#help_index "Debugging/Profiler;Profiler;Cmd Line (Typically)/Profiler"
#help_file "::/Doc/Profiler"

#define PF_ARRAY_COUNT 0x100000
I64  pf_jiffy_start, pf_jiffy_end;
I64 *pf_array = NULL;
I64  pf_cpu = 0;
I64  pf_buf_in_ptr = 0, pf_depth;
I64  pf_prof_active = 0;

U0 ProfTimerInt(CTask *task)
{//See profiler_timer_irq.
    I64 i, k;

    if (Bt(&pf_prof_active, 0))
        for (k = 0; k <= pf_depth; k++)
            if (task == Gs->idle_task)
                i = SYS_IDLE_PT;
                i = TaskCaller(task, k, TRUE);
            if (pf_buf_in_ptr < PF_ARRAY_COUNT)
                pf_array[pf_buf_in_ptr++] = i;
                pf_jiffy_end = counts.jiffies;

public U0 Prof(I64 depth=0, I64 cpu_num=0)
{/*Start collecting profiler statistics.
Profilers report where time is spent
by sampling RIP during the 1000Hz
timer interrupt.

Do a ProfRep(), (profiler report)
after you have collected data.
    if (!(0 <= cpu_num < mp_count))
        ST_ERR_ST "Invalid CPU\n";
        cpu_structs[pf_cpu].profiler_timer_irq = NULL;
        pf_cpu = cpu_num;

        pf_depth = depth;
        pf_buf_in_ptr = 0;
        if (!pf_array)
            pf_array = ZMAlloc(sizeof(I64) * PF_ARRAY_COUNT);
        pf_jiffy_end = pf_jiffy_start = counts.jiffies;
        LBts(&pf_prof_active, 0);
        cpu_structs[pf_cpu].profiler_timer_irq = &ProfTimerInt;

I64 ProfCompare(U8 *i1, U8 *i2)
    return i1 - i2;

public U0 ProfRep(I64 filter_count=1, Bool leave_it=OFF)
{//Profiler report. Call Prof() first and collect data.
    I64 i, hits, rip, last_rip = 0, routine_total = 0;
    F64 total_time;
    U8  buf[256], buf2[256], last_buf[256];

    if (!LBtr(&pf_prof_active, 0))
        "Profiler Not Active\n";
    if (!pf_buf_in_ptr)
        "No Profiler Statistic\n";
        if (!(total_time = pf_jiffy_end - pf_jiffy_start))
            total_time = 1;
        QuickSortI64(pf_array, pf_buf_in_ptr, &ProfCompare);
        *last_buf = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < pf_buf_in_ptr; i += hits)
            rip = pf_array[i];
            hits = 0;
            do hits++;
            while (i + hits < pf_buf_in_ptr && pf_array[i + hits] == rip);

            StrPrint(buf, "%p", rip);
            StrFirstRemove(buf, "+", buf2);
            if (StrCompare(buf2, last_buf))
                if (*last_buf && routine_total >= filter_count)
                    "$GREEN$%6.2f %08X:%s\n$FG$", 100 * routine_total / total_time, routine_total, last_buf;
                StrCopy(last_buf, buf2);
                routine_total = 0;
            routine_total += hits;
            if (hits >= filter_count)
                "%6.2f %08X:%P\n", 100 * hits / total_time, hits, rip;
        if (*last_buf && routine_total >= filter_count)
            "$GREEN$%6.2f %08X:%s\n$FG$", 100 * routine_total / total_time, routine_total, last_buf;
        "Total Time:%0.6fs\n", total_time / JIFFY_FREQ;
        if (leave_it)
            cpu_structs[pf_cpu].profiler_timer_irq = &ProfTimerInt;
            LBts(&pf_prof_active, 0);
            cpu_structs[pf_cpu].profiler_timer_irq = NULL;