Sprite Main Menu Help

Order of elements matters.      They are executed in the order they appear in the side-bar.  You can set the insert point for new 
elements by click the element in the side-bar and making it RED.

After you create a 3D Mesh, you can edit it by seling it in the side-bar so it is colored RED.  Then, click EDIT-3D-MESH.  A 
shiftable 3D mesh has a 2D offset to position the origin.       You can convert between shiftable and non-shiftable by editing it 
with the other command.

You can convert all elements to a BitMap if END is RED in the side-bar and you CONVERT-TO-BITMAP.  Later, you can edit that 
bitmap by seling it in the side bar so it is colored RED and clicking EDIT-BITMAP.

If you have a 3D icon, you might want to place a background-colored rectangle under the 3D icon, so it hovers above.    Use 
TRANSFORM-OFF and TRANSFORM-ON.  You will also need to set the Z offset of the icon.    Go to the Edit menu and sel EDIT-AS-TEXT 
and change the third INT to Z offset.   Good luck.

While inserting vector elements, you can usually press 'c' to eye-dropper the color under the mouse.    Press 't' for 