hard drives and CD/DVD drives automatically. (Kernel.Config option). //It uses 'C' and 'T' as first drive letters or whatever you set //in config when compiling Kernel.BIN. CBlkDev *bd = Letter2BlkDev(':', FALSE); I64 res = 0, i, ata_port = -1, atapi_port = -1; CAHCIPort *port; "MountAHCIAuto;\n"; if (bd) { // if boot-drive blkdev exists, do a SATA port iteration to mount it first "( ':' BlkDev at 0x%0X )\n", bd; for (i = 0; i < AHCI_MAX_PORTS; i++) if (Bt(&blkdev.ahci_hba->ports_implemented, i)) { port = &blkdev.ahci_hba->ports[i]; if (bd->port_num == i) { if (ata_port == -1 && bd->type == BDT_ATA && port->signature == AHCI_PxSIG_ATA) { "ATAMount('%C', BDT_ATA, %d);\n", blkdev.first_hd_drive_let, i; ATAMount(blkdev.first_hd_drive_let, BDT_ATA, i); ata_port = i; res++; } else if (atapi_port == -1 && bd->type == BDT_ATAPI && port->signature == AHCI_PxSIG_ATAPI) { "ATAMount('%C', BDT_ATAPI, %d);\n", blkdev.first_dvd_drive_let, i; ATAMount(blkdev.first_dvd_drive_let, BDT_ATAPI, i); atapi_port = i; res++; } } } } // do a 2nd iteration to mount remaining drives // (we will end up trying to boot off whichever drive/partition ends up at chosen letter) for (i = 0; i < AHCI_MAX_PORTS; i++) if (i != ata_port && i != atapi_port && Bt(&blkdev.ahci_hba->ports_implemented, i)) { port = &blkdev.ahci_hba->ports[i]; if (port->signature == AHCI_PxSIG_ATA) { "ATAMount('%C', BDT_ATA, %d);\n", blkdev.first_hd_drive_let, i; if (ATAMount(blkdev.first_hd_drive_let, BDT_ATA, i)) res++; } else if (port->signature == AHCI_PxSIG_ATAPI) { "ATAMount('%C', BDT_ATAPI, %d);\n", blkdev.first_dvd_drive_let, i; if (ATAMount(blkdev.first_dvd_drive_let, BDT_ATAPI, i)) res++; } } "\n"; blkdev.mount_ide_auto_count = res; return res; }