#help_index "AutoComplete"
#help_file "::/Doc/AutoComplete"
public extern CAutoCompleteGlobals ac;

#help_index "AutoComplete/Dictionary"
public extern CAutoCompleteDictGlobals acd;

#help_index "Bit"
public extern U8 *rev_bits_table;

#help_index "Boot"
#help_file "::/Doc/Boot"
public extern U0 Reboot(Bool format_ramdisks=FALSE);

#help_index "Call"
public argpop extern I64 CallStackGrow(I64 stack_size_threshold, I64 stack_size, /*argpop*/I64 (*fp_addr)(...), ...);
//fp_addr can have any fixed number of arguments.

#help_index "Call/FarCall32"
public _extern _FAR_CALL32  Bool FarCall32(U0 (*fp_addr)());//Not reentrant
public _extern C32_EAX      U32  c32_eax;
public _extern C32_EBX      U32  c32_ebx;
public _extern C32_ECX      U32  c32_ecx;
public _extern C32_EDI      U32  c32_edi;
public _extern C32_EDX      U32  c32_edx;
public _extern C32_EFLAGS   U32  c32_eflags;
public _extern C32_ESI      U32  c32_esi;

#help_index "Char/BitMaps"
public extern U32   char_bmp_alpha[16],                 char_bmp_alpha_numeric[16], char_bmp_alpha_numeric_no_at[16],
                    char_bmp_dec_numeric[16],           char_bmp_hex_numeric[16],
                    char_bmp_white_space[16],           char_bmp_non_eol_white_space[16], 
                    char_bmp_zero_tab_cr_nl_cursor[16], char_bmp_zero_tab_cr_nl_cursor_dollar[16], 
                    char_bmp_printable[16],             char_bmp_displayable[16],   char_bmp_safe_dollar[16], 

#help_index "Char/Conversion"
public extern U8    *Char2KeyName( I64 ch, Bool include_ctrl=TRUE);
public extern I64    Char2ScanCode(I64 ch, I64 sc_flags=0);
public extern U8     ScanCode2Char(   I64 sc);
public extern U8    *ScanCode2KeyName(I64 sc);
public extern F64    Str2F64(U8 *src, U8 **_end_ptr=NULL);
public extern I64    Str2I64(U8 *st, I64 radix=10, U8 **_end_ptr=NULL);
public extern U8    *StrScan(U8 *src, U8 *format, ...);

#help_index "Char/Conversion;Time/Date/CDate;Date/CDate"
public extern CDate Str2Date(U8 *src);

#help_index "Char/Flags"
public extern U0  FlagsScan(U8 *_dst_flags, U8 *list, U8 *src);
public extern U8 *FlagsStrPrint(U8 *dst, U8 *list, I64 flags, Bool print_all=FALSE, I64 print_all_length=0);

#help_index "Char/Lists"
public extern I64 ListMatch(U8 *needle, U8 *haystack_list, I64 flags=0);
public extern U8 *ListSub(I64 sub, U8 *list);

#help_index "Char/Operations"
public extern                   U8      *MStrPrint(U8 *format, ...);
public extern                   U8      *MStrUtil(U8 *src, I64 flags, F64 indent_scale_factor=0);
public extern                   U8      *ScaleIndent(U8 *src, F64 indent_scale_factor);
public extern                   I64      Spaces2Tabs(U8 *dst, U8 *src);
public _extern _STRCOMPARE      I64      StrCompare(U8 *st1, U8 *st2);
public _extern _STRCOPY         U0       StrCopy(U8 *dst, U8 *src);
public extern                   U8      *StrFind(U8 *needle, U8 *haystack_str, I64 flags=0);
public extern                   U8      *StrFirstOcc(   U8 *src, U8 *marker);
public extern                   U8      *StrFirstRemove(U8 *src, U8 *marker, U8 *dst=NULL);
public _extern _STRICOMPARE     I64      StrICompare(U8 *st1, U8 *st2);
public _extern _STRIMATCH       U8      *StrIMatch(U8 *needle, U8 *haystack_str);
public extern                   U8      *StrLastOcc(U8 *src, U8 *marker);
public extern                   U8      *StrReplace(U8 *str, U8 *old, U8 *new, I64 sff_flags=NONE, Bool free_str=FALSE);
public extern                   U8      *StrLastRemove(U8 *src, U8 *marker, U8 *dst=NULL);
public _extern _STRMATCH        U8      *StrMatch(U8 *needle, U8 *haystack_str);
public _extern _STRNCOMPARE     I64      StrNCompare( U8 *st1, U8 *st2, I64 n);
public _extern _STRNICOMPARE    I64      StrNICompare(U8 *st1, U8 *st2, I64 n);
public extern                   I64      StrOcc(U8 *src, U8 ch);
public extern                   U8      *StrPrint(    U8 *dst, U8 *format, ...);
public extern                   U8      *StrPrintJoin(U8 *dst, U8 *format, I64 argc, I64 *argv);
public extern                   U8      *StrUtil(U8 *_src, I64 flags);
public extern                   U8      *Tabs2Spaces(U8 *src);
public extern                   Bool     WildMatch(U8 *test_str, U8 *wild_str);

#help_index "Char/Operations;Memory"
public extern U8 *CatPrint(U8 *dst, U8 *format, ...);

#help_index "Char/Operations;Memory/System Heap"
public extern U8 *SysStrNew(U8 *buf);

#help_index "Char/Operations;Memory/Heap"
public extern U8 *StrNew(U8 *buf, CTask *mem_task=NULL);

#help_index "Char/Output;StdOut"
public extern   U0       GetOutOfDollar();
public extern   Bool     IsSilent();
public extern   U0       Print(    U8 *format, ...);
public extern   U0       PrintErr( U8 *format, ...);
public extern   U0       PrintWarn(U8 *format, ...);
public extern   U0       PutChars(U64 ch);
extern          U0       PutHex(I64 num, I64 width);
public extern   U0       PutKey(I64 ch=0, I64 sc=0);
extern          U0       PutS(U8 *st); //Use Print()
public extern   Bool     Silent(Bool val=ON);
extern          U8      *StrPrintHex(U8 *dst, I64 num;I64 width);

#help_index "Char;Debugging/Raw Output;TextBase Layer/Char"
public extern CTextGlobals text;

#help_index "Compiler/Lex"
public extern U0 HashSrcFileSet(CCompCtrl *cc, CHashSrcSym *h, I64 line_num_offset=0);

#help_index "Compiler;Cmd Line (Typically)"
extern U8 *Load(U8 *filename, I64 ld_flags=0, CBinFile *bfh_addr=INVALID_PTR); //INVALID_PTR=don't care what load addr

#help_index "Data Types/Circular Queue"
public extern I64        QueueCount(CQueue *head);
public extern CQueue    *QueueCopy( CQueue *head, CTask *mem_task=NULL);
public extern U0         QueueDel(  CQueue *head, Bool querem=FALSE);
public extern I64        QueueSize( CQueue *head);

#help_index "Data Types/Fifo"
public extern I64        FifoI64Count(CFifoI64 *f);
public extern U0         FifoI64Del(  CFifoI64 *f);
public extern U0         FifoI64Flush(CFifoI64 *f);
public extern Bool       FifoI64Ins(  CFifoI64 *f, I64 q);
public extern CFifoI64  *FifoI64New(I64 size, CTask *mem_task=NULL);
public extern Bool       FifoI64Peek(  CFifoI64 *f, I64 *_q);
public extern Bool       FifoI64Remove(CFifoI64 *f, I64 *_q);
public extern I64        FifoU8Count( CFifoU8 *f);
public extern U0         FifoU8Del(   CFifoU8 *f);
public extern U0         FifoU8Flush( CFifoU8 *f);
public extern Bool       FifoU8Insert(CFifoU8 *f, U8 b);
public extern CFifoU8   *FifoU8New(I64 size, CTask *mem_task=NULL);
public extern Bool       FifoU8Peek(  CFifoU8 *f, U8 *_b);
public extern Bool       FifoU8Remove(CFifoU8 *f, U8 *_b);

#help_index "Data Types/Linked List"
public extern I64    LinkedListCount(U8 **_list);
public extern U8    *LinkedListCopy( U8 **_list, CTask *mem_task=NULL);
public extern U0     LinkedListDel(  U8 **_list);
public extern I64    LinkedListSize( U8 **_list);

#help_index "Data Types/Queue Vector"
public extern U0             QueueVectU8Del(CQueueVectU8 *v);
public extern I64            QueueVectU8Get(CQueueVectU8 *v, I64 idx);
public extern CQueueVectU8  *QueueVectU8New(I64 min_idx=0);
public extern U0             QueueVectU8Put(CQueueVectU8 *v, I64 idx, U8 ch);

#help_index "Debugging"
public extern U8            *Caller(I64 num=1);
public extern Bool           CheckCodePtr(U8 *ptr);
public extern Bool           CheckOnStack(U8 *ptr, CTask *task=NULL);
public extern Bool           CheckPtr(    U8 *ptr);
public extern Bool           IsSingleUser();
public extern Bool           IsSysDebug();
public extern Bool           SingleUser(Bool val);
public extern Bool           SysDebug(  Bool val);
public extern U8            *TaskCaller( CTask *task=NULL, I64 num=0, Bool saved_context=FALSE);
public extern I64            UnusedStack(CTask *task=NULL);
public extern CDebugGlobals  debug;

#help_index "Debugging/Debugger"
public extern   Bool     B(U8 *addr, CTask *task=NULL, Bool live=TRUE) //Toggle bpt.
public extern   I64      B2(CTask *task=NULL, Bool live=TRUE);
extern          CBpt    *BptFind(U8 *needle_addr, CTask *haystack_task=NULL, Bool rem=FALSE);
public extern   Bool     BptR(U8 *addr, CTask *task=NULL, Bool live=TRUE, Bool rem=TRUE);
public extern   Bool     BptS(U8 *addr, CTask *task=NULL, Bool live=TRUE);
public extern   Bool     DebugMode(Bool val);
public extern   Bool     E(U8 *addr, I64 count=512, I64 edf_dof_flags=0);
public extern   Bool     EdLite(U8 *filename, I64 num=1, I64 edf_dof_flags=0);
extern          Bool     EdLiteFileLine(U8 *fl_file_line, I64 edf_dof_flags=0);
public extern   Bool     Fix(I64 edf_dof_flags=0);
public extern   U0       FixSet(U8 *filename, I64 line);
public extern   U0       G( U8 *mouse=INVALID_PTR, CTask *task=NULL);
public extern   U0       G2(U8 *mouse=INVALID_PTR, CTask *task=NULL);
public extern   Bool     IsDebugMode();
public extern   U0       S( U8 *mouse=INVALID_PTR, CTask *task=NULL);

#help_index "Debugging/Debugger;DolDoc/Cmd Line (Typically);Cmd Line (Typically);Help System"
public extern Bool Man(U8 *st, I64 edf_dof_flags=0);

#help_index "Debugging/Dump"
public extern   U0   CallerRep(U8 **rbp=NULL, CTask *task=NULL);
public extern   U0   D( U8  *addr, I64 count=0x80, Bool show_offset=TRUE);
public extern   U0   Da(U8 **addr, I64 count=0x10);
public extern   U0   Dm(U8  *addr, I64 count=0x80);
public extern   U0   Dr(         CTask *task=NULL);
public extern   U0   StackRep(   CTask *task=NULL);
extern          I64 *TaskRegAddr(CTask *task, I64 reg_num);

#help_index "Debugging/FunSeg"
#help_file "::/Doc/DebugFunSeg"
public extern Bool   PutSrcLink( U8 *addr, I64 count=1, U8 *buf=NULL);
public extern U8    *SrcEdLink(  U8 *addr, I64 count=1, CTask *mem_task=NULL);
public extern U8    *SrcFileName(U8 *addr, I64 count=1, CTask *mem_task=NULL);
public extern I64    SrcLineNum( U8 *addr, I64 count=1);

#help_index "Debugging/FunSeg;Hash/System"
public extern CHash *FunSegFind(U8 *addr, I64 *_offset);

#help_index "Debugging/Raw Output"
public extern   Bool    IsRaw();
public extern   Bool    Raw(Bool val);
public extern   U0      RawD( I64 mS=100, U8 *addr, I64 count=0x80);
public extern   U0      RawDm(I64 mS=100, U8 *addr, I64 count=0x80);
extern          U0      RawDr(CTask *task=NULL);
public extern   U0      RawPrint(I64 mS=100, U8 *format, ...);
public extern   U0      RawPutChar(I64 ch);
public extern   U0      LFBFlush();

#help_index "Debugging;Debugging/Debugger"
public extern U0 Debug(U8 *message=NULL, I64 message_num=0);
public extern U0 Panic(U8 *message=NULL, I64 message_num=0, Bool panic=TRUE);

#help_index "Define;Char/Define"
#help_file "::/Doc/Define"
public extern U8                *Define(     U8 *dname);
public extern CHashDefineStr    *DefineLoad( U8 *dname, U8 *st, I64 caller_num=1);
public extern U0                 DefinePrint(U8 *dname, U8 *src, ...);

#help_index "Define;Char/Define;Char/Lists"
public extern I64                DefineCount(   U8 *dname);
public extern CHashDefineStr    *DefineListLoad(U8 *dname, U8 *list);
public extern I64                DefineMatch(U8 *needle, U8 *haystack_list_dname, I64 flags=0);
public extern U8                *DefineSub(I64 sub, U8 *dname);

#help_index "Devices;Memory/Page Tables"
public extern U8            *Mem32DevAlloc(I64 size, I64 alignment);
public extern U0             Mem32DevFree(U8 *base);
public extern U8            *Mem64DevAlloc(I64 *_pages1Gig);
public extern U0             Mem64DevFree(U8 *base, I64 pages1Gig);
public extern CDevGlobals    dev;

#help_index "DolDoc/Clip"
public extern CDoc *sys_clip_doc;

#help_index "DolDoc/Task;StdOut/Task"
#help_file "::/Doc/StdOutTask"
extern CDoc *(*fp_doc_put)(CTask *task=NULL);

#help_index "Exceptions"
public extern   U0      Break();
public extern   Bool    BreakLock(  CTask *task=NULL);
public extern   Bool    BreakUnlock(CTask *task=NULL);
public extern   U0      PutExcept(Bool catch_it=TRUE);
extern          U0      SysTry(U8 *start_label, U8 *skip_label);
extern          U0      SysUntry();
public extern   U0      throw(I64 ch=0, Bool no_log=FALSE);

#help_index "File/CD DVD"
public extern U0 DVDImageRead( U8 dvd_drive_let, U8 *out_name);
public extern U0 DVDImageWrite(U8 dvd_drive_let, U8 *in_name=NULL, I64 media_type=MT_DVD);

#help_index "File/CFile"
public extern Bool   FBlkRead( CFile *f, U8 *buf, I64 blk=FFB_NEXT_BLK, I64 count=1);
public extern Bool   FBlkWrite(CFile *f, U8 *buf, I64 blk=FFB_NEXT_BLK, I64 count=1);
public extern U0     FClose(   CFile *f);
public extern CFile *FOpen(U8 *filename, U8 *flags, I64 count=0);
public extern I64    FSize(    CFile *f);

#help_index "File/Cmd Line (Typically);Cmd Line (Typically)"
public extern Bool  Cd(U8 *dirname=NULL, Bool make_dirs=FALSE);
public extern I64   Del(U8 *files_find_mask, Bool make_mask=FALSE, Bool del_dir=FALSE, Bool print_message=TRUE);
public extern I64   Dir(U8 *files_find_mask="*", Bool full=FALSE);
public extern Bool  DirMake(U8 *filename, I64 entry_count=0);
public extern Bool  Drive(     U8 drv_let=0);
public extern U0    DiskChange(U8 drv_let=0);
public extern U0    HomeSet(U8 *dirname);

#help_index "File/FileNames"
extern          CDirEntry   *Cd2DirEntry(CDirEntry *tmpde, U8 *abs_name);
public extern   U8          *DirCur(CTask *task=NULL, CTask *mem_task=NULL);
public extern   U8          *DirFile(   U8 *dirname, U8 *name=NULL, U8 *_extension=NULL);
public extern   U8          *DirNameAbs(U8 *dirname);
public extern   CBlkDev     *DriveIsWritable(U8 drv_let=0, Bool except=FALSE);
public extern   U8          *ExtChange( U8 *filename, U8 *extension);
public extern   U8          *ExtDefault(U8 *filename, U8 *extension);
public extern   U8          *FileExtDot(   U8 *src);
public extern   U8          *FileExtRemove(U8 *src, U8 *dst=NULL);
public extern   U8          *FileNameAbs(  U8 *filename, I64 fuf_flags=0);
public extern   Bool         FileNameCheck(U8 *filename);
public extern   Bool         FilesFindMatch(U8 *_test_name, U8 *files_find_mask, I64 fuf_flags=0);
public extern   Bool         IsDir(U8 *dir_name);
public extern   Bool         IsDotC(U8 *filename);
public extern   U0           PutDirLink(U8 *dirname, U8 *full_name=NULL);
public extern   U0           PutFileLink(U8 *filename, U8 *full_name=NULL, I64 line=0, Bool plain_text=FALSE);
public extern   U0           ToFileLine(U8 *_fl_file_line, U8 **_filename, I64 *_linenum);

#help_index "File/FileNames;Misc"
public extern U8 *FileNameTmpTxt();

#help_index "File/Internal"
public extern   U0           DirContextDel(CDirContext *dirc, Bool restore=TRUE);
public extern   CDirContext *DirContextNew(U8 *mask, Bool make_mask=FALSE, Bool make_dirs=FALSE, Bool no_mask=FALSE);
public extern   Bool         DirNew(CDrive *drive, U8 *cur_dir, CDirEntry *tmpde, Bool free_old_chain=TRUE);
extern          I64          FileAttr(U8 *name, I64 old_attr=0);

#help_index "File/Low Level"
#help_file "::/Doc/FileLowLevel"
public extern   CBlkDev *BlkDevCheck(CBlkDev *bd, Bool except=TRUE);
public extern   U0       BlkDevDel(  CBlkDev *bd);
public extern   Bool     BlkDevLock( CBlkDev *bd);
public extern   CBlkDev *BlkDevNextFreeSlot(U8 first_drive_let, I64 type);
public extern   Bool     BlkDevUnlock(CBlkDev *bd, Bool reset=FALSE);
public extern   U0       BlkDevsRelease();
public extern   Bool     BlkRead(     CDrive *drive, U8 *buf, I64 blk, I64 count);
public extern   Bool     BlkWrite(    CDrive *drive, U8 *buf, I64 blk, I64 count);
public extern   U0       BlkWriteZero(CDrive *drive, I64 blk, I64 count);
public extern   I64      Clus2Blk(    CDrive *drive, I64 c);
public extern   I64      ClusAlloc(   CDrive *drive, I64 c=0, I64 count=1, Bool contiguous=FALSE);
public extern   I64      ClusBlkRead( CDrive *drive, U8 *buf, I64 c, I64 blks);
public extern   I64      ClusBlkWrite(CDrive *drive, U8 *buf, I64 c, I64 blks);
public extern   I64      ClusNumNext( CDrive *drive, I64 c, I64 count=1);
public extern   I64      ClusRead(    CDrive *drive, U8 *buf, I64 c, I64 count);
public extern   I64      ClusWrite(   CDrive *drive, U8 *buf, I64 c, I64 count);
extern          Bool     CopySingle(U8 *f1, U8 *f2); //Just one file
public extern   U8       Drive2Letter(CDrive *drive=NULL);
public extern   CDrive  *DriveCheck(  CDrive *drive, Bool except=TRUE);
public extern   U0       DriveDel(    CDrive *drive);
public extern   Bool     DriveLock(   CDrive *drive);
public extern   CDrive  *DriveMakeFreeSlot(U8 drv_let);
public extern   U8      *DriveModelNum(U8 drv_let=0);
public extern   U8       DriveNextFreeLet(U8 first_drive_let='C');
public extern   U8      *DriveSerialNum(  U8 drv_let=0);
public extern   U8       DriveTextAttrGet(U8 drv_let=0);
public extern   Bool     DriveUnlock(CDrive *drive, Bool reset=FALSE);
public extern   U0       DrivesRelease();
extern          U0       FAT32FreeClus(CDrive *drive, I64 c);
public extern   CBlkDev *Letter2BlkDev(    U8 drv_let=0, Bool except=TRUE);
public extern   I64      Letter2BlkDevType(U8 drv_let);
public extern   CDrive  *Letter2Drive(     U8 drv_let=0, Bool except=TRUE);
public extern   U8       Letter2Letter(    U8 drv_let=0);
extern          I64      Name2DirClus(      CDrive *drive, U8 *dirname);
extern          I64      Name2ParentDirClus(CDrive *drive, U8 *dirname);
extern          U0       RedSeaFreeClus(    CDrive *drive, I64 c, I64 count);

#help_index "File/Program Routines"
public extern U0     DirEntryDel( CDirEntry *tmpde);
public extern U0     DirEntryDel2(CDirEntry *tmpde);
public extern U0     DirTreeDel(  CDirEntry *tmpde);
public extern U0     DirTreeDel2( CDirEntry *tmpde);
public extern Bool   FileFind( U8 *filename, CDirEntry *_de=NULL, I64 fuf_flags=0);
public extern U8    *FileRead( U8 *filename, I64 *_size=NULL, I64 *_attr=NULL);
public extern I64    FileWrite(U8 *filename, U8 *fbuf, I64 size, CDate cdt=0, I64 attr=0);

#help_index "File/Program Routines;File/FileNames"
public extern CDirEntry *FilesFind(U8 *files_find_mask, I64 fuf_flags=0);

#help_index "File/System"
extern          CBlkDev         *ATAMount(U8 first_drive_let, I64 type, I64 base0, I64 base1, I64 unit);
extern          I64              BlkDevAdd(   CBlkDev *bd, I64 prt_num=I64_MIN, Bool whole_drive, Bool make_free);
extern          U0               DiskCacheInit(I64 size_in_U8s);
public extern   U0               DiskCacheInvalidate(CDrive *drive);
public extern   I64              MountAHCIAuto();
extern          U0               AHCIHbaReset();
extern          U0               AHCIPortReset(I64 port_num);
extern          U0               AHCIDebug(    I64 port_num);
extern          U0               AHCIDebugMode(Bool mode=TRUE);
extern          U0               AHCIPortInit(CBlkDev *bd, CAHCIPort *port, I64 port_num);
extern          I64              AHCIPortSignatureGet(I64 port_num);
extern          I64              AHCIAtaBlksRW(     CBlkDev *bd, U8 *buf, I64 blk, I64 count, Bool write);
extern          I64              AHCIAtaBlksRead(   CBlkDev *bd, U8 *buf, I64 blk, I64 count);
extern          I64              AHCIAtaBlksWrite(  CBlkDev *bd, U8 *buf, I64 blk, I64 count);
extern          I64              AHCIAtapiBlksRead( CBlkDev *bd, U8 *buf, I64 blk, I64 count);
extern          Bool             AHCIAtapiSeek(     CBlkDev *bd, I64 blk);
extern          Bool             AHCIAtapiStartStop(CBlkDev *bd, Bool start);
extern          Bool             AHCIAtapiBlank(CBlkDev *bd, Bool minimal=TRUE);
extern          Bool             DiscEject(U8 drv_let);
extern          Bool             DiscLoad( U8 drv_let);

public extern   CBlkDevGlobals   blkdev;

#help_index "Graphics/Color"
extern          U0              (*fp_set_std_palette)();
public extern   U8               *Color2Str(U8 *buf, CColorROPU32 c);
public extern   CColorROPU16      Str2ColorU16(U8 *st);
public extern   CColorROPU32      Str2ColorU32(U8 *st);

#help_index "Hash"
#help_file "::/Doc/Hash"
public _extern _HASH_ADD                U0            HashAdd(     CHash *tmph,              CHashTable *table);
public _extern _HASH_ADD_AFTER          U0            HashAddAfter(CHash *tmph, CHash *pred, CHashTable *table);
//Add hash entry after entry.
public _extern _HASH_BUCKET_FIND        CHash       **HashBucketFind(     U8 *needle_str, CHashTable *haystack_table);
public _extern _HASH_FIND               CHash        *HashFind(           U8 *needle_str, CHashTable *haystack_table,
                                                                          I64 mask, I64 instance=1);
public _extern _HASH_SINGLE_TABLE_FIND  CHash        *HashSingleTableFind(U8 *needle_str, CHashTable *haystack_table,
                                                                          I64 mask, I64 instance=1);
public _extern _HASH_STR                I64           HashStr(U8 *st);
public extern                           CHashTable   *HashTableNew(I64 size, CTask *mem_task=NULL);

#help_index "Hash/Frame"
#help_file "::/Doc/Frame"
public extern I64            FramePtr(U8 *name, CTask *task=NULL);
public extern CHashGeneric  *FramePtrAdd(U8 *name, I64 val=0, CTask *task=NULL);
public extern I64            FramePtrDel(U8 *name, CTask *task=NULL);
public extern I64            FramePtrSet(U8 *name, I64 val, CTask *task=NULL);

#help_index "Hash/System"
public extern                   U0              HashDel(CHashSrcSym *tmph);
public extern                   CHashGeneric    *HashGenericAdd(U8 *name, I64 type,
                                                                I64 val=0, I64 u8=0, I64 u16=0, CTask *task=NULL);
public extern                   CHashGeneric    *HashPublic(U8 *st, I64 mask, Bool val=TRUE);
public _extern _HASH_REM_DEL    Bool            HashRemDel(CHash *tmph, CHashTable *table, I64 instance=1);
//instance must match tmph's
public extern                   U0              HashTableDel(  CHashTable *table);
public extern                   I64             HashTablePurge(CHashTable *table);
public extern                   I64             HashTypeNum(CHash *tmph);
public extern                   I64             HashVal(    CHash *tmph);
extern                          U0              SysSymImportsResolve(U8 *sptr, I64 ld_flags=0);

#help_index "Hash/System;Char/Lists"
public extern I64 HashListAdd(U8 *list, I64 type, CHashTable *table);

#help_index "Hash/System;Define;Char/Define;Char/Lists"
public extern I64 HashDefineListAdd(U8 *dname, I64 type, CHashTable *table);

#help_index "Help System;Debugging/Debugger"
public extern U0 Help();

#help_index "Info;File/Cmd Line (Typically);Cmd Line (Typically);Install"
public extern U0 DriveRep();

#help_index "Install"
#help_file "::/Doc/Install"
public extern   Bool     DriveEnable(U8 drv_let, Bool val);

#help_index "Install;File/Cmd Line (Typically);Cmd Line (Typically);"
public extern U0 Format(U8 drv_let, Bool quick=TRUE, Bool confirm=TRUE, I64 type=FSt_FAT32);

#help_index "Install;Memory/BlkPool"
public extern I64 Scale2Mem(I64 min, I64 max, I64 limit=2*1024*1024*1024);

#help_index "Job/Exe;Task/Job/Exe"
public extern   U0       SysErr( U8 *format, ...);
public extern   U0       SysWarn(U8 *format, ...);
public extern   U0       SysLog( U8 *format, ...);
public extern   I64      ExeCmdLine(CCompCtrl *cc);
public extern   U0       JobDel(CJob *tmpc);
public extern   I64      JobsHandler(I64 run_flags, CTask *task=NULL);
extern          U0       ServerCmdLine();
public extern   U0       ServerTaskCont();
public extern   CJob    *TaskExe(CTask *server, CTask *master, U8 *data, I64 flags);
public extern   U0       TaskResetAwaitingMessage(CTask *task=NULL);
public extern   U0       UserTaskCont();

#help_index "Job/Exe;Task/Job/Exe;Compiler"
public extern I64 Sys(U8 *format, ...);
public extern I64 PopUp(U8 *buf, CTask *parent=NULL, CTask **_pu_task=NULL);
public extern I64 PopUpPrint(U8 *format, ...);

#help_index "Job/Exe;Task/Job/Exe;MultiCore"
public extern I64  JobResGet( CJob *request=NULL);
public extern Bool JobResScan(CJob *request=NULL, I64 *_res=NULL);

#help_index "Job/Text & Messages;Task/Job/Text & Messages"
public extern CJob *TaskText(CTask *server, CTask *master, U8 *data, I64 flags);

#help_index "Job/Text & Messages;Task/Job/Text & Messages;InFile;StdIn/InFile"
public extern U0 In(U8 *format, ...);
public extern U0 InFile(U8 *filename);
public extern U0 InStr(U8 *format, ...);
public extern U0 XTalk(       CTask *task, U8 *format, ...);
public extern U0 XTalkStr(    CTask *task, U8 *format, ...);
public extern U0 XTalkStrWait(CTask *task, U8 *format, ...);
public extern U0 XTalkWait(   CTask *task, U8 *format, ...);

#help_index "Job/Text & Messages;Task/Job/Text & Messages;Messages"
public extern U0     Message(I64 message_code, I64 arg1, I64 arg2, I64 flags=0);
public extern U0     MessagePost(    CTask *task, I64 message_code, I64 arg1, I64 arg2, I64 flags=0);
public extern U0     MessagePostWait(CTask *task, I64 message_code, I64 arg1, I64 arg2, I64 flags=0);
public extern CJob  *TaskMessage(CTask *server, CTask *master, I64 message_code, I64 arg1, I64 arg2, I64 flags);

#help_index "Job;Task/Job"
#help_file "::/Doc/Job"

#help_index "Keyboard Devices/System;Char/System"
#help_file "::/Doc/KeyDev"
public extern   U0               CtrlAltCBSet(U8 ch, U0 (*fp_handler)(I64 sc), 
                                              U8 *no_shift_desc=NULL, U8 *shift_desc=NULL, Bool in_irq=FALSE);
public extern   U0               KeyDescSet(U8 *format, ...);
public extern   CKeyDevEntry    *KeyDevAdd(Bool (*fp_put_key)(I64 ch, I64 sc), Bool (*fp_puts)(U8 *st),
                                           I64 priority, Bool key_descs=FALSE);
public extern   U0               KeyDevRemove(CKeyDevEntry *tmpk);
extern          CKeyDevGlobals   keydev;
extern          CJob             sys_macro_head;
extern          CTask           *sys_macro_task;

#help_index "Keyboard Devices;Char/Input;StdIn"
extern          U8 *(*fp_getstr2)(I64 flags=0); //StrGet Flags
public extern   Bool                 AreYouSure();
public extern   I64                  CharGet(I64 *_scan_code=NULL, Bool echo=TRUE,  Bool raw_cursor=FALSE);
public extern   I64                  KeyGet( I64 *_scan_code=NULL, Bool echo=FALSE, Bool raw_cursor=FALSE);
public extern   I64                  StrNGet(U8 *buf, I64 size, Bool allow_ext=TRUE);
public extern   U8                  *StrGet(U8 *message=NULL, U8 *default=NULL, I64 flags=0);
extern          U0                   KbdInit();
public extern   I64                  KbdMouseEventTime();
extern          U0                   KbdMouseHandler(Bool poll_kbd, Bool poll_mouse);
extern          U0                   KbdMouseInit();
extern          I64                  KbdMessagesQueue();
public extern   U0                   KbdTypeMatic(U8 delay);
extern          Bool                 MouseHardDriverInstall();
public extern   Bool                 MouseHardEnable(Bool val=TRUE);
public extern   I64                  PressAKey();
public extern   I64                  CharScan();
public extern   Bool                 KeyScan(I64 *_ch=NULL, I64 *_scan_code=NULL, Bool echo=FALSE);
public extern   Bool                 YorN();
public extern   CKbdStateGlobals     kbd;

#help_index "Math"
public extern I64 CeilI64(I64 num, I64 to);
public extern U64 CeilU64(U64 num, U64 to);
public extern F64 Clamp(F64 d, F64 lo, F64 hi);
public extern I64 FloorI64(I64 num, I64 to);
public extern U64 FloorU64(U64 num, U64 to);
public extern F64 Max(F64 n1, F64 n2);
public extern F64 Min(F64 n1, F64 n2);
public extern F64 Pow10I64(I64 i);
public extern F64 Rand(); //With timestamp
public extern U8  RandU8();
public extern I16 RandI16();
public extern I32 RandI32();
public extern I64 RandI64();
public extern U16 RandU16();
public extern U32 RandU32();
public extern U64 RandU64();
public extern I64 RoundI64(I64 num, I64 to);
public extern I64 Seed(I64 seed=0, CTask *task=NULL);

#help_index "Memory/Info"
public extern I64 MemBIOSTotal();

#help_index "Memory/System Heap"
public extern U8 *SysCAlloc(I64 size);
public extern U8 *SysMAlloc(I64 size);
public extern U8 *SysMAllocIdent(U8 *src);
public extern U8 *SysReAlloc(    U8 *src, U64 size);

#help_index "Memory/BlkPool"
public extern U0  BlkPoolAdd( CBlkPool *bp, CMemBlk *m, I64 pags);
public extern U0  BlkPoolInit(CBlkPool *bp, I64 pags);
public extern U8 *MemPagAlloc(I64 pags,  CBlkPool *bp=NULL);
public extern U0  MemPagFree(CMemBlk *m, CBlkPool *bp=NULL);

#help_index "Memory/Heap"
public extern               U8          *CAlloc(       I64 size,                CTask *mem_task=NULL);
public extern               U8          *CAllocAligned(I64 size, I64 alignment, CTask *mem_task=NULL, I64 misalignment=0);
public _extern _FREE        U0           Free(U8 *addr);
public _extern _MALLOC      U8          *MAlloc(       I64 size,                CTask *mem_task=NULL);
public extern               U8          *MAllocAligned(I64 size, I64 alignment, CTask *mem_task=NULL, I64 misalignment=0);
public extern               U8          *MAllocIdent(U8 *src,                   CTask *mem_task=NULL);
public extern               U8          *ReAlloc(    U8 *src, U64 size,         CTask *mem_task=NULL);
public _extern _MHEAP_CTRL  CHeapCtrl   *MHeapCtrl(  U8 *src);
public _extern _MSIZE       I64          MSize(      U8 *src);  //size of heap object
public _extern _MSIZE2      I64          MSize2(     U8 *src); //Internal size

#help_index "Memory/HeapCtrl"
public extern U0         HeapCtrlDel( CHeapCtrl *hc);
public extern CHeapCtrl *HeapCtrlInit(CHeapCtrl *hc=NULL, CTask *task=NULL, CBlkPool *bp);

#help_index "Memory/Segmentation"
public extern U8 *Seg2Linear(U32 *ptr);

#help_index "Memory/Page Tables"
public extern I64 *MemPageTable(U8 *a);

#help_index "Messages"
#help_file "::/Doc/Messages"
public extern   I64 FlushMessages(CTask *task=NULL);
public extern   I64 MessageGet( I64 *_arg1=NULL, I64 *_arg2=NULL, I64 mask=~1, CTask *task=NULL);
extern          U0  InputFilterTask();
public extern   I64 MessageScan(I64 *_arg1=NULL, I64 *_arg2=NULL, I64 mask=~1, CTask *task=NULL);

#help_index "Misc"
public extern U0    QuickSort(   U8  *base, I64 num, I64 width, I64 (*fp_compare)(U8 *e1, U8 *e2));
public extern U0    QuickSortI64(I64 *base, I64 num,            I64 (*fp_compare)(I64 e1, I64 e2));
public extern F64   sys_os_version;

#help_index "Misc/Progress Bars"
public extern U0 ProgressBarsReset(U8 *path=NULL);

#help_index "Mouse"
#help_file "::/Doc/Mouse"
public extern   U0                      GridInit();
public extern   U0                      MouseSet(I64 x=I64_MAX, I64 y=I64_MAX, I64 z=I64_MAX, I64 l=I64_MAX, I64 r=I64_MAX);
public extern   CMouseStateGlobals      mouse;
public extern   CGridGlobals            mouse_grid;
public extern   CMouseHardStateGlobals  mouse_hard;
extern          CMouseHardStateGlobals  mouse_hard_last;
extern          CMouseStateGlobals      mouse_last;

#help_index "Mouse/Ptr"
extern U0 MouseInit();
extern U0 MouseUpdate(I64 x, I64 y, I64 z, Bool l, Bool r);

#help_index "MultiCore"
extern          U0       Core0StartMP();
extern          U0       CoreAPExecutiveTask();
public extern   U0       MPInt(U8 num, I64 cpu_num=1);
public extern   U0       MPIntAll(U8 num);
public extern   U0       MPNMInt();
extern          CTask   *SpawnQueue(U0 (*fp_addr)(U8 *data), U8 *data=NULL, U8 *task_name=NULL, I64 target_cpu, 
                                    CTask *parent=NULL, //NULL means sys_task
                                    I64 stack_size=0, I64 flags=1<<JOBf_ADD_TO_QUE);

#help_index "MultiCore;Boot"
public extern U0 MPHalt();

#help_index "MultiCore;Job/Exe;Task/Job/Exe"
public extern CJob *JobQueue(I64 (*fp_addr)(U8 *data), U8 *data=NULL, I64 target_cpu=1, I64 flags=1<<JOBf_FREE_ON_COMPLETE, 
                             I64 job_code=JOBT_CALL, U8 *aux_str=NULL, I64 aux1=0, I64 aux2=0);

#help_index "PCI"
public extern                           I64 PCIClassFind(I64 class_code, I64 n);
public extern                           U16 PCIReadU16( I64 bus, I64 dev, I64 fun, I64 rg);
public extern                           U32 PCIReadU32( I64 bus, I64 dev, I64 fun, I64 rg);
public extern                           U8  PCIReadU8(  I64 bus, I64 dev, I64 fun, I64 rg);
public extern                           U0  PCIWriteU16(I64 bus, I64 dev, I64 fun, I64 rg, I64 val);
public extern                           U0  PCIWriteU32(I64 bus, I64 dev, I64 fun, I64 rg, I64 val);
public extern                           U0  PCIWriteU8( I64 bus, I64 dev, I64 fun, I64 rg, I64 val);
public _extern SYS_PCIBIOS_SERVICE_DIR  U32 sys_PCIBIOS_service_dir;//Far call routine in the BIOS
public _extern SYS_PCI_SERVICES         U32 sys_pci_services;//Far call routine in the BIOS

#help_index "Processor"
public extern U8 *IntEntryGet(I64 irq);
public extern U8 *IntEntrySet(I64 irq, U0 (*fp_new_handler)(), I64 type=IDTET_IRQ);
public extern I64 IntEntryAlloc();
public extern I64 IntEntryFree(I64 irq);

#help_index "ScreenCast;Cmd Line (Typically)"
public extern Bool                  ScreenCast(Bool val=ON, Bool just_audio=FALSE, U8 *print_format="B:/Tmp/%X.GR")
public extern CScreenCastGlobals    screencast;

#help_index "Sound"
#help_file "::/Doc/Sound"
public extern U0    Beep(I8 ona=62, Bool busy=FALSE);
public extern I8    Freq2Ona(F64 freq);
public extern Bool  IsMute();
public extern Bool  Mute(Bool val);
public extern F64   Ona2Freq(I64 ona);
public extern U0    Sound(I8 ona=0);
public extern U0    SoundReset();

#help_index "StdIn"
#help_file "::/Doc/Streams"

#help_index "StdOut"
#help_file "::/Doc/Streams"

#help_index "Task"
public extern                   I64     BirthWait(CTask **_task, I64 task_num=-1);
public extern                   U0      DeathWait(CTask **_task, Bool send_exit=FALSE);
public extern                   U0      Exit();
public extern                   Bool    IsSuspended(CTask *task=NULL);
public extern                   Bool    Kill(       CTask *task, Bool wait=TRUE, Bool just_break=FALSE);
public extern                   Bool    Suspend(    CTask *task=NULL, Bool state=TRUE);
_extern _TASK_CONTEXT_RESTORE   U0      TaskContextRestore();
_extern _TASK_END_NOW           U0      TaskEndNow();
extern                          U0      TaskKillDying();
public extern                   U0      TaskQueueIns(   CTask *task, CTask *pred=NULL);
public extern                   U0      TaskQueueRemove(CTask *task);
public extern                   Bool    TaskValidate(   CTask *task);
public extern                   U0      TaskWait(       CTask *task=NULL, Bool cmd_line_prompt=FALSE);
public extern                   CTask   *User(U8 *format=NULL, ...);
public extern                   U0      UserCmdLine();
public _extern _YIELD           U0      Yield();
public extern                   CTask   *sys_task;
public extern                   I64     sys_num_spawned_tasks;
extern                          CTask   *sys_winmgr_task, *sys_task_being_screen_updated;

#help_index "Task/Delay;Time/CPU Cycles"
public extern   U0  Busy(I64 uS); //Loosely timed
public extern   U0  PortNop(); //On the order of 1uS
extern          I64 TimeCal();

#help_index "Task/Delay;Time/Jiffies"
public extern U0 Sleep(I64 mS);
public extern U0 SleepUntil(I64 wake_jiffy);

#help_index "Task/Misc"
extern          U0 (*fp_update_ctrls)(CTask *task);
public extern   U0   TSSBusy(I64 tr, Bool val=OFF);
public extern   U0   TaskDerivedValsUpdate(CTask *task=NULL, Bool update_z_buf=TRUE);
public extern   U0   WinDerivedValsUpdate( CTask *task);

#help_index "Task;Job/Exe;Task/Job/Exe;MultiCore"
public extern CTask *Spawn(U0 (*fp_addr)(U8 *data), U8 *data=NULL, 
                           U8 *task_name=NULL, I64 target_cpu=-1,   //-1 means current CPU
                           CTask *parent=NULL, //NULL means sys_task
                           I64 stack_size=0, I64 flags=1<<JOBf_ADD_TO_QUE);

#help_index "Time/CPU Cycles;Time/Jiffies"
public extern CCountsGlobals counts;

#help_index "Time/Date/CDate;Date/CDate"
#help_file "::/Doc/TimeDate"
public extern   U0       Date2Struct(CDateStruct *_ds, CDate cdt);
extern          U8      *MPrintDate(CDate cdt);
extern          U8      *MPrintTime(CDate cdt);
public extern   CDate    Now();
public extern   CDate    Struct2Date(CDateStruct *_ds);
public extern   CDate    local_time_offset;

#help_index "Time/Date/CMOS;Date/CMOS"
public extern U8    CMOSRegRead( I64 register);
public extern U0    CMOSRegWrite(I64 register, I64 val);
public extern Bool  CMOSIsBcd();
public extern U0    TimeSet(CDateStruct *ds);

#help_index "Time/Date;Date"
#help_file "::/Doc/Date"
public extern I64 DayOfWeek(     I64 i);
public extern I64 FirstDayOfMon( I64 i);
public extern I64 FirstDayOfYear(I64 i);
public extern I64 LastDayOfMon(  I64 i);
public extern I64 LastDayOfYear( I64 i);
public extern I64 YearStartDate(I64 year);
public extern U16 month_start_days[12];
public extern U16 month_start_days_leap[12];

#help_index "Time/Jiffies"
#help_file "::/Doc/TimeJiffy"
public extern I64 SysTimerRead();//18.33333*65536Hz (SYS_TIMER_FREQ)

#help_index "Time/Seconds"
public extern Bool  Blink(F64 Hz=2.5);
public extern F64   tS(); //From SysTimerFreq.

#help_index "Windows"
public extern Bool WinInside(I64 x, I64 y, CTask *task=NULL, I64 border=0);

#help_index ""