I64 global_r[4][4];

U0 DrawIt(CTask *, CDC *dc)
        I64 *old_r = dc->r;

        dc->thick       = 2;
        dc->color       = RED;
        dc->x           = 200;
        dc->y           = 200;
        dc->flags       |= DCF_TRANSFORMATION;
        DCMat4x4Set(dc, global_r); //This assigns to dc->r and sets r_norm.
        GrLine3(dc, -100, -100, -100,  -100,  100, -100);
        GrLine3(dc, -100,  100, -100,   100,  100, -100);
        GrLine3(dc,  100,  100, -100,   100, -100, -100);
        GrLine3(dc,  100, -100, -100,  -100, -100, -100);
        GrLine3(dc, -100, -100,  100,  -100,  100,  100);
        GrLine3(dc, -100,  100,  100,   100,  100,  100);
        GrLine3(dc,  100,  100,  100,   100, -100,  100);
        GrLine3(dc,  100, -100,  100,  -100, -100,  100);
        GrLine3(dc, -100, -100,  100,  -100, -100, -100);
        GrLine3(dc, -100,  100,  100,  -100,  100, -100);
        GrLine3(dc,  100,  100,  100,   100,  100, -100);
        GrLine3(dc,  100, -100,  100,   100, -100, -100);
        dc->r = old_r;

U0 Box()
        F64 theta = 0, phi = 0, omega = 0, s = 1, s1 = 1.05;
        SettingsPush; //See SettingsPush
        Fs->draw_it = &DrawIt;
        while (!CharScan)
                Mat4x4RotZ(global_r, theta);
                Mat4x4RotX(global_r, phi);
                Mat4x4RotZ(global_r, omega);
                Mat4x4Scale(global_r, s);

                theta += 2 * pi / 70;
                phi += 2 * pi / 90;
                omega += 2 * pi / 110;
                s *= s1;
                if (!(0.2 < s < 1.4))
                        s1 = 1 / s1;
