/* Kernel ASM symbols. $LK,"KernelB",A="FF:::/Kernel/Kernel.PRJ,KernelB"$ Kernel.PRJ $LK,"KernelB",A="FF:::/Compiler/Compiler.PRJ,KernelB"$ Compiler.PRJ $LK,"KernelB",A="FF:::/StartOS.ZC,KernelB"$ StartOS.ZC */ #help_index "Bit" #help_file "::/Doc/Bit" public _intern IC_BSF I64 Bsf(I64 bit_field_val); //Scan forward from lowest for 1st set. -1 if not found. public _intern IC_BSR I64 Bsr(I64 bit_field_val); //Scan rev from highest for 1st set. -1 if not found. //public _intern IC_BT Bool Bt( U8 *bit_field, I64 bit); //Bit test. public _intern IC_BTC Bool Btc( U8 *bit_field, I64 bit); //Bit test and complement (same as xor with 1). //public _intern IC_BTR Bool Btr( U8 *bit_field, I64 bit); //Bit test and reset to zero. //public _intern IC_BTS Bool Bts( U8 *bit_field, I64 bit); //Bit test and set to one. // TODO FIXME DEBUG: Fix ICBitOps bugs when using on bare metal into PCI device memory-mapped areas. // Temporarily manually defining functions for Bt, Btr, and Bts below. // (certain Bt(), Btr(), and Bts() on AHCI memory areas using variable (reg, not imm) bit param // caused strange crashes on a Ryzen with Gigabyte brand motherboard, all PCI devices AMD brand. // Bit test compiler implementation needs to be researched to fix those bugs.) Bool Bt(U8 *bit_field, I64 bit) { U32 *chunk = bit_field; chunk += (bit / 32); U64 chunk_bit = 1 << (bit % 32); return (*chunk & chunk_bit) >> (bit % 32); } Bool Btr(U8 *bit_field, I64 bit) { U32 *chunk = bit_field; chunk += (bit / 32); U64 chunk_bit = 1 << (bit % 32); Bool result = (*chunk & chunk_bit) >> (bit % 32); *chunk &= ~(chunk_bit); return result; } Bool Bts(U8 *bit_field, I64 bit) { U32 *chunk = bit_field; chunk += (bit / 32); U64 chunk_bit = 1 << (bit % 32); Bool result = (*chunk & chunk_bit) >> (bit % 32); *chunk |= chunk_bit; return result; } public _intern IC_LBTC Bool LBtc( U8 *bit_field, I64 bit); //Locked bit test and complement (xor with 1). public _intern IC_LBTR Bool LBtr( U8 *bit_field, I64 bit); //Locked bit test and reset to zero. public _intern IC_LBTS Bool LBts( U8 *bit_field, I64 bit); //Locked bit test and set to one. public _intern IC_POPCNT I64 PopCount(I64 bit_field_val); //Count number of set bits in number. public _extern _BEQUAL Bool BEqual( U8 *bit_field, I64 bit, Bool val);//Set bit equal to value. public _extern _LBEQUAL Bool LBEqual( U8 *bit_field, I64 bit, Bool val); //Locked Set bit equal to value. public _extern _BIT_FIELD_EXT_U32 U32 BFieldExtU32(U8 *bit_field, I64 bit, I64 size); //Extract U32 from bit field. public _extern _BIT_FIELD_OR_U32 U0 BFieldOrU32( U8 *bit_field, I64 bit, U32 pattern); //Or U32 into bit field. #help_index "Boot" _extern MEM_BOOT_BASE U32 mem_boot_base; _extern SYS_BOOT_BLK U32 sys_boot_blk; _extern SYS_BOOT_PATCH_TABLE_BASE U32 sys_boot_patch_table_base; _extern SYS_BOOT_SRC U32 sys_boot_src; _extern SYS_RUN_LEVEL U32 sys_run_level; #help_index "Call" public _extern _CALL I64 Call(U8 *machine_code); //Call address with no args. public _extern _CALLEXTSTR I64 CallExtStr(/*argpop*/U8 *name, ...);//Search sym table for function and pass it args. //Can have any fixed number of arguments. public _extern _CALL_IND I64 CallInd(/*argpop*/I64 (*fp_addr)(...), ...); //Call with fixed number of args. #help_index "Call/System Extern Num" public _extern SYS_EXTERN_TABLE /*argpop*/ I64 (**ext)(...); //Array of function pointers. See $LK,"Extern Num Definitions",A="MN:EXT_EXTS_NUM"$ public _extern _CALLEXTNUM I64 CallExtNum(I64 num, ...); //Call ext num with fixed number of args. #help_index "Char/Conversion" public _intern IC_TOUPPER I64 ToUpper(U8 ch); //Convert char to upper case. #help_index "Char/Operations" public _intern IC_STRLEN I64 StrLen(U8 *st); //String length. #help_index "Data Types/Circular Queue" #help_file "::/Doc/Queue" public _intern IC_QUEUE_INIT U0 QueueInit(CQueue *head); //Init queue head links. public _intern IC_QUEUE_INSERT U0 QueueInsert( CQueue *entry, CQueue *pred);//Insert item into que after predecessor. public _intern IC_QUEUE_INSERT_REV U0 QueueInsertRev(CQueue *entry, CQueue *succ); //Revd insert into que. //Ins item into que before successor. public _intern IC_QUEUE_REMOVE U0 QueueRemove( CQueue *entry); //Remove item from queue. #help_index "I/O;Processor/IO Port" public _intern IC_IN_U16 U16 InU16( I64 port); //Read U16 from I/O port. public _intern IC_IN_U32 U32 InU32( I64 port); //Read U32 from I/O port. public _intern IC_IN_U8 U8 InU8( I64 port); //Read U8 from I/O port. public _intern IC_OUT_U16 U0 OutU16(I64 port, I64 val); //Write U16 to I/O port. public _intern IC_OUT_U32 U0 OutU32(I64 port, I64 val); //Write U32 to I/O port. public _intern IC_OUT_U8 U0 OutU8( I64 port, I64 val); //Write U8 to I/O port. public _extern _REP_IN_U16 U0 RepInU16( U8 *buf, I64 count, I64 port); //Repeated read U16 from I/O port. public _extern _REP_IN_U32 U0 RepInU32( U8 *buf, I64 count, I64 port); //Repeated read U32 from I/O port. public _extern _REP_IN_U8 U0 RepInU8( U8 *buf, I64 count, I64 port); //Repeated read U8 from I/O port. public _extern _REP_OUT_U16 U0 RepOutU16(U8 *buf, I64 count, I64 port); //Repeated write U16 to I/O port. public _extern _REP_OUT_U32 U0 RepOutU32(U8 *buf, I64 count, I64 port); //Repeated write U32 to I/O port. public _extern _REP_OUT_U8 U0 RepOutU8( U8 *buf, I64 count, I64 port); //Repeated write U8 to I/O port. #help_index "Math" public _intern IC_ATAN F64 ATan(F64 d); //Arc Tan (Inverse Tan). public _intern IC_ABS F64 Abs(F64 d); //Absolute F64. public _intern IC_ABS_I64 I64 AbsI64(I64 i); //Absolute I64. public _intern IC_COS F64 Cos(F64 d); //Cosine. public _intern IC_MAX_I64 I64 MaxI64(I64 n1, I64 n2); //Max of two I64s. public _intern IC_MAX_U64 U64 MaxU64(U64 n1, U64 n2); //Max of two U64s. public _intern IC_MIN_I64 I64 MinI64(I64 n1, I64 n2); //Min of two I64s. public _intern IC_MIN_U64 U64 MinU64(U64 n1, U64 n2); //Min of two U64s. public _intern IC_MOD_U64 U64 ModU64(U64 *q, U64 d); //Div and return U64 Modulo. public _intern IC_SIGN_I64 I64 SignI64(I64 i); //Sign of I64: -1,0,1. public _intern IC_SIN F64 Sin(F64 d); //Sine. public _intern IC_SQR F64 Sqr(F64 d); //Square of F64. public _intern IC_SQR_I64 I64 SqrI64(I64 i); //Square of I64. public _intern IC_SQR_U64 U64 SqrU64(U64 i); //Square of U64. public _intern IC_SQRT F64 Sqrt(F64 d); //Square head of F64. public _intern IC_SWAP_I64 U0 SwapI64(I64 *n1, I64 *n2); //Swap two I64s. Not atomic. public _intern IC_SWAP_U16 U0 SwapU16(U16 *n1, U16 *n2); //Swap two U16s. Not atomic. public _intern IC_SWAP_U32 U0 SwapU32(U32 *n1, U32 *n2); //Swap two U32s. Not atomic. public _intern IC_SWAP_U8 U0 SwapU8(U8 *n1, U8 *n2); //Swap two U8s. Not atomic. public _intern IC_TAN F64 Tan(F64 d); //Tangent. public _intern IC_TO_BOOL Bool ToBool(I64 i); //Convert to Boolean. public _intern IC_TO_F64 F64 ToF64(I64 i); //Convert to F64. public _intern IC_TO_I64 I64 ToI64(F64 d); //Convert to I64. Truncates. public _extern _ARG F64 Arg(F64 x, F64 y); //Polar coordinate angle. public _extern _CEIL F64 Ceil(F64 d); //Ceiling of F64. public _extern _CLAMP_I64 I64 ClampI64(I64 num, I64 lo, I64 hi); //Clamp to I64 [] range. public _extern _CLAMP_U64 U64 ClampU64(U64 num, U64 lo, U64 hi); //Clamp to U64 [] range. public _extern _EXP F64 Exp(F64 d); //Exponential function. _extern _FCLEX U0 Fclex(); _extern _FLDCW U0 Fldcw(U16 w); public _extern _FLOOR F64 Floor(F64 d); //Floor of F64. _extern _FSTCW U16 Fstcw(); _extern _FSTSW U16 Fstsw(); public _extern _LN F64 Ln(F64 d); //Logarithm. public _extern _LOG10 F64 Log10(F64 d); //Log base 10. public _extern _LOG2 F64 Log2(F64 d); //Log base 2. public _extern _POW F64 Pow(F64 base, F64 power); //F64 base to a power. public _extern _POW10 F64 Pow10(F64 d); //Ten to the dth power. public _extern _ROUND F64 Round(F64 d); //Round F64 to whole number. public _extern _SIGN F64 Sign(F64 d); //Sign of F64: -1,0,1 public _extern _TRUNC F64 Trunc(F64 d); //Truncate F64. #help_index "Math/CD3;Data Types/CD3" #help_file "::/Doc/D3" public _extern _D3_ADD CD3 *D3Add( CD3 *sum, CD3 *d1, CD3 *d2); //sum=d1+d2 public _extern _D3_ADD_EQU CD3 *D3AddEqu(CD3 *sum, CD3 *d); //sum+=d public _extern _D3_COPY CD3 *D3Copy(CD3 *dst, CD3 *src); //dst=src public _extern _D3_CROSS CD3 *D3Cross(CD3 *prod, CD3 *d1, CD3 *d2); //prod=d1xd2 public _extern _D3_DIST F64 D3Dist( CD3 *d1, CD3 *d2); //Distance public _extern _D3_DIST_SQR F64 D3DistSqr(CD3 *d1, CD3 *d2); //Distance Squared public _extern _D3_DIV CD3 *D3Div( CD3 *quot, CD3 *d, F64 s); //quot=d/s public _extern _D3_DIV_EQU CD3 *D3DivEqu(CD3 *quot, F64 s); //quot/=s public _extern _D3_DOT F64 D3Dot(CD3 *d1, CD3 *d2); //d1 dot d2 public _extern _D3_EQU CD3 *D3Equ(CD3 *dst, F64 x=0, F64 y=0, F64 z=0); //dst=(x, y,z) public _extern _D3_MUL CD3 *D3Mul( CD3 *prod, F64 s, CD3 *d); //prod=s*d public _extern _D3_MUL_EQU CD3 *D3MulEqu(CD3 *prod, F64 s); //prod*=s public _extern _D3_NORM F64 D3Norm(CD3 *d); //Norm public _extern _D3_NORM_SQR F64 D3NormSqr(CD3 *d); //Norm Squared public _extern _D3_SUB CD3 *D3Sub( CD3 *diff, CD3 *d1, CD3 *d2); //diff=d1-d2 public _extern _D3_SUB_EQU CD3 *D3SubEqu(CD3 *diff, CD3 *d); //diff-=d public _extern _D3_UNIT CD3 *D3Unit(CD3 *d); //To unit vect public _extern _D3_ZERO CD3 *D3Zero(CD3 *dst); //To zero #help_index "Memory" public _extern _MEMCOMPARE I64 MemCompare(U8 *ptr1, U8 *ptr2, I64 count); //Compare chunk of memory. public _extern _MEMCOPY U8 *MemCopy(U8 *dst, U8 *src, I64 count); //Copy chunk of memory. Only goes forward. public _extern _MEMSET U8 *MemSet( U8 *dst, I64 val, I64 count); //Set chunk of U8s to value. public _extern _MEMSET_I64 I64 *MemSetI64(I64 *dst, I64 val, I64 I64count); //Set chunk of I64s to value. public _extern _MEMSET_U16 U16 *MemSetU16(U16 *dst, I64 val, I64 U16count); //Set chunk of U16s to value. public _extern _MEMSET_U32 U32 *MemSetU32(U32 *dst, I64 val, I64 U32count); //Set chunk of U32s to value. _extern SYS_HEAP_DEBUG_FLAG U8 sys_heap_debug; _extern SYS_HEAP_INIT_FLAG U8 sys_heap_init_flag; _extern SYS_HEAP_INIT_VAL U8 sys_heap_init_val; _extern SYS_MEM_INIT_FLAG U8 sys_mem_init_flag; _extern SYS_MEM_INIT_VAL U8 sys_mem_init_val; _extern SYS_VAR_INIT_FLAG U8 sys_var_init_flag; _extern SYS_VAR_INIT_VAL U8 sys_var_init_val; #help_index "Memory/BlkPool" public _extern SYS_CODE_BP CBlkPool *sys_code_bp; //System's BlkPool for code. public _extern SYS_DATA_BP CBlkPool *sys_data_bp; //System's BlkPool for data. #help_index "Memory/Info" _extern MEM_HEAP_BASE U8 *mem_heap_base; _extern MEM_HEAP_LIMIT U8 *mem_heap_limit; _extern MEM_MAPPED_SPACE U8 *mem_mapped_space; _extern MEM_PHYSICAL_SPACE U8 *mem_physical_space; #help_index "Messages;Windows" public _extern SYS_FOCUS_TASK CTask *sys_focus_task; //Current focus task. #help_index "Misc" public _extern SYS_COMPILE_TIME CDate sys_compile_time; //Date and time kernel was compiled. _extern SYS_CTRL_ALT_FLAGS I64 sys_ctrl_alt_flags[1]; //Should be semiphores? #help_index "Misc/Progress Bars" public _extern SYS_PROGRESS1 I64 progress1; //Current progress 1. public _extern SYS_PROGRESS1_DESC U8 progress1_desc[PROGRESS_DESC_LEN]; //Progress 1 description. public _extern SYS_PROGRESS1_MAX I64 progress1_max; //Progress 1 max. public _extern SYS_PROGRESS1_T0 F64 progress1_t0; //Progress 1 start time. public _extern SYS_PROGRESS1_TF F64 progress1_tf; //Progress 1 end time. public _extern SYS_PROGRESS2 I64 progress2; //Current progress 2. public _extern SYS_PROGRESS2_DESC U8 progress2_desc[PROGRESS_DESC_LEN]; //Progress 2 description. public _extern SYS_PROGRESS2_MAX I64 progress2_max; //Progress 2 max. public _extern SYS_PROGRESS2_T0 F64 progress2_t0; //Progress 2 start time. public _extern SYS_PROGRESS2_TF F64 progress2_tf; //Progress 2 end time. public _extern SYS_PROGRESS3 I64 progress3; //Current progress 3. public _extern SYS_PROGRESS3_DESC U8 progress3_desc[PROGRESS_DESC_LEN]; //Progress 3 description. public _extern SYS_PROGRESS3_MAX I64 progress3_max; //Progress 3 max. public _extern SYS_PROGRESS3_T0 F64 progress3_t0; //Progress 3 start time. public _extern SYS_PROGRESS3_TF F64 progress3_tf; //Progress 3 end time. public _extern SYS_PROGRESS4 I64 progress4; //Current progress 4. public _extern SYS_PROGRESS4_DESC U8 progress4_desc[PROGRESS_DESC_LEN]; //Progress 4 description. public _extern SYS_PROGRESS4_MAX I64 progress4_max; //Progress 4 max. public _extern SYS_PROGRESS4_T0 F64 progress4_t0; //Progress 4 start time. public _extern SYS_PROGRESS4_TF F64 progress4_tf; //Progress 4 end time. public _extern SYS_PROGRESSES CProgress sys_progresses[PROGRESS_BARS_NUM]; //All progress bars. #help_index "MultiCore" #help_file "::/Doc/MultiCore" public _extern SYS_CPU_STRUCTS CCPU *cpu_structs; //$LK,"Gs",A="MN:Gs"$ points to cur $LK,"CCPU",A="MN:CCPU"$. public _extern SYS_MP_COUNT I64 mp_count; //Count of cores _extern SYS_MP_COUNT_INITIAL I64 mp_count_initial; //only used during $LK,"Core0StartMP",A="MN:Core0StartMP"$ _extern SYS_MP_COUNT_LOCK I64 mp_count_lock; _extern SYS_SEMAS CSema sys_semas[SEMA_SEMAS_NUM]; #help_index "MultiCore;Processor" public _intern IC_GS CCPU *Gs(); //GS points to current $LK,"CCPU",A="MN:CCPU"$. #help_index "PCI" public _extern SYS_PCI_BUSES U16 sys_pci_buses; //Number of PCI buses. #help_index "Processor" public _intern IC_CARRY I64 Carry(); //See $LK,"::/Demo/Carry.ZC"$ public _intern IC_RAX_GET I64 RAXGet(); //Get RAX register value. public _intern IC_RBP_GET U8 *RBPGet(); //Get RBP register value. public _intern IC_RFLAGS_GET I64 RFlagsGet(); //Get RFlags register value. public _intern IC_RSP_GET U8 *RSPGet(); //Get RSP register value. public _intern IC_POP I64 Pop(); //Pop value from stack. public _intern IC_PUSH U0 Push(I64 d); //Push value on stack. public _intern IC_RAX_SET U0 RAXSet(I64 d); //Set RAX register value. public _intern IC_RBP_SET U0 RBPSet(U8 *d); //Set RBP register value. public _intern IC_RFLAGS_SET U0 RFlagsSet(I64 d); //Set RFlags register value. public _intern IC_RSP_SET U0 RSPSet(U8 *d); //Set RSP register value. public _extern _CPUID U0 CPUId(U32 rax, CRAXRBXRCXRDX *res); //Do CPUID instruction. public _extern _ENDIAN_U16 U16 EndianU16(U16 val); //Swap big<-->little endian U16. public _extern _ENDIAN_U32 U32 EndianU32(U32 val); //Swap big<-->little endian U32. public _extern _ENDIAN_U64 U64 EndianU64(U64 val); //Swap big<-->little endian U64. public _extern _LXCHG_I64 I64 LXchgI64(I64 *dst, I64 d); //Locked eXchange I64s. public _extern _LXCHG_U16 U16 LXchgU16(U16 *dst, U16 d); //Locked eXchange U16s. public _extern _LXCHG_U32 U32 LXchgU32(U32 *dst, U32 d); //Locked eXchange U32s. public _extern _LXCHG_U8 U8 LXchgU8( U8 *dst, U8 d); //Locked eXchange U8s. public _extern _MSR_READ I64 MSRRead(I64 model_specific_reg); //Model Specific Reg See $LK,"MSRs",A="MN:IA32_EFER"$. public _extern _MSR_WRITE U0 MSRWrite(I64 model_specific_reg, I64 val); //Model Specific Reg See $LK,"MSRs",A="MN:IA32_EFER"$. public _extern _SYS_HLT U0 SysHlt(); //Loops doing HLT instruction. public _extern _XCHG_I64 I64 XchgI64(I64 *dst, I64 d); //eXchange I64s. public _extern _XCHG_U16 U16 XchgU16(U16 *dst, U16 d); //eXchange U16s. public _extern _XCHG_U32 U32 XchgU32(U32 *dst, U32 d); //eXchange U32s. public _extern _XCHG_U8 U8 XchgU8( U8 *dst, U8 d); //eXchange U8s. _extern SYS_GDT CGDT sys_gdt; #help_index "Processor/Cache;Memory/Cache" public _intern IC_CLFLUSH U0 CLFlush(U8 *a); //Flush cache line instruction. public _extern SYS_CACHE_LINE_WIDTH I64 sys_cache_line_width; //CPU's Cache line width. #help_index "Processor/Page Tables;Memory/Page Tables" public _intern IC_INVLPG U0 InvalidatePage(U8 *a); //Invalidate page at addr instruction. public _extern MEM_PAGE_SIZE U64 mem_page_size; #help_index "Task;Processor" public _intern IC_FS CTask *Fs(); //FS segment register points to the current $LK,"CTask",A="MN:CTask"$. #help_index "Time/CPU Cycles" #help_file "::/Doc/TimeCycles" public _intern IC_RDTSC I64 TSCGet(); //Get time stamp counter. #help_index "Graphics/Framebuffer" public _extern SYS_FRAMEBUFFER_ADDR U8 *sys_framebuffer_addr; public _extern SYS_FRAMEBUFFER_WIDTH U64 sys_framebuffer_width; public _extern SYS_FRAMEBUFFER_HEIGHT U64 sys_framebuffer_height; public _extern SYS_FRAMEBUFFER_PITCH U64 sys_framebuffer_pitch; public _extern SYS_FRAMEBUFFER_BPP U8 sys_framebuffer_bpp; _extern SYS_FRAMEBUFFER_LIST CVideoInfo sys_framebuffer_list[VBE_MODES_NUM]; #help_index "Processor/SMBIOS" public _extern SYS_SMBIOS_ENTRY U8 *sys_smbios_entry; #help_index "" public _extern SYS_DISK_UUID U64 sys_disk_uuid[2]; public _extern SYS_IS_UEFI_BOOTED Bool sys_is_uefi_booted; #help_index ""