//Simple and fancy way of searching //See ::/Apps/Vocabulary/VocabQuiz.CC //for another example of dictionary usage. #define ROWS_NUM 20 #define COLS_NUM 20 #define DIM_MAX MaxI64(ROWS_NUM, COLS_NUM) U8 m[ROWS_NUM][COLS_NUM]; U0 Init() { I64 x, y; for (y = 0; y < ROWS_NUM; y++) for (x = 0; x < COLS_NUM; x++) m[y][x] = 'A' + RandU16 % 26; } U0 Display() { I64 x, y; for (y = 0; y < ROWS_NUM; y++) { for (x = 0; x < COLS_NUM; x++) '' m[y][x]; '\n'; } } U0 GetWord(U8 *dst, I64 x, I64 y, I64 dx, I64 dy) { while (0 <= x < COLS_NUM && 0 <= y < ROWS_NUM) { *dst++ = m[y][x]; y += dy; x += dx; } *dst = 0; } //************************************ U0 Search(I64 dx, I64 dy) { I64 x, y, i, n; U8 buf[DIM_MAX + 1], *ptr; for (y = 0; y < ROWS_NUM; y++) for (x = 0; x < COLS_NUM; x++) { GetWord(buf, x, y, dx, dy); n = StrLen(buf); for (i = n; i > 2; i--) { buf[i] = 0; if ((ptr = ACDWordPtAt(buf)) && *ptr++ == ACD_WORD_CHAR && !StrICompare(ptr, buf)) { "%s ", buf; } } } } U0 SimpleWordSearch() { Search( 1, 0); Search( 0, 1); Search(-1, 0); Search( 0, -1); Search( 1, 1); Search(-1, -1); Search( 1, -1); Search(-1, 1); '\n'; } //************************************ U8 words[ROWS_NUM * COLS_NUM * 8][DIM_MAX + 1]; U8 *word_ptrs[ROWS_NUM * COLS_NUM * 8]; U0 CollectWords(I64 dx, I64 dy, I64 *_n) { I64 x, y, n = *_n; for (y = 0; y < ROWS_NUM; y++) for (x = 0; x < COLS_NUM; x++) { GetWord(&words[n], x, y, dx, dy); word_ptrs[n] = &words[n]; n++; } *_n = n; } I64 WordsCompare(U8 *e1, U8 *e2) { return StrCompare(e1, e2); } /*Format of word list entry: U8 ACD_WORD_CHAR U8 word[] with terminating zero I16 block; //definition offset in ::/System/AutoComplete/ACDefs.DATA */ U0 DisplayWords(I64 n) { I64 i = 0, k; U8 *w1, *w2, *dict = acd.word_list; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) while (*dict) { w1 = word_ptrs[i]; w2 = dict + 1; while (*w2 && *w1 == ToUpper(*w2)) { w1++; w2++; } if (ToUpper(*w2) > *w1) break; if (!*w2) { if (StrLen(dict + 1) > 2) { k = i; while (k < n && !StrNICompare(word_ptrs[k++], dict + 1, StrLen(dict + 1))) "%s ", dict + 1; } w2 = dict + 1; while (!StrICompare(w2, dict + 1)) dict += StrLen(dict + 1) + 4; } else dict += StrLen(dict + 1) + 4; } } U0 FancyWordSearch() { I64 n = 0; CollectWords( 1, 0, &n); CollectWords( 0, 1, &n); CollectWords(-1, 0, &n); CollectWords( 0, -1, &n); CollectWords( 1, 1, &n); CollectWords(-1, -1, &n); CollectWords( 1, -1, &n); CollectWords(-1, 1, &n); QuickSortI64(word_ptrs, n, &WordsCompare); DisplayWords(n); '\n'; } //************************************ U0 WordSearch() { Init; Display; '\n'; SimpleWordSearch; FancyWordSearch; } WordSearch;