//This is run in a $LK,"#exe",A="FF:::/Kernel/Kernel.PRJ,KConfig"${}. U8 *kernel_config_options = "MemInit\0HeapInit\0VarInit\0HomeDir\0NoMP\0DontProbe\0MountIDEAuto\0DebugDistro\0Help"; #define CONFIG_MEM_INIT 0 #define CONFIG_HEAP_INIT 1 #define CONFIG_VAR_INIT 2 #define CONFIG_HOME_DIR 3 #define CONFIG_NO_MP 4 #define CONFIG_DONT_PROBE 5 #define CONFIG_MOUNT_IDE_AUTO 6 #define CONFIG_DEBUG_DISTRO 7 #define CONFIG_OPTIONS_NUM 8 #define CONFIG_HELP 8 class CKConfig { U8 *disk_cache_size_exp; CDoc *add_dev; U8 *debug_distro_file, *debug_distro_start; U8 *home_dir; U16 screen_width, screen_height; Bool opts[CONFIG_OPTIONS_NUM]; U8 mem_init_val, heap_init_val, var_init_val, boot_drive_let, mount_ide_auto_hd_let, mount_ide_auto_cd_let; }; CDoc *KConfigAddDev(CKConfig *c) { I64 ch; CDoc *doc=DocNew; "\n\nIn anticipation of the drives you will define shortly, enter the drive letter\n" "of the drive with your Home directory. ($$PURPLE$$$$FG$$ for current drive) Boot Drive:"; ch=Letter2Letter(CharGet); if ('A' <= ch <= 'Z') c->boot_drive_let = ch; else c->boot_drive_let = Drive2Letter(Fs->cur_dv); "\n\n$$BK,1$$$$PURPLE$$Mount drives so they will be present when you boot.$$FG$$$$BK,0$$\n"; Mount2(c->boot_drive_let,doc,FALSE); return doc; } U0 KConfigOptions(CKConfig *c) { I64 i; U8 *st=NULL,*st2,*st3; Bool state; do { Free(st); for (i=0;ihome_dir; else "$$PURPLE$$%13tz$$FG$$:%Z\n",i,kernel_config_options,c->opts[i],"ST_OFF_ON"; "\nType '$$PURPLE$$Help$$FG$$' for help.\n"; st=StrGet("Option ($$PURPLE$$$$FG$$ when done):",""); i=ListMatch(st,kernel_config_options,LMF_IGNORE_CASE); if (i==CONFIG_HELP) "\n" "$$PURPLE$$MemInit$$FG$$ Initializes memory above 0x100000 " "to a val at boot.\n" "$$PURPLE$$HeapInit$$FG$$ Initializes MAlloc() memory to a val.\n" "$$PURPLE$$VarInit$$FG$$ Initializes global var memory to a val.\n" "$$PURPLE$$HomeDir$$FG$$ Set home dir.\n" "$$PURPLE$$NoMP$$FG$$ No multicore.\n" "$$PURPLE$$DontProbe$$FG$$ Just prompt CD/DVD ports, don't probe.\n" "$$PURPLE$$MountIDEAuto$$FG$$ Auto Mount IDE drives to 'C' and 'T'.\n" "$$PURPLE$$DebugDistro$$FG$$ Include RAM Drive in Kernel.BIN.\n" "\n"; else if (0<=iopts[i]=!c->opts[i]; switch (i) { case CONFIG_MEM_INIT: if (state) c->mem_init_val=I64Get("Val (0-255):",255,0,255); break; case CONFIG_HEAP_INIT: if (state) c->heap_init_val=I64Get("Val (0-255):",255,0,255); break; case CONFIG_VAR_INIT: if (state) c->var_init_val=I64Get("Val (0-255):",255,0,255); break; case CONFIG_HOME_DIR: st2=StrGet("Home Dir(\"%s\"):",c->home_dir); if (!*st2) st2=StrNew("::/Home"); else if (st2[1]!=':') { st3=MStrPrint("::%s",st2); Free(st2); st2=st3; } Free(c->home_dir); c->home_dir=st2; if (StrCompare(c->home_dir,"::/Home")) c->opts[i]=TRUE; else c->opts[i]=FALSE; break; case CONFIG_MOUNT_IDE_AUTO: if (state) { "First HD Drive Let:"; c->mount_ide_auto_hd_let=Letter2Letter(CharGet); if (!('A'<=c->mount_ide_auto_hd_let<='Z')) c->mount_ide_auto_hd_let=0; '\n'; if (c->mount_ide_auto_hd_let) "First HD Drive:%C\n",c->mount_ide_auto_hd_let; else "First HD Drive:%C\n",'C'; "First CD Drive Let:"; c->mount_ide_auto_cd_let=Letter2Letter(CharGet); if (!('A'<=c->mount_ide_auto_cd_let<='Z')) c->mount_ide_auto_cd_let=0; '\n'; if (c->mount_ide_auto_cd_let) "First CD Drive:%C\n",c->mount_ide_auto_cd_let; else "First CD Drive:%C\n",'T'; } else { c->mount_ide_auto_hd_let=0; c->mount_ide_auto_cd_let=0; } break; case CONFIG_DEBUG_DISTRO: Free(c->debug_distro_file); c->debug_distro_file=0; c->debug_distro_start=0; if (state) { c->debug_distro_file=StrGet("Debug Distro File:"); c->debug_distro_start=I64Get("Debug Distro Start:"); } break; } } } while (*st); Free(st); } CKConfig *KConfigNew() { I64 resolution_num; CKConfig *c=CAlloc(sizeof(CKConfig)); c->add_dev = KConfigAddDev(c); c->home_dir = StrNew("::/Home"); VideoRep(FALSE); resolution_num = I64Get("Enter list number of desired resolution, " "or desired width. ($$PURPLE$$$$FG$$ for auto maximum): ",,1); if(resolution_num <= VBE_MODES_NUM) { c->screen_width = sys_vbe_modes[resolution_num - 1].width; c->screen_height = sys_vbe_modes[resolution_num - 1].height; } else { c->screen_width = resolution_num; c->screen_height = I64Get("Enter Height: ",,0); } c->disk_cache_size_exp = StrGet("\nDisk Cache Size in Bytes, gets rounded-up funny, " "($$PURPLE$$$$FG$$ will use default.):", "Scale2Mem(0x80000,0x8000000)"); KConfigOptions(c); return c; } U0 KConfigDel(CKConfig *c) { DocDel(c->add_dev); Free(c->debug_distro_file); Free(c->home_dir); Free(c->disk_cache_size_exp); Free(c); }