/* Gopher client for TempleOS/Sockets by Declan Hoare 2020 ported to ZealOS and modified by TomAwezome in 2021 Public Domain - No Warranty */ #define GOPHER_CLIENT_LOADED #ifndef GOPHER_ASSOCIATIONS #define GOPHER_ASSOCIATIONS U8 *gopher_associations[256]; #endif I64 GopherOpen(U8 *host, U16 port, U8 *selector, U8 *query) { U8 *line; I64 sock; if (host == NULL) { return -1; } // sock = create_connection(host, port); sock = TCPConnectionCreate(host, port); if (sock <= 0) { PrintErr("Failed to connect to %s:%d\n", host, port); return sock; } if (query == NULL) { line = StrPrint(NULL, "%s\r\n", selector); } else { line = StrPrint(NULL, "%s\t%s\r\n", selector, query); } sock(CTCPSocket *)->timeout = TCP_TIMEOUT; // sendString(sock, line, 0); TCPSocketSendString(sock, line); Free(line); return sock; } public I64 GopherDl(U8 *host, U16 port = 70, U8 *selector, U8 *query = NULL, U8 *dest) { CFile *f; U8 buf[BLK_SIZE]; I64 data_len = 0, total_len = 0, got, sock; progress4 = 0; f = FOpen(dest, "w"); if (!f) { PrintErr("Failed to open %s for writing\n", dest); return -1; } sock = GopherOpen(host, port, selector, query); if (sock <= 0) { return sock; } while (TRUE) { // got = recv(sock, buf + data_len, sizeof(buf) - data_len, 0); got = TCPSocketReceive(sock, buf + data_len, sizeof(buf) - data_len); if (got <= 0) { if (got < 0) PrintErr("Failed to receive TCP data\n"); if (data_len != 0 && !FBlkWrite(f, buf)) { break; } f->de.size = total_len; FClose(f); TCPSocketClose(sock); return got; } data_len += got; total_len += got; progress4 += got; if (data_len == BLK_SIZE) { if (!FBlkWrite(f, buf)) { break; } data_len = 0; } } TCPSocketClose(sock); PrintErr("Write failed, %s may be corrupted\n", dest); FClose(f); return -1; } U0 PrintEscaped(U8 *txt, U8 *backslashes = "") { U8 *cur; U64 offending; while (cur = StrFirstOcc(txt, "$\\\"")) { offending = *cur; *cur = 0; if (offending == '$') { "%s$$", txt; } else { "%s%s%c", txt, backslashes, offending; } txt = cur + 1; } "%s", txt; } U8 *GopherBasename(U8 *selector) { U8 *lastslash = StrLastOcc(selector, "/"), *result; if (lastslash == NULL) { result = selector; } else { result = lastslash + 1; } //BAD FOR FILENAMES: ? / | = % : ; * + " < > space result = StrReplace(result, "?", ""); result = StrReplace(result, "/", "",, TRUE); result = StrReplace(result, "|", "",, TRUE); result = StrReplace(result, "=", "",, TRUE); result = StrReplace(result, "%", "",, TRUE); result = StrReplace(result, ":", "",, TRUE); result = StrReplace(result, ";", "",, TRUE); result = StrReplace(result, "*", "",, TRUE); result = StrReplace(result, "+", "",, TRUE); result = StrReplace(result, "\"", "",, TRUE); result = StrReplace(result, "<", "",, TRUE); result = StrReplace(result, ">", "",, TRUE); result = StrReplace(result, " ", "",, TRUE); SysLog("%s\n", result); return result; } U0 GopherTextView(U8 *host, U16 port, U8 *selector) { U8 *basename; U8 *tmpname; DirMake("::/Tmp/Gopher"); tmpname = StrNew(selector); if (StrLen(tmpname) > 22) tmpname[21] = 0; // too long, terminate it early basename = ExtChange(GopherBasename(tmpname), "TXT"); Free(tmpname); tmpname = StrPrint(NULL, "::/Tmp/Gopher/%s", basename); Free(basename); if (GopherDl(host, port, selector,, tmpname) == 0) { SysLog("%s\n", tmpname); Plain(tmpname); } else { PrintErr("Failed to download %s from %s:%d\n", selector, host, port); } Free(tmpname); } U0 GopherLine(U8 *line) { U64 type; U8 *display; U8 *selector; U8 *host = NULL; U16 port = 0; if (*line == 0) { "\n"; return; } type = *line++; display = line; line = StrFind("\t", line); if (line) { *line = 0; line++; } selector = line; if (line) { line = StrFind("\t", line); } if (line) { *line = 0; line++; } host = line; if (line) { line = StrFind("\t", line); } if (line) { *line = 0; line++; port = Str2I64(line); } if (!*host) return; switch (type) { case '3': PrintErr(""); case 'i': PrintEscaped(display); break; default: "$MA,\""; PrintEscaped(display, "\\"); "\",LM=\"%s(\\\"", gopher_associations[type]; PrintEscaped(host, "\\\\\\"); "\\\",%d,\\\"", port; PrintEscaped(selector, "\\\\\\"); "\\\");\\n\"$"; } "\n"; } public I64 GopherMenu(U8 *host, U16 port = 70, U8 *selector = "/", U8 *query = NULL) { I64 sock, n; U8 buf[256]; sock = GopherOpen(host, port, selector, query); if (sock <= 0) { return sock; } do { // n = recvLine(sock, buf, sizeof(buf), 0); n = TCPSocketReceiveLine(sock, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (StrCompare(buf, ".") == 0) { break; } GopherLine(buf); } while (n > 0); // close(sock); TCPSocketClose(sock); return 0; } class CQueryForm { U8 query[65] format "$DA-P,A=\"Query:%s\"$"; }; U0 GopherQueryPrompt(U8 *host, U16 port, U8 *selector) { CQueryForm form; form.query[0] = 0; if (PopUpForm(&form)) { GopherMenu(host, port, selector, form.query); } } class CDlForm { U8 name[256] format "$DA-P,LEN=255,A=\"FileName:%s\"$"; }; U0 GopherDlPrompt(U8 *host, U16 port, U8 *selector) { CDlForm form; U8 *basename; basename = GopherBasename(selector); MemSet(form.name, 0, 256); MemCopy(form.name, basename, MinI64(StrLen(basename), sizeof(form.name) - 1)); form.name[255] = 0; if (PopUpForm(&form)) { if (StrLen(form.name) >= 26) form.name[25] = 0; GopherDl(host, port, selector,, form.name); } } public I64 Gopher(U8 *hostname) { return GopherMenu(hostname); } MemSetI64(gopher_associations, "GopherDlPrompt", 256); gopher_associations['0'] = "GopherTextView"; gopher_associations['1'] = "GopherMenu"; gopher_associations['7'] = "GopherQueryPrompt"; /* Include this file from your Net/Load.CC, then add more associations */ DocMax; "\n\nTry using Gopher to connect to a gopher server, for example:" "\n\n Gopher(\"gopher.floodgap.com\");" "\n\n GopherMenu(\"eyeblea.ch\",70,\"/~zealos\");" "\n\n Gopher(\"codevoid.de\");" "\n\n";