
* See ::/Doc/CompilerOverview.DD.

* See Scoping and Linkage for details on extern, import, _extern, _import, etc.

* Built-in types include I0, I8, I16, I32, I64 for signed 0-8 byte ints and U0, U8, U16, U32, U64 for unsigned 0-8 byte ints and 
F64 for 8 byte floats.

        U0                      void, but ZERO size!
        I8                      char
        U8                      unsigned char
        I16             short
        U16             unsigned short
        I32             int
        U32             unsigned int
        I64             long (64-bit)
        U64             unsigned long (64-bit)
        F64             double
        no F32 float.

* Function with no args, or just default args can be called without parentheses.


* Default args don't have to be on the end.  This code is valid:
  U0 Test(I64 i=4, I64 j, I64 k=5)
        Print("%X %X %X\n", i, j, k);
  Test(, 3);

* A char const all alone is sent to PutChars(). A string with or without args is sent to Print().  An empty string literal 
signals a variable format_str follows.

  void DemoC(char drv, char *format, char *name, int age)
        printf("Hello World!\n");
        printf("%s age %d\n", name, age);
        printf(format, name, age);
  U0 DemoCosmiC(U8 drive, U8 *format, U8 *name, I64 age)
        "Hello World!\n";
        "%s age %d\n", name, age;
        "" format, name, age;
        '' drive;

* When dealing with function addresses such as for callbacks, precede the name with "&".

* Type casting is postfix.      To typecast int or F64, use ToI64(), ToBool() or ToF64(). (ZealOS follows normal C float<-->int 
conversion, but sometimes you want to override. These functions are better than multiplying by "1.0" to convert to float.)

* There is no main() function.  Any code outside of functions gets executed upon start-up, in order.

* There are no bit fields, but there are bit access routines and you can access bytes or words within any int.  See 
I64 declaration.        A class can be accessed as a whole are subints, if you put a type in front of the class declaration.
  public I64i union I64         //"I64i" is intrinsic.  We are defining "I64".
        I8i i8[8];
        U8i u8[8];
        I16 i16[4];
        U16 u16[4];
        I32 i32[2];
        U32 u32[2];
  I64 i = 0x123456780000DEF0;
  i.u16[1] = 0x9ABC;

* Variable arg count functions (...) can access their args with built-in variables similar to 'this' in C++.    They are 'I64 
argc' and 'I64 argv[]'.
  I64 AddNums(...)
        I64 i, res = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
                res += argv[i];
        return res;
  >AddNums(1, 2, 3);
  ans = 6
  public U0 GrPrint(CDC *dc, I64 x, I64 y, U8 *format, ...)
        U8 *buf = StrPrintJoin(NULL, format, argc, argv); //SPrintF() with MAlloc()ed string.
        GrPutS(dc, x, y, buf); //Plot string at x,y pixels. GrPutS is not public.
        GrPrint(gr.dc, (GR_WIDTH - 10 * FONT_WIDTH) >> 1, (GR_HEIGHT - FONT_HEIGHT) >> 1, "Score:%4d", score);
                //Print score in the center of the screen.

* Allows "5 < i < j + 1 < 20" instead of "5 < i && i < j + 1 && j + 1 < 20".
  if (13 <= age < 20)

* if you know a switch stmt will not exceed the lowest or highest case values.  switch [] is a little faster because it doesn't 

* switch statements always use a jump table.    Don't use them with cases with really big, sparse ranges.

* Allows ranges like "case 4...7:" in switch statements.

* A no case number causes next higher int case in switch statements.    See ::/Demo/NullCase.CC.

  I64 i;
  for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
        switch (i)
                case: "Zero\n";         break; //Starts at zero
                case: "One\n";          break; //One plus prev case.
                case: "Two\n";          break;
                case: "Three\n";        break;
                case 10: "Ten\n";       break;
                case: "Eleven\n";       break; //One plus prev case.

* Switch statements can be nestled with a single switch expression!  This is known as a "sub_switch" statement.  start/end are 
used to group cases.  Don't goto out of, throw an exception out of, or return out of the start front porch area.  See 

  I64 i;
  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        switch (i)
                case 0: "Zero ";                break;
                case 2: "Two ";                 break;
                case 4: "Four ";                break;
                        case 1: "One";          break;
                        case 3: "Three";        break;
                        case 5: "Five";         break;
                        "] ";
  >Zero [One] Two [Three] Four [Five]

* A no_warn stmt will suppress an unused var warning.

* You can have multiple member vars of a class named "pad" or "reserved", and it won't issue warnings.

* noreg or reg can be placed before a function local var name.  You can, optionally, specify a reg after the reg keyword.

  U0 Main()
        //Only use REGG_LOCAL_VARS or REGG_LOCAL_NON_PTR_VARS for reg vars or else clobbered.
        I64 reg R15 i = 5, noreg j = 4;
        no_warn i;
        asm {
                                MOV             RAX, R15
                                CALL            &PUT_HEX_U64
                                MOV             RAX, '\n'
                                CALL            &PUT_CHARS
                                MOV             RAX, U64 &j[RBP]
                                CALL            &PUT_HEX_U64
                                MOV             RAX, '\n'
                                CALL            &PUT_CHARS

* interrupt, haserrcode, public, argpop or noargpop are function flags. See IRQKbd().

* A single quote can encompass multiple characters.  'ABC' is equ to 0x434241.  PutChars() takes multiple characters.

  asm {
                                PUSH            RBP
                                MOV             RBP, RSP
                                MOV             RAX, 'Hello '
                                CALL            &PUT_CHARS
                                MOV             RAX, 'World\n'
                                CALL            &PUT_CHARS
  PutChars('Hello ');

* The "`" operator raises a base to a power.

* There is no question-colon operator.

* ZealOS operator precedence
        `, >>, <<
        *, /, %
        +, -
        <, >, <=, >=
        ==, !=
        =, <<=, >>=, *=, /=, &=, |=, ^=, +=, -=

* You can use Option(OPTf_WARN_PAREN, ON) to find unnecessary parentheses in code.

* You can use Option(OPTf_WARN_DUP_TYPES, ON) to find dup local var type statements.

* With the #exe{} feature in your src code, you can place programs that insert text into the stream of code being compiled.  See 
#exe {} for an example where the date/time and compile-time prompting for configuration data is placed into a program.  
StreamPrint() places text into a src program stream following the conclusion of the #exe{} blk.

* No #define functions exist (I'm not a fan)

* No typedef, use class.

* No type-checking

* Can't use <> with #include, use "".

* "$" is an escape character.   Two dollar signs signify an ordinary $. See DolDoc.     In asm or CosmiC code, it also refers to the 
inst's address or the offset in a class definition.

* union is more like a class, so you don't reference it with a union label after you define it.  Some common unions are declared 
in KernelA.HH for 1,2,4 and 8 byte objects.     If you place a type in front of a union declaration, that is the type when used by 
itself. See ::/Demo/SubIntAccess.CC.

* class member vars can have meta data. format and data are two meta data types now used.  All compiler structures are saved and 
you can access the compiler's info about classes and vars.  See ::/Demo/ClassMeta.CC and        DocForm().

* There is a keyword lastclass you use as a default arg.        It is set to the class name of the prev arg.    See 
::/Demo/LastClass.CC, ClassRep(), DocForm()  and ::/Demo/Disk/BlkDevRep.CC.

* See ::/Demo/Exceptions.CC.  try{} catch{} and throw are different from C++. throw is a function with an 8-byte or less char 
arg.  The char string passed in throw() can be accessed from within a catch{} using the Fs->except_ch.  Within a catch {} blk, 
set the var Fs->catch_except to TRUE if you want to terminate the search for a handler.  Use PutExcept() as a handler, if you 

* A function is available similar to sizeof which provides the offset of a member of a class.  It's called offset.      You place 
the class name and member inside as in offset(classname.membername).    It has nothing to do with 16-bit code.  Both sizeof and 
offset only accept one level of member vars.    That is, you can't do sizeof(classname.membername.submembername).

* There is no continue stmt.    Use goto.

* lock{} can be used to apply asm LOCK prefixes to code for safe multicore read-modify-write accesses.  The code bracked with 
have LOCK asm prefix's applied to relevant insts within.        It's a little shoddy.  See ::/Demo/MultiCore/Lock.CC.

* There is a function called MSize() which gives the size of an object alloced off the heap.    For larger size allocations, the 
system rounds-up to a power of two, so MSize() lets you know the real size and you can take full advantage of it.

* You CAN Free() a NULL ptr.  Useful variants of MAlloc() can be found Here.  Each task has a heap and you can MAlloc and Free 
off-of other task's heaps, or make an independent heap with HeapCtrlInit().     See HeapLog() for an example.

* The stack does not grow because virtual mem is not used.      It's recommended to allocate large local vars from the heap.    You 
can change MEM_DEFAULT_STACK and recompile Kernel or request more when doing a Spawn().  You can use CallStackGrow(), but it's 
odd.  See ::/Demo/StackGrow.CC.

* Only one base class is allowed.

* printf() has new codes.  See Print("") Format Strings.

* All values are extended to 64-bit when accessed.      Intermediate calculations are done with 64-bit values.

  U0 Main()
        I16 i1;
        I32 j1;
        j1 = i1 = 0x12345678;   //Resulting i1 is 0x5678 but j1 is 0x12345678
        I64 i2 = 0x8000000000000000;
        Print("%X\n", i2 >> 1); //Res is 0xC000000000000000 as expected
        U64 u3 = 0x8000000000000000;
        Print("%X\n", u3 >> 1); //Res is 0x4000000000000000 as expected
        I32 i4 = 0x80000000;    //const is loaded into a 64-bit reg var.
        Print("%X\n", i4 >> 1); //Res is 0x40000000
        I32 i5 = -0x80000000;
        Print("%X\n", i5 >> 1); //Res is 0xFFFFFFFFC0000000