Command Line Overview

The cmd line feeds into the CosmiC compiler line-by-line as you type.   A stmt outside a function executes immediately.  
Remember to add a semicolon.

Look-up the function headers with AutoComplete by hitting <CTRL-SHIFT-F1> after typing the first few letters.

Click Here to see the directory cmd header.  It accepts default args from C++.


If you don't have args, you don't need parenthesis.


Directories are referenced with / not \.    There is a current directory, but not a path.  To run a program, you typically #in
clude it.  There are several shortcuts for #includeing files.  Right-click or hit <ENTER> on a directory listing or press <F5> 
while editing.

>Ed("NewFile.CC");      Invokes the editor. See Doc Link Type.

Drives are specified with a letter.  The boot drive is specified with a ':'.    The home dir drive is specified with a '~'.

>Drive('B');            B drive

The drive can be specified in a Cd() command as in:

>Cd("B:/Tmp");          B drive
>Cd("::/Demo");         Boot drive

The home directory is specified with a '~'.

>Cd("~/Psalmody");      See ::/Home dir.

If a file is not found, all parent directories are searched.

You can place macros in your PersonalMenu for Cd() commands.  <CTRL-m> to access your menu.

>Find("needle","/Demo/*.CC;*.DD;"); See File Utils.

Cmd Line Routines

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