#help_index "DolDoc/Output;StdOut/DolDoc" U0 DirFileDoc(CDoc *doc, CDirEntry *tmpde) { while (tmpde) { if (tmpde->attr & RS_ATTR_DIR) { tmpde->user_data = DocPrint(doc, "$TR,\"%s\",U=0x%X$", tmpde->name, tmpde); DocPrint(doc, "\n$ID,+2$"); if (tmpde->sub) DirFileDoc(doc, tmpde->sub); DocPrint(doc, "$ID,-2$"); } else { tmpde->user_data = DocPrint(doc, "$MU,\"%s\",U=0x%X$", tmpde->name, tmpde); DocPrint(doc, "\n"); } tmpde = tmpde->next; } } #help_index "File/Cmd Line (Typically);Cmd Line (Typically)" #define FM_NORMAL 0 #define FM_PICK_FILE 1 #define FM_PICK_DIR 2 class CFMUncollapsedList { CFMUncollapsedList *next; U8 *name; }; CFMUncollapsedList *FMCollectUncollapsedList(CDoc *doc) { CDocEntry *doc_e = doc->head.next; CFMUncollapsedList *res = NULL, *tmpc; CDirEntry *tmpde; while (doc_e != doc) { if (doc_e->type_u8 == DOCT_TREE) { if (!(doc_e->de_flags & DOCEF_CHECKED_COLLAPSED)) { if (tmpde = doc_e->user_data) { tmpc = MAlloc(sizeof(CFMUncollapsedList)); tmpc->next = res; res = tmpc; tmpc->name = StrNew(tmpde->full_name); } } } doc_e = doc_e->next; } return res; } U0 FMMarkUncollapsed(CDoc *doc, CFMUncollapsedList *tmpc, U8 *cur_entry, U8 *next_entry) { CDocEntry *doc_e = doc->head.next; CFMUncollapsedList *tmpc1; CDirEntry *tmpde; while (doc_e != doc) { if (doc_e->type_u8 == DOCT_TREE) { tmpde = doc_e->user_data; tmpc1 = tmpc; while (tmpc1) { if (!StrCompare(tmpc1->name, tmpde->full_name)) { doc_e->de_flags &= ~DOCEF_CHECKED_COLLAPSED; break; } tmpc1 = tmpc1->next; } if (cur_entry) { if (!StrNCompare(cur_entry, tmpde->full_name, StrLen(tmpde->full_name))) { doc->cur_entry = doc_e; if (StrLen(tmpde->full_name) == StrLen(cur_entry)) cur_entry = NULL; } else if (next_entry) { if (!StrNCompare(next_entry, tmpde->full_name, StrLen(tmpde->full_name))) { doc->cur_entry = doc_e; if (StrLen(tmpde->full_name) == StrLen(next_entry)) cur_entry = NULL; } } } } else if (doc_e->type_u8 == DOCT_MENU_VAL) { tmpde = doc_e->user_data; if (cur_entry) { if (!StrNCompare(cur_entry, tmpde->full_name, StrLen(tmpde->full_name))) { doc->cur_entry = doc_e; if (StrLen(tmpde->full_name) == StrLen(cur_entry)) cur_entry = NULL; } else if (next_entry) { if (!StrNCompare(next_entry, tmpde->full_name, StrLen(tmpde->full_name))) { doc->cur_entry = doc_e; if (StrLen(tmpde->full_name) == StrLen(next_entry)) cur_entry = NULL; } } } } doc_e = doc_e->next; } } U0 FMDelUncollapsedList(CFMUncollapsedList *tmpc) { CFMUncollapsedList *tmpc1; while (tmpc) { tmpc1 = tmpc->next; Free(tmpc->name); Free(tmpc); tmpc = tmpc1; } } CDirEntry *FMRebuildDocDrive(U8 drv_let, CDoc *doc, CDirEntry **_head, Bool init) { CDirEntry *tmpde, *tmpde1; U8 *st; tmpde = CAlloc(sizeof(CDirEntry)); tmpde->full_name = MStrPrint("%C:/", drv_let); tmpde->attr = RS_ATTR_DIR; st = MStrPrint("%c:/*", drv_let); if (init) tmpde->sub = tmpde1 = FilesFind(st, FUF_RECURSE); else tmpde1 = NULL; Free(st); tmpde->user_data = DocPrint(doc, "$TR,\"%s\",U=0x%X$", tmpde->full_name, tmpde); tmpde->next = *_head; *_head = tmpde; DocPrint(doc, "\n$ID,+2$"); DocBottom(doc); if (init) { DirFileDoc(doc, tmpde1); while (tmpde1) { tmpde1->parent = tmpde; tmpde1 = tmpde1->next; } } DocPrint(doc, "$ID,-2$"); return tmpde; } #define DEF2_PROCESSED 1 #define DEF2_NOT_INITIALIZED 2 U0 FMRebuildDoc(CDoc **_doc, CDirEntry **_head, I64 mode) { CDrive *drive; I64 i; CDoc *doc = *_doc, *doc2 = sys_clip_doc, *parent_doc; CFMUncollapsedList *tmpc = NULL; U8 *cur_entry = NULL, *next_entry = NULL; CDocEntry *doc_ce; CDirEntry *tmpde, *tmpde1, *cur_tree_entry; if (!doc) parent_doc = DocPut; else { parent_doc = doc->parent_doc; Fs->put_doc = Fs->display_doc = NULL; DocUnlock(doc); Refresh; DocLock(doc); cur_tree_entry = NULL; doc_ce = doc->cur_entry; if (doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_TREE || doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_MENU_VAL) cur_tree_entry = doc_ce->user_data; if (cur_tree_entry) cur_entry = StrNew(cur_tree_entry->full_name); tmpde = NULL; if (doc_ce != doc) doc_ce = doc_ce->next; while (doc_ce != doc) { if (doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_TREE || doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_MENU_VAL) tmpde = doc_ce->user_data; else tmpde = NULL; if (tmpde) { tmpde1 = tmpde->parent; while (tmpde1) { if (tmpde1 == cur_tree_entry) { tmpde = NULL; break; } else tmpde1 = tmpde1->parent; } if (tmpde) break; } doc_ce = doc_ce->next; } if (tmpde) next_entry = StrNew(tmpde->full_name); tmpc = FMCollectUncollapsedList(doc); DocDel(doc); } if (*_head) { DirTreeDel(*_head); *_head = NULL; } doc = DocNew; doc->desc = 'FileMan'; doc->parent_doc = parent_doc; doc->flags |= DOCF_FORM; switch (mode) { case FM_NORMAL: DocPrint(doc,"$PURPLE$File Manager\n\n" "$LK,\"Click for Help\",A=\"FI:::/Doc/FileMgr.DD\"$\n\n"); break; case FM_PICK_FILE: DocPrint(doc, "$PURPLE$Pick file and press <ESC>\n\n"); doc->flags |= DOCF_SIZE_MIN; break; case FM_PICK_DIR: DocPrint(doc, "$PURPLE$Pick directory and press <ESC>\n\n"); doc->flags |= DOCF_SIZE_MIN; break; } DocPrint(doc, "$LTBLUE$"); for (i = 0; i < DRIVES_NUM; i++) { drive = &blkdev.drvs[i]; if (drive->bd->type == BDT_ATAPI) { if (drive->bd->flags & BDF_INITIALIZED) tmpde = FMRebuildDocDrive(Drive2Letter(drive), doc, _head, TRUE); else { tmpde = FMRebuildDocDrive(Drive2Letter(drive), doc, _head, FALSE); tmpde->user_data2 |= DEF2_NOT_INITIALIZED; } } else if (drive->fs_type == FSt_REDSEA || drive->fs_type == FSt_FAT32) FMRebuildDocDrive(Drive2Letter(drive), doc, _head, TRUE); } DocTop(doc); FMMarkUncollapsed(doc, tmpc, cur_entry, next_entry); DocCenter(doc); DocReset(doc2, TRUE); FMDelUncollapsedList(tmpc); Free(cur_entry); Free(next_entry); *_doc = doc; DocLock(doc); Fs->put_doc = Fs->display_doc=doc; } U0 FMRename(CDoc *doc) { CEdFileName fn; CDocEntry *doc_e = doc->cur_entry; CDirEntry *tmpde = NULL, *parent; if (doc_e->type_u8 == DOCT_MENU_VAL) { tmpde = doc_e->user_data; if (parent = tmpde->parent) { Cd(parent->full_name); StrCopy(fn.name, tmpde->name); if (DocForm(&fn)) { Silent; Move(tmpde->name, fn.name); Silent(OFF); } } } else if (doc_e->type_u8 == DOCT_TREE) { tmpde = doc_e->user_data; if (parent = tmpde->parent) { Cd(parent->full_name); StrCopy(fn.name, tmpde->name); if (DocForm(&fn)) { if (StrCompare(tmpde->name, fn.name)) { Silent; if (CopyTree(tmpde->name, fn.name)) DelTree(tmpde->name); Silent(OFF); } } } } } U0 FMMkDir(CDoc *doc) { CEdFileName fn; CDocEntry *doc_e = doc->cur_entry; CDirEntry *tmpde = NULL, *parent; *fn.name = 0; if (doc_e->type_u8 == DOCT_MENU_VAL) { tmpde = doc_e->user_data; if (parent = tmpde->parent) { Cd(parent->full_name); if (DocForm(&fn)) { Silent; DirMake(fn.name); Silent(OFF); } } } else if (doc_e->type_u8 == DOCT_TREE) { tmpde = doc_e->user_data; Cd(tmpde->full_name); if (DocForm(&fn)) { Silent; DirMake(fn.name); Silent(OFF); } } } U0 FMDelete(CDoc *doc) { U8 *st; CDocEntry *doc_ce = doc->cur_entry; CDirEntry *tmpde; if (doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_MENU_VAL) { tmpde = doc_ce->user_data; Silent; st = MStrPrint("Delete: %s", tmpde->full_name); if (PopUpCancelOk(st)) Del(tmpde->full_name); Free(st); Silent(OFF); } else if (doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_TREE) { tmpde = doc_ce->user_data; Silent; st = MStrPrint("Delete: %s", tmpde->full_name); if (PopUpCancelOk(st)) DelTree(tmpde->full_name); Free(st); Silent(OFF); } } U0 FMChangeDisk(CDoc *doc) { CDocEntry *doc_ce = doc->cur_entry; CDirEntry *tmpde; if (doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_TREE || doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_MENU_VAL) tmpde = doc_ce->user_data; else tmpde = NULL; if (tmpde) { while (tmpde->parent) tmpde = tmpde->parent; Silent; DiskChange(*tmpde->full_name); Silent(OFF); } } U0 FMMountISO(CDoc *doc) { CDocEntry *doc_ce = doc->cur_entry; CDirEntry *tmpde; if (doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_MENU_VAL && (tmpde = doc_ce->user_data)) MountFile(tmpde->full_name); } U0 FMUnmount(CDoc *doc) { CDocEntry *doc_ce = doc->cur_entry; CDirEntry *tmpde; I64 drv_let; if (doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_TREE || doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_MENU_VAL) tmpde = doc_ce->user_data; else tmpde = NULL; if (tmpde) { while (tmpde->parent) tmpde = tmpde->parent; drv_let = *tmpde->full_name; if (Letter2BlkDev(drv_let) != Letter2BlkDev(':')) Unmount(drv_let); } } U0 FMFormatDrive(CDoc *doc) { CDocEntry *doc_ce = doc->cur_entry; CDirEntry *tmpde; U8 *st = NULL; if (doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_TREE || doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_MENU_VAL) tmpde = doc_ce->user_data; else tmpde = NULL; if (tmpde) { while (tmpde->parent) tmpde = tmpde->parent; st = MStrPrint("Format Drive '%c'?\nAre You Sure?\n", *tmpde->full_name); if (PopUpCancelOk(st)) { Silent; Format(*tmpde->full_name,, FALSE); Silent(OFF); } } Free(st); } U0 FMMakeISO(CDoc *doc) { CDocEntry *doc_ce = doc->cur_entry; CDirEntry *tmpde; if (doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_TREE || doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_MENU_VAL) tmpde = doc_ce->user_data; else tmpde = NULL; if (tmpde) { if (doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_MENU_VAL) tmpde = tmpde->parent; if (tmpde && *tmpde->full_name) { Silent; RedSeaISO(, tmpde->full_name); Silent(OFF); } } } U0 FMBurnISO(CDoc *doc) { CDocEntry *doc_ce = doc->cur_entry; CDirEntry *tmpde; if (doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_TREE || doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_MENU_VAL) tmpde = doc_ce->user_data; else tmpde = NULL; if (tmpde) { while (tmpde->parent) tmpde = tmpde->parent; Silent; DVDImageWrite(*tmpde->full_name); Silent(OFF); } } U0 FMCopy(CDoc *doc) { CDoc *doc2 = sys_clip_doc; U8 *st; CDocEntry *doc_ce = doc->cur_entry, *doc_e; CDirEntry *tmpde, *tmpde1 = NULL, *tmpde2; Bool unlock_doc2 = DocLock(doc2); doc_e = doc2->head.next; tmpde1 = doc_ce->user_data; if (doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_MENU_VAL) tmpde1 = tmpde1->parent; else if (doc_ce->type_u8 != DOCT_TREE) tmpde1 = NULL; if (tmpde1) { while (doc_e != doc2) { if (doc_e->type_u8 == DOCT_MENU_VAL) { tmpde = doc_e->user_data; tmpde->user_data2 |= DEF2_PROCESSED; tmpde2 = tmpde->parent; if (!tmpde2 || !(tmpde2->user_data2 & DEF2_PROCESSED)) { Silent; Copy(tmpde->full_name, tmpde1->full_name); Silent(OFF); } } else if (doc_e->type_u8 == DOCT_TREE) { tmpde = doc_e->user_data; tmpde->user_data2 |= DEF2_PROCESSED; tmpde2 = tmpde->parent; if (!tmpde2 || !(tmpde2->user_data2 & DEF2_PROCESSED)) { Silent; if (*tmpde1->name) st = MStrPrint("%s/%s", tmpde1->full_name, tmpde->name); else st = MStrPrint("%s%s", tmpde1->full_name, tmpde->name); CopyTree(tmpde->full_name, st); Free(st); Silent(OFF); } } doc_e = doc_e->next; } } if (unlock_doc2) DocUnlock(doc2); } #define FMR_INCLUDE 0 #define FMR_SYSTEM_INCLUDE 1 #define FMR_DELETE 2 #define FMR_RENAME 3 #define FMR_MKDIR 4 #define FMR_PASTE 5 #define FMR_CHG_DISK 6 #define FMR_FORMAT 7 #define FMR_MOUNT_REDSEA_ISO_C 8 #define FMR_UNMOUNT 9 #define FMR_MAKE_REDSEA_ISO_C 10 #define FMR_BURN_ISO 11 #define FMR_HELP 12 I64 PopUpFMRight(U8 *header=NULL, U8 *footer=NULL) { I64 i; CDoc *doc = DocNew; if (header) DocPrint(doc, "%s",header); DocPrint(doc, "$CM+LX,1,1$$BT,\"INCLUDE \",LE=FMR_INCLUDE$" "$CM+LX,29,0$$BT,\"SYSTEM INCLUDE \",LE=FMR_SYSTEM_INCLUDE$" "$CM+LX,1,3 $$BT,\"DELETE \",LE=FMR_DELETE$" "$CM+LX,29,0$$BT,\"RENAME \",LE=FMR_RENAME$" "$CM+LX,1,3 $$BT,\"MAKE DIRECTORY \",LE=FMR_MKDIR$" "$CM+LX,29,0$$BT,\"PASTE CLIP FILES \",LE=FMR_PASTE$" "$CM+LX,1,3 $$BT,\"CHANGE DISK(MOUNT IT) \",LE=FMR_CHG_DISK$" "$CM+LX,29,0$$BT,\"FORMAT \",LE=FMR_FORMAT$" "$CM+LX,1,3 $$BT,\"MOUNT ISO.C FILE \",LE=FMR_MOUNT_REDSEA_ISO_C$" "$CM+LX,29,0$$BT,\"UNMOUNT \",LE=FMR_UNMOUNT$" "$CM+LX,1,3 $$BT,\"MAKE ISO.C (CD/DVD) FILE\",LE=FMR_MAKE_REDSEA_ISO_C$" "$CM+LX,29,0$$BT,\"BURN ISO (CD/DVD) FILE \",LE=FMR_BURN_ISO$" "$CM+LX,1,3 $$BT,\"HELP \",LE=FMR_HELP$" "$CM+LX,29,0$$BT,\"CANCEL \",LE=DOCM_CANCEL$\n"); if (footer) DocPrint(doc, "%s", footer); i = PopUpMenu(doc); DocDel(doc); return i; } U0 FMRightClick() { switch (PopUpFMRight) { case FMR_INCLUDE: Message(MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN, 0, 0x3F0000003F); break; case FMR_SYSTEM_INCLUDE: Message(MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN, 0, 0x23F0000023F); break; case FMR_DELETE: Message(MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN, CH_CTRLY, 0); break; case FMR_RENAME: Message(MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN, 'r', 0); break; case FMR_MKDIR: Message(MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN, 'd', 0); break; case FMR_PASTE: Message(MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN, 0, SC_INS + SCF_SHIFT); break; case FMR_CHG_DISK: Message(MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN, 'c', 0); break; case FMR_FORMAT: Message(MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN, 'f', 0); break; case FMR_MOUNT_REDSEA_ISO_C: Message(MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN, 'i', 0); break; case FMR_UNMOUNT: Message(MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN, 'u', 0); break; case FMR_MAKE_REDSEA_ISO_C: Message(MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN, 'm', 0); break; case FMR_BURN_ISO: Message(MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN, 'B', 0); break; case FMR_HELP: Message(MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN, CH_CTRLM, 0x43200000432); break; } } U8 *fm_mouse_str = NULL; U0 (*fp_old_final_screen_update)(CDC *dc); U0 FMFinalScreenUpdate(CDC *dc) { if (fm_mouse_str) { dc->color = LTRED; GrPrint(dc, mouse.pos.x, mouse.pos.y, "%s", fm_mouse_str); } (*fp_old_final_screen_update)(dc); } public U8 *FileMgr(I64 mode=FM_NORMAL, CTask *mem_task=NULL) {//File manager. Also, used to choose files and dirs. CDirEntry *head = NULL, *tmpde, *tmpde1, *tmpde2; I64 sc, ch, arg1, arg2, message_code; CDoc *doc = NULL, *old_put_doc = DocPut, *old_display_doc = DocDisplay; U8 *res = NULL, *st, *st2, *old_cur_dir = DirCur; CDocEntry *doc_ce = NULL, *doc_e; Bool okay; SettingsPush; //See SettingsPush fp_old_final_screen_update = gr.fp_final_screen_update; MenuFilePush("::/Doc/FileMgrPullDown.DD"); FMRebuildDoc(&doc, &head, mode); if (tmpde1 = Cd2DirEntry(head, old_cur_dir)) doc->cur_entry = tmpde1->user_data; while (tmpde1) { if (tmpde1->attr & RS_ATTR_DIR) tmpde1->user_data(CDocEntry *)->de_flags &= ~DOCEF_CHECKED_COLLAPSED; tmpde1 = tmpde1->parent; } do { DocUnlock(doc); do message_code = MessageGet(&arg1, &arg2, 1 << MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN | 1 << MESSAGE_MS_L_DOWN | 1 << MESSAGE_MS_L_UP | 1 << MESSAGE_MS_R_UP); while (Fs != sys_focus_task); DocLock(doc); switch (message_code) { case MESSAGE_MS_R_UP: DocUnlock(doc); FMRightClick; DocLock(doc); break; case MESSAGE_MS_L_DOWN: doc_ce = doc->cur_entry; fm_mouse_str = doc_ce->tag; gr.fp_final_screen_update = &FMFinalScreenUpdate; break; case MESSAGE_MS_L_UP: if (doc_ce) { gr.fp_final_screen_update = fp_old_final_screen_update; if (WinCursorPosSet(Fs, arg1 + Fs->pix_left + Fs->scroll_x, arg2 + Fs->pix_top + Fs->scroll_y, TRUE)) { doc_e = doc->cur_entry; if (doc_e != doc_ce) { st2 = NULL; if (doc_e->type_u8 == DOCT_MENU_VAL) { tmpde1 = doc_e->user_data; if (tmpde1 = tmpde1->parent) st2 = StrNew(tmpde1->full_name); } else if (doc_e->type_u8 == DOCT_TREE) { tmpde1 = doc_e->user_data; st2 = StrNew(tmpde1->full_name); } if (st2 && doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_MENU_VAL) { tmpde = doc_ce->user_data; Silent; Move(tmpde->full_name, st2); Silent(OFF); FMRebuildDoc(&doc, &head, mode); } else if (st2 && doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_TREE) { tmpde = doc_ce->user_data; okay = TRUE; tmpde2 = tmpde1; while (tmpde2) { if (tmpde2 != tmpde) tmpde2 = tmpde2->parent; else { okay = FALSE; break; } } if (okay) { if (*tmpde1->name) st = MStrPrint("%s/%s", tmpde1->full_name, tmpde->name); else st = MStrPrint("%s%s", tmpde1->full_name, tmpde->name); if (StrCompare(tmpde->full_name, st)) { Silent; CopyTree(tmpde->full_name, st); DelTree(tmpde->full_name); Silent(OFF); FMRebuildDoc(&doc, &head, mode); } Free(st); } } Free(st2); FlushMessages; } else if (doc_e->type_u8 == DOCT_MENU_VAL) { DocUnlock(doc); Ed(doc_e->user_data(CDirEntry *)->full_name); DocLock(doc); } doc_ce = NULL; } } break; case MESSAGE_KEY_DOWN: doc_ce = NULL; ch = arg1; sc = arg2; if (sc.u8[0] == SC_DELETE && !(sc & (SCF_SHIFT | SCF_CTRL))) ch = CH_CTRLY; if (ch && sc & SCF_ALT) goto fm_regular_key; switch (ch) { case '\n': DocUnlock(doc); FMRightClick; DocLock(doc); break; start: DocUnlock(doc); case CH_CTRLV: FMCopy(doc); break; case 'r': FMRename(doc); break; case 'd': FMMkDir(doc); break; case CH_CTRLY: FMDelete(doc); break; case 'c': FMChangeDisk(doc); break; case 'i': FMMountISO(doc); break; case 'u': FMUnmount(doc); break; case 'm': FMMakeISO(doc); break; case 'B': FMBurnISO(doc); break; case 'f': FMFormatDrive(doc); break; end: FMRebuildDoc(&doc, &head, mode); break; case CH_SHIFT_ESC: break; case CH_SPACE: if (doc->cur_entry->type_u8 == DOCT_MENU_VAL) { DocUnlock(doc); Ed(doc->cur_entry->user_data(CDirEntry *)->full_name); DocLock(doc); } else goto fm_regular_key; break; case CH_ESC: doc_ce = doc->cur_entry; tmpde = doc_ce->user_data; if (mode == FM_PICK_FILE && doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_MENU_VAL) res = StrNew(tmpde->full_name, mem_task); else if (mode == FM_PICK_DIR) { if (doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_TREE) res = StrNew(tmpde->full_name, mem_task); else if (doc_ce->type_u8 == DOCT_MENU_VAL && (tmpde = tmpde->parent)) res = StrNew(tmpde->full_name, mem_task); } break; default: if (sc.u8[0] == SC_INS && sc & SCF_SHIFT && !(sc & SCF_CTRL)) { FMCopy(doc); FMRebuildDoc(&doc, &head, mode); } else if (sc.u8[0] == SC_F5) { if (doc->cur_entry->type_u8 == DOCT_MENU_VAL) { tmpde = doc->cur_entry->user_data; DocUnlock(doc); if (sc & SCF_SHIFT) SysFile(tmpde->full_name); else PopUpFile(tmpde->full_name); DocLock(doc); } } else { fm_regular_key: DocUnlock(doc); PutKey(ch, sc); DocLock(doc); } } break; } } while (ch != CH_ESC && ch != CH_SHIFT_ESC); gr.fp_final_screen_update = fp_old_final_screen_update; Fs->put_doc = old_put_doc; Fs->display_doc = old_display_doc; SettingsPop; DocDel(doc); DirTreeDel(head); Cd(old_cur_dir); Free(old_cur_dir); if (mode != FM_NORMAL && !res) res = StrNew("", mem_task); MenuPop; return res; }